Masters Running


Sunday...Mother's Day Daily run thread (Read 447 times)

    Vista, etal, Great posts for Mother's Day, and some good runnin'. I called to wish my Mom a happy one, who was unusually inquisitive about my upcoming marathon: asking about my mileage, how I felt, did my shoes feel good. THEN IT HIT ME: this is the same woman who took me to all my X-country and track meets, rain or shine.......doh! So I finally said thanks for that. She then asked me if shoes were still unbearably expensive.....I guess she paid for those, too. What a gal. Oh yeah...did my last long run, 19.33 miles, in a little under three hours, 9:15 pace or thereabouts

    One day at a time

      SirWalksalot, that was nice of you to thank your mother! I wonder if my kids will do that! Actually, they're pretty good about that. My 13-year-old kept INSISTING that he wanted to pay for his new running shoes, but I told him that was the kind of thing his parents would cover. I might have answered differently if I'd known the shoes were going to cost $120!

        Dear Mr. BTB in the fishnet stockings: Yes, I know you can't take it with you, however, this old lady wants to make sure she has enough while she is here. So, I need to be careful as I have champagne tastes and a soda pop budget and sometimes I forget. Big grin Sends my financial adviser into a tizzy it does. And than there's the new running stuff....Many thanks (I forget now who posted that) for the 20% coupon for skirt goddess. I got myself 2 of hopes that I will be running soon. Vista: great way to start us off both days. For me, each day has its own reasons for being special to me, but mostly cause I get to experience them. Happy Mom's day to all of those hard working mothers. I tip my hat to you... Yesterday I did a +/- 2 mile walk in ~35 minutes. I have not worn the strassburg sock the last 2 evenings and today my foot feels ok. I don't like wearing that sock cause it wakes me up in the middle of the night. Well, I am not sure if it is the sock, or the night sweats that wake me up, but when I don't wear the sock I don't remember waking up as often. With sock on 4-6 times, sans sock 1-3 times up at night. The sock has got to go!!! It is raining cats and dogs here now, and is supposed to carry into Monday. I plan on getting out there on Tuesday for my first timed fitness walk in over a month and a half. I hate seeing all those zeros on my training calendar. Mr. Ribs: Whoo hoo on your 11 miler....did you do it all on your tip toes??? Good runs and good day to all

        Trails Rock!


        Half Fanatic #36

          Vista, thank you for your opening post, I'm sure you touched many mothers hearts,mine amongst them! Happy Mother's Day to all, I'm an old mother of 3 young kids and they are for me my greatest accomplishement in life. I realized yesterday, while sitting at dinner with just my DH since all 3 of them were out at soccer camp and other activities, that I will be a very miserable Mom the day they start moving on to college, it just hit me how terribly lonelyI felt without them..ok ,time to pocket the handkie... ..I ran the Kirkland Half this morning and when I got home those same kids hadn't even realized I had been gone.. Francesca
            good runs for all today! 3 easy miles for me back on the Goetzinger traiils. Beautiful weather!
            Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
              Happy Mom's Day to all who observe/celebrate this day. Hang in there to those who feel a bit out of place--it is spring, and tomorrow will be here soon. 13.1 in 1:51 out on a country road (with prairie winds of 20 mph) in 60+ degrees! Red Sox won yesterday and they're on TV again tonight! It's enough to make you lose "Sunday night feeling!" grins, A Sir W--I'm thinking I'll be at your upcoming marathon. What pace you hoping to run?
              Masters 2000 miles
                ....50min track run..........trying an ElastoPlast tape job to see if it's a tendon problem on the hip,,,,,,,the relief was immediate, so I may be onto something here,,,,,,The Experiment continues,,,,,, ...............good running guys...........Hug Yo Mamma Today..........(or someone else's)

                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                  Francesca, your story is hysterical. My two can be like that, only younger. Aamos- I'll be at the VCM, hoping to hit a BQ of 3:20, 7:40-ish pace.
                    Ran for time rather than mileage today, mainly because time before la familia would show up expecting dinner was limited. Managed to run 6.6 and feel pretty good, although I do need to stretch a little more before bed. A good weekend - 10.6 miles yesterday and today - capped off my highest mileage week ever at 21.6. Cut back week coming up, then I hope, no, plan, to make it to 25 mpw by the time school's out. (In 29 days; yep, I'm still counting!) evryday - your pics of the Grand Canyon are beautiful. I especially like the colors in the first one. I have this notion that I'd dry up and blow away if I were more than 100 miles from the ocean, but I'd still love to see the canyon some day. Enke - thanks for mentioning the mothering that even we non-moms can do. I like to think I'm able to do a little of that with my students and even a little more with the godsons. (I'm their parents' favorite babysitter because I'm almost as strict as they are. When the older two boy-os try to pull something over on me, I remind them that I'm not a pushover like grandmama.) I even had a pleasant dinner with my niece's two sometimes-terrors this evening - they've been through a lot with her separation and divorce, and tonight I got a sense that they might be turning a corner. Teresa - whoo hoo on the race! So cool that you did it as a family, and that you were smokin'! perch - Two years ago, I would have looked at someone running in the rain and worried about their sanity. Now it's one of my favorite things. Who knew? Wind is whipping outside my window. Liz - some of what you had in DC today is definitely heading my way. Rain, wind, possible flooding in the forecast for tomorrow. Wish I could take a sick day to hunker down to get some stuff done at home, but it's (the final!!!!) concert week at school, so I have a huge rehearsal first thing tomorrow morning. I hate that this is the way it is, but I can't wait for this horrible school year to be over so that I can decompress, rest, and hopefully start with a renewed sense of excitement in the fall. Eliz


                      Late post after a jam packed weekend...great posts here and a wonderful start Vista. Thank you. Our weekend here was full of baseball, running, a new graduate degree, a marathon moms brunch (long time tradition), a great afternoon with super-granny and lots of other various and sundry activities. Phew! I'll rest at work. Wink The boys are all snoring now and I am in my jammies happily reading all the running sites. Two good runs this weekend for me. 15.2 hilly miles on Saturday out to my son's YMCA day camp in Huntington, MA (1,000 foot elevation change) yee haw! Mellow 6 miler today near the apple orchards in full bloom. I hit 48 miles last week and 46 miles this week.....moving back into the 50s soon and feeling good. Stunning photos here the past few days---post race grins, spectacular canyons, flatlands on a clear blue day, a svelte Teresa, an athletic son who puts Beckham to shame and even a running skirt that almost had my credit card leaping from its safe perch. G'nite all CNYrunner

                      Trails are hard!

                        Vista--the only argument on your wonderful post is that all our posters of female persuasion are goddesses Wink 6.6 on the bike again today after dropping DD off at work. beautiful but cold again (40F) thought I could put away the winter weight gear, but not quite yet. I think I've waited long enough for the shins to feel better--I feel a run coming up sometime soon. Hope it works. Hope we gave DW a happy Mom's day. DD's present was to give her room a good cleaning. Not that it needed it Roll eyes She was amazed at how much space she then had. DS gave her a dozen roses, which both surprised and pleased her. They are so much alike that they seem to be able to push each others buttons easily and regularly. Makes life interesting at times. Then we all had a late afternoon gorging at CheesecakeFactory. Kevin

                        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                          .... After about 2 miles, the trail seduced me and I lost my willpower not to run. So I ran with abandon in short spurts down gnarly paths and gentle ones as well. The new trails shoes worked fine. ......
                          Big grinBig grinBig grin The day started off nice weather-wise. Image and video hosting by TinyPic I thought we were gonna miss the 10th of May cold spell. Infact, dogwoods are still holding bloom in places. It's just been a great flower season around here. Thought I'd try the FiveFingers KSO (Vibram toe shoes) in some new areas today. I biked 10 miles to the other side of Damascus and a thunderstorm hit, then three more miles to Straight Branch and locked it up. The sky was clearing up by then. Headed south up Fork Mountain across Whitetop Laurel Creek. There were no trails, just some aninmal trails here and there until you get close the top. Then there are segments of old logging roads, probably from horse and mule days. The forest was open and an easy walk so long as you stay on the ridge. About 1300' of climb in 2miles. I'd never seen wild purple rhodedendron at this elevation, about 2600'. Image and video hosting by TinyPic When I got to the top thought I'd find a USGS marker but never did. I did find some ribbon on the ground the only human-made detritus I'd seen. Thought it was from some helium balloons, but didn't see any remnants attached. Just 50 yds away, I found a piece of old mylar balloon -had been there at least a year. Do you know what was printed on it? HAPPY MOM'S DAY I kid you not. As you might guess, I built one of these. Image and video hosting by TinyPic I came off the wrong ridge, but only missed my entry point by a mile Blush I slogged a mile back to the bike and rode home wet and cold, but reasonably energetic. The shoes did fine in the mountain, but the terrain was so soft it was like walking on a feather bed. They were fine on the bike until the grade started up, and then I noticed some numbness, similar to what happens to me on long elliptical sessions. Coming back they were wet, the temps had dropped to the 60s(?) and the feet got cold. Nice day overall, jjj
                          Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.
                            Happy Mother's Day to all!! I'm still here even tho not posting much - just isn't the same when you can't run, but i'm hoping to be back at it soon and I love reading the dailies,just don't always have something to add Vista - thanks for the beautiful post to start the day!! SR - great 11 miler!! evrydy and JJJ - beautiful pics!! Holly - i can't imagine you anything less than amazing with your children erika - great shot of your son cnyrunner - busy weekend!! despite the morning glitch of a refrigerator that decided to was a wonderful day!! All 4 of my boys did exactly like i asked and kept the day totally free so we could all travel to the Cape and spend the afternoon with my in-laws..........besides my oldest son and I visiting them in Feb. when i went down to run the Hyannis 1/2, we hadn't spent any time with them since October - my FIL is 80 and gallbladder surgery in Dec. has weakened him and my MIL is a couple years younger --- it was wonderful spending the afternoon with them -- just what i felt we needed for Mother's Day SIL lives on the Cape as well and she came over to visit while we were we are all home, the menfolk are sleeping and i'm just happy! tomorrow i get to extend Mother's Day by having lunch with my mom and my sister who is my best friend in the whole really doesn't get much better and i thank God for these gifts!! Sleep well my friends!




                              Well, I had a great hike today with DD and the dogs. DH has a sore spot on the ball of his right foot, so he stayed home. We drove down the canyon almost to the flatlands, to a trail called Mt Galbraith. We go there every year for mother's day because it's warmer down there and the flowers and trees are coming out. It's still cold at home, and the trails are snow covered up here. The trail is steep and rocky with nice views. Probably about 5 miles total. Then we went to town and had sandwiches and ice cream, did some grocery shopping, and came home. It was dinner time by then, so I didn't get out for a run till 8 pm, and only went 3 miles before it got too dark. Oh, well, I wanted to do 5 but had a good day anyway. Teresa, congrats on the weight loss and big 8 minute PR in your race! Vista, I didn't bite my lip when DD dyed her hair purple - I helped her. It was fun! Well, it was only purple streaks, not totally purple. Jlynne, hugs to you and your difficult son. I'm sure your support means a lot to him even if he doesn't know it right now. Good luck on your half next week. Tall, that's cool that your girls are friends with Topdown's daughter. Are they close in age? Evryday, cool pictures! I've never been to the Grand Canyon but would like to hike down and camp at the bottom some day. But DH isn't really interested, so maybe I'll talk DD into it. Or as I recall Munch wanted to go, so maybe we could plan a boomer trip there? PDR, running, napping, and messing around in your garden sounds like life is good, indeed. Enjoy! Perch, I liked your story about the runner drinking sports drink in the pouring rain, and saying this is great. Nice 18 miler - hope your Garmin is fixable! Dave59 - what's this about a 7 mile death march yesterday? Did I miss something? Erika, what a good looking son! Hope his team isn't too bummed about losing, or the parents either. Sometimes it's the parents who take it too seriously... Holly, don't be so hard on yourself. Sometimes you learn from bad role models how NOT to do things. Your stories about your kids are delightful and your love for them shows. Enke, sounds like a nice trail for a race next week. Have fun! Bruce, nice 10 miler and 40 mile week! I didn't even quite make 30 miles this week, as I ran out of time today, so you're probably way ahead of me on the 1000 mile chart. I'll have to do better next week. Spareribs, congrats on the 11 miler. So glad to hear you're recovered! Where did you do a hilly run if it's flat there? SirWalksalot, you really need to change your handle! You're too fast for a name like that. Nice long run. Nice of you to thank your mom for all the running shoes she bought you. I remember after my daughter was born I told my mom I had never fully appreciated all she had done for me before. Eliz, nice long mileage week for you! Hope you survive the busy concert season. DD has a couple of band concerts and awards dinners this week and next, so I imagine it's like that at schools everywhere at the end of the year. CNYrunner, what did your DH get his PhD in? Sounds like a busy weekend and somehow you fit in a lot of running too. Helps that you're so fast. JJJ, thanks for the great pictures. Your adventures always sound so cool. Deez4boyz, sounds like a great family trip to the cape. You're so lucky you have family close by who you like spending time with. That seems more rare today than even a generation ago. My family all live hundreds or thousands of miles away, and even though we all get along great, we don't see each other very often. G'night all.

                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                ..I ran the Kirkland Half this morning
                                Nice goin' Franci but maybe did you forget that we have our first 12-our run challenge at the Redmond Watershed in six days. Maybe you should stop reading mariposai's posts for a while. - taper boy jon ps to evan - please tell DH that I saw some like that today! Maybe they are on their way up there too!Smile

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
