Masters Running


Wednesday March 26 Runs (Read 634 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    Two important (to me) editorial comments first: 1) Tim, I am glad that workout helped you, but I agree you won't know if it did or not until two days from now. Just a reminder that my advice was to do about 4 x 200 with complete recovery just to shake the legs out because I suspected you were stale, but your final mile at 5:55 which left you breathless, and as you say, determined to finish, may have been a bit much. KSrunner, who is a very strong runner by the way, suggested a bit more aggressive speed than I did. I just wanted to put all this in perspective, that particularly in marathon training, very high speed is quite risky, and the risk/reward from it late in training often makes it counterproductive. Late in the marathon training is a very vulnerable time and you run the risk, as Ron Daws says, of being "the healthiest guy in the bleachers on race day." That said, I like to see tempo runs at a moderate pace, and solid MP runs, but fast speed on a track or otherwise can be dangerous
    Thanks Ribs for your greatly respected advice and concern....and sooo happy you are running again Smile You may not know this, but I am not even training for a Marathon right now, but kind of doing a dry run of sorts for a fall first. Plus, I just love running long distances and have decided to devote this season to running instead of Triathlons (will probably still do my local 1/2 Ironman in July though) I already have several race series I am running....5K's, 10K's, and 1/2 Marathons leading up to a Fall Marathon. I have my first 5K in about a couple of weeks that I want to PR, so I needed to run some miles in the 5:55 to 6:30 pace to get my legs used to a quicker turn over than I have been doing. Will last nights run help with my sluggish legs as of late???..... did feel good going fast again though Smile Thanks, Tim

    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


    One day at a time

      Erika, good luck to your son (I think Wink). I forgot that h is so close in age to mine - he turns 16 on July 14. He hasn't even started driving lessons, because he wasn't that interested. I signed up him for August. I don't think I will be ready for him to get his license even next year!

      King of PhotoShop

        Tim, I thought you were in marathon training! Forget all that stuff in that case. Run how you feel. And you did have a great workout yesterday. (Jealous me!) BTB, I deeply appreciate that "day off" advice. Fact is, I had been taking days off, just until I was sure I wasn't feeling pain. The goal is to do 3.3 on dirt through Sunday, then take Monday off. What I am doing that keeps me on the cautious side is very careful monitoring of the foot for the rest of the day. Even a little twinge around dinner or evening time will definitely cause me to scratch the next day's workout. I have been on the DL too long to mess around. And thanks for your good advice; I would have said the same to someone else. Boss to employee who shows up late for work: "You should have been here at 8 o'clock!" Employee: "Why, what happened at 8 o'clock?" Spareribs
          Did anyone notice that CNYrunner and Perch ran almost identical distances & paces today? CNY - 10 miles in 1:21 (8:08 pace) Perch - 10.2 miles in 1:23:12 (8:08 pace) Lynden - 8 miles (8:09 pace) I did 10 miles on the TM, as it was a bit too windy, rainy and cold for my liking. It felt pretty good. 4 miles easy @ 10:42 2 miles tempo @ 8:34 4 miles easy @ 10:42 I was in a hot zone in the gym, so by the end of my tempo segment my face was beet BEET red. Like this Embarrassed One of the trainers walked by and looked at me and I could tell from his nervous expression that he was thinking "Oh my God, I hope I can remember my CPR training today!" Yes, I miss Tramps and Dark Horse. I saw a cheesy-looking book at the 1/2 price bookstore yesterday entitled "The Dark Horse". It was discounted down to a whole $1.00. I was very tempted to buy it and send it to it's name sake, but....where is he anyway? It would be nice when people drop out of the forum if they gave a reason such as: 1. I am really busy with work right now 2. My personal life is a mess so I need to focus on that right now 3. I am injured and depressed so you can understand I can't even relate to your happy runs anymore 4. My computer broke 5. I have found another forum, but I swear it's just a physical relationship, I'm not emotionally involved. Wink Good day all!

          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


            No run today but just had to say - nice photo WRFB. Reminds me of the falcon that was in the small tree across the street from my house "playing" with a squirrel.

              good afternoon/evening, folks! Smile Tammy- when a body is in motion, it wants to stay in motion. With two days off, maybe it was going into hybernation mode. I'll be curious to hear how your run went today. Thanks for the will wishes! evanflein- That is one of my favorite Tigger-isms! Smile Thank YOU! 8% grade??? That's insane! Heartbreak hill will be a mere slight incline for you. Happy BD to your son! 16 sure does seem young to be driving, doesn't it? Unless you're the one who's 16 that is. nonoruns- massage report please! You been icing/massaging it on your own, right? Smile deez4boyz- don't you hate those bathroom breaks! i had 2 beautiful babies last night - one at the beginning of my shift and one near the end - i absolutely love 2 baby nights!! I think you need to clarify that statement please! Wink I still don't know how you can motivate yourself to work out after all you do. Well done. I have no plans for Sunday afternoon/evening, so your company would be very welcome. Just nothing too crazy! Ribs- just making sure you were listening. I know you know when to say when. Continued good luck to you. enke- good observation! I've kinda noticed that many peoples workouts are similar on some days. Maybe Perch, CNY and Lynden are all one in the same... I hate those cooker days on the treadmill. You did very well running in the oven. Had my acupuncture appointment. This guy is pretty amazing to me. He's a wellness guru and a certified fitness trainer, and most of his stuff seems like voodoo to me. I first went to him two years ago for a herniated disc in my lower back. The thing that struck me about him back then, and also this time that I went, is that nobody asks why you are there. He puts you through a series of bizarre tests to check your entire body's function, because he believes everything is related. One thing out of whack leads to other things being out of whack. He treats the source and the symptoms. Damned if he didn't zero in on my problem, within 5 minutes he said "your right adductor is a mess, and it's locking up the whole right side of your body." I ended up with needles in my right foot and my left hand, and lasers pointed at my adductor muscle. He also gave me some stuff called Rhus Tox to take. I wasn't sure what that was, but Google tells me it's a component of poison ivy. We'll see. This is an all out war to get this thing better. Off to the gym to do some ellipticalling. I hope everyone's day was tiggeriffic! Smile

                hi! not much time, but if I don't post I'll lose the habit... good luck Steve!!!! btb, I hope it helps. so glad to hear you're doing all those things to treat this.. pilates & yoga this imorning. I was doing eod on the treadmill... outside is calling, but I'm still a little concerned about the hills. then last week I overdid again, & so waited a few days for things to chill. then, trying to fix my hip, I hurt my AT. (really).. but I don't think it's too bad. that's more or less the status quo. continued effort to catch up! gotta run. good everythings to everyone.

                  Easy-paced recovery run after yesterday - 6.0 mi ... 59:10 ...9:51 pace ...142 hr. SR - thanks for a very sound piece of advice that is worth repeating .... "… that particularly in marathon training, very high speed is quite risky, and the risk/reward from it late in training often makes it counterproductive. Late in the marathon training is a very vulnerable time and you run the risk, as Ron Daws says, of being "the healthiest guy in the bleachers on race day." That said, I like to see tempo runs at a moderate pace, and solid MP runs, but fast speed on a track or otherwise can be dangerous.” Have a great evening everyone! PJ
                    BtB acupuncture and massage , seems like you are trying everything. Time is probably the best healer but anything to hurry up the progress is great. I have thought about getting a massage after one of my 20 milers as a sort of reward and also to see if it makes a difference. Ribs like everyone else I am glad to not only see you running again but doing it the Ribs way ( Calculated and intellegently. Good luck. I ran 8 miles in just under 1:15:00 so about 9:30 pace. Probably my MP if I am lucky. I have to decide if i am running in a local 1/2 mary this weekend. If so do I go for MP 9:30 or maybe a little faster? I am quite cofused at what my paces are at these longer distances At the beginning of marathon training what seemed doable I am backing off from. I don't want to go all out this weekend and try for a really good time in the half , do I ? On the other hand I was thinking it is a good spot in my training to see if I can hold a steady MP or better in a racing situation. Any thoughts would be appriciated. Good runs everyone

                    Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down


                      ... and most of his stuff seems like voodoo to me. ...
                      he doesn't happen to have a little doll that looks like you does he? with maybe a couple needles poked in your head and about 6 needles poked in your body? if so, then it's got to make you wonder .... or maybe he just likes to play cootie too Clowning around



                        Evening gang..... Did a nice 3 ish in 13 ish m/m. Foot seems ok, not perfect, but ok. It was a beautiful, balmy 70 degrees tonight when I went running. Shorts, was nice. I must say this old gal didn't look too bad in them as I am minus those 10 lbs that I gained from June to December. Cherry blossoms are beginning to burst forth all over the place, and so will the tourists. The Cherry Blossom festival will begin on Saturday and run for a week. During this time over a million people will descend on DC (DC is not that big a city). It gets freaking nuts and I stay as far away from the blossom peeping as possible. I have started wearing my running shoes everywhere. I am hoping this will help the healing. However, this has caused quite a stir in the office as it is a place were folks generally dress professionally and running shoes are out of place. Because I am old, I don't care. Fashion be gone...I will go for comfort!! I do have some office shoes in my gov't issued cubicle just in case that VIP situation occurs and office shoes are a must. BTB: massage and acupuncture...nice, very nice. Ribs: I hope you have continued success with your recovery. We will find something else to chat about during dinner.... SteveP: If this is your job, you will get it. If you don't get it, there is another job out there for you, you will find it. Of course we all know that they would be lucky to have you. Did you wear your bat shirt to the interview so they know you have super powers??? WRFB: very nice pics...thanks I am grateful for all that post here. Good runs and good night......

                        Trails Rock!

                          WRFB - great pics btb - Glad you updated us on the accupuncture. Given the location of your injury, the though of needles creeped me out even more than usual. In terms of me getting up at 4:00, yeah, right. Five is hard enough and that's to get me to work in time to get some things done before the first rehearsal at 7:15. Besides, I'm askeeerd of running in the pre-dawn dark in my neighborhood. Enough people out and about in the evening darkness to make me feel safe; too creepy before dawn. deez4 - slept in car before the gym - now there's dedication! Didn't sleep well at all last night, so I'm over caffeinated and still tired today. Must be why I felt like I was dragging myself through every step of 4 miles at an even slower than usual pace. Glad to have gotten out there, though. Time to get my act together for tomorrow and hit the hay at an even more ridiculously early than usual hour. Eliz


                            8.13 miles on a LOVELY afternoon. That makes up some miles from the weekend when I wasn't able to get in a long run because of my basketball commitment......While my team got eliminated and now is out of the "dance", it does mean my basketball travels are over (Holly, you were asking on that..thanks). The very next night they called to see if I could do a softball answer?.....NO!!!! jlynne......You are right that there have been some upsets, which is usually the case with the March Madness event. Yahoo offered $5 million for anyone getting a perfect bracket in the men's tournament. I am sure their money is safe. Breger.....thanks for the phrase "Kyll Bill".....I laughed several times thinking about that phrase today, but I don't think you are going close to dying by the looks of your runs. WRFB.....thanks for the hawk pics....very interesting SteveP.....I will be praying for the job situation for you Mariposai.....Thanks.....Hugs back at you. Bruce.....In regards to the family home and selling it. The thought crossed my mind that this might be a good time to simply keep your eyes open for a home that you would like to have to replace it. If a "deal" becomes available, then try the selling of the homestead on for size and see if you can emotionally do it. With another house in mind, the sale of the old house might help you to be able to get a fresh start while being thankful for the good memories from the original home. RunninginDC.....Thanks for the reminder of the Cherry Blossoms being out right now. I try to get up to see them each year so I better get myself in gear for this year. They are so pretty. BTB ......Thanks for your encouragement and reminder to "keep running". I actually had an email from someone else today (not associated with our group here), thanking me for the fact I run. It was a neat email to receive from someone who just observes my life. Thanks as well for your daily comment to each one. It is always neat to read. Erika.......The birds are back flying around the bush in front of my house, but I see no evidence that they are building a nest. It is sort of strange because I was SURE they were going to. My brother has started rehab and been told to weigh himself every day and NOT allow any weight to come back on. He entered the hospital weighing 203 pounds (5' 11" frame) and now is weighing 168 pounds. This has happened in about 3 weeks time. His observation was that he no longer is puffing going up the stairs. I am thankful he is SEEING the benefits of the weight loss to encourage him to stick to his new diet. For 40 years the man has had a popper full of popcorn every night before going to bed. The problem? He has always laced it with salt. That has now ended. A lady along my running route stopped me and asked me if I made it running all the way to the top of the hill where her house is. I told her I did and she said...."Every time I run, I always fall short of making it all the way". The answer? "The key is that you are continueing to try, not that you don't make it. Without at least trying, you NEVER will make it. As long as you keep on trying, one day you WILL MAKE IT" I think the words were meant more for me than her.
                              Must be national interval and speed work day or something? Did I miss the memo? Good job getting them done breger1, perchcreek, biketem, Mariposai, and enkephalin. WRFB - Wow what a picture! My wife loves seeing hawks and would no doubt pay handsomely in mice if she could get a pair to nest in viewing distance of our house. BCMorant I can understand being attached to the house. It is no doubt quite sad to see it empty now. But, financially you will be a lot better off selling it and investing the money. Contrary to popular myth residential is, overall, an incredibly poor investment. Yes, some areas do see spectacular returns. But most do not and worse yet the values are highly volatile. When I took over my mother's finances (a few years prior to her passing) one of the first things I did was sell her condo which had been in the family since I was quite young. It was sad to see it go but financially it was the right thing to do and I have no regrets. btb1490 (what does 1490 stand for anyway?) who other than Pfitz would have 6x1200m@5K? Smile Gotta love the ambition behind the program though! I am glad to hear you are recovering. I will continue pulling for you. Ok, fat lot of good that will do but as much as I wish I could provide real help alas this all I can offer. Get well soon! Is your base strong enough to race a HM? If it is probably the best thing for your marathon would be to race the HM. If not, then it is better to use it to help with your base training. In the latter case run it but make sure it is at a pace you can finish up with comfortably at this point in your training. As for me, the best news is that the meeting I had blocked the whole day out for ended just past noon! Yes! When I got home (early!) it was 60°! Big grin Today was a good day! So I revamped my week's running schedule. Instead of taking today off I moved my 14, 8, and 5 mile runs all up a day and did the 14 miler today instead of taking the day off. That also means I now get in a rest day on Saturday the day prior to my 30K race. Today's run was just great! Did I say it was 60° out yet? I got to run in shorts today - top and bottom! I have not had that pleasure since last fall! You know I should mention it was 60° out you know! Big grin Total today 14.39 miles in 60° weather! Smile Smile Smile

                              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                                9 miles with 6 of them hills. 10:24 pace. What a beautiful evening! Good runs today. The running gods are pleased. I love this place.
                                Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM