Masters Running


DST Sunday Daily, 3.9.14 (Read 42 times)


    Mornin' everyone!


    Nice 15 yesterday, CNY. How cool that Hudson likes to fix appliances!


    Heck of a busy day yesterday, Mike! No wonder you forgot the code...


    Great Boston meet-ups yesterday with Robin, Marj, Henry, Deeze and a gorilla!


    Welcome home, Rasmussenmp!


    Welcome back to the outside world, Rochrunner.


    Good work, TomW!


    Gotta like that snow runner...


    Nice outdoors 8er, Tselbes.


    20 miler, Holly - good run for the birthday girl!


    Good scenery, as always, NHLA.


    Congrats on the fit test, Jlynne.


    Sounds like a hard day at the track for David, Tammy. I hope you both have good runs today.


    So,I went to bed at 10:55 last night, after setting the clocks forward, and still woke at 4:15 DST this morning. I guess my internal clock adjusted pretty quickly. I have a racewalking training session this morning, and don't have to leave till 7:15. So I've been reading a bit, took a shower, and am enjoying a cuppa coffee and a light breakfast. It is now 6:30, and the sky is just beginning to lighten to the east. Which means that on my normal (?) workout schedule, it'll still be dark well after I get home. It'll take till the beginning of May before I start to see a little daylight again. Have I ever told you how much I dislike DST??


    So, there's a half marathon at the end of March that goes down the coast, including some of my training route. I went 9 miles yesterday, which was the longest I've done in about 3 weeks. I have 2 more weekends before the race, and I don't know if I'll be able to get in a long workout next weekend. Would you enter the half, or be patient and focus on the one on the schedule for late April instead? Yeah, I think I might go for it too, even if I just use it as a training walk.There's no walking div., so it'd be me against a huge gaggle of runners.


    Have a greta Sunday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

    Mike E

    MM #5615

      Good morning Jay!  Good morning everybody else!


      Yeah, I'd do the the race as a training walk...without a racewalking division, I'm assuming you wouldn't be placing why not?


      I just got back from taking my DD and her family to the airport.  They were a little late in getting here...poor Molly puked in the car on the way's going to be a fun plane ride...


      My DD's girls, though, are so dang cute.  The twins are 12...they're the oldest...and they are just a lot of fun to be around.  I was actually looking forward to seeing them all, this 5am.


      Okay...I think I'll go back to bed for another hour of sleep before I have to get up and go to church.  See ya.


        Good Morning everybody. Beautiful morning. Check out this link to Art Lobe Trail.

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Jay - I envy you that quick adjustment - seems like it takes me days to adjust even though it's only 1 hour.


          Mike - poor Molly...and also the person who has to clean up the puke.


          NHLA - you have some beautiful places to run, for sure.


          4.4 slow and easy recovery miles for me this morning in a sunny 31 degrees.


          Off to run some errands......

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


            Where is everybody???


            I'm glad you had a good time with DD's girls, Mike. Sorry about the mess in the car.


            Looks like a great trail, NHLA.


            Recovery runs are good, Holly.


            I'm back from our racewalking training session. I did 5 mi. on the track before the other folks arrived. Later, we finished up the session by doing a 3-mi. 'ladder' workout. Everyone, even the newbies, did a great job. So I did a total of 8 mi. this morning.


            On the way up to where we have our sessions, I passed a small harbor where there was a sign announcing fresh sea scallops off the boat at noon today. I'll be there, and I know what we're having for dinner tonight! But first, we have to pull off some sheet rock in our laundry area so we can relocate some pipes away from an exterior wall so we can (hopefully) stop them from freezing when it gets a bit chilly out, so we can resume doing laundry on a regular basis instead of just a fair-weather basis.





            Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


            Trails are hard!

              Oh man, fresh scallops.  what time is dinner, Jay?  maybe we could stop by on the way back from Maine.


              DW and I went up to the camp for a night to see what it looked like in the winter.  Not sure why we haven't in the past, but it was a lot of fun.  The fact that it was in the mid-40s might have had something to do with it.  The cabin is not winter-proofed, but well insulated, so it to a number of hours to warm up to more than outdoor temperature.  Like leaving the doors open to let the warm air in.  We took a walk out on the lake (ice fishermen said the ice was approaching 2' thick, so relatively safe) and I took my Garmin to see how far it actually is out to our island.  we apparently meandered and enjoyed the view so much that the auto pause got all confused and I ended up with 188'--which I'm pretty sure is NOT correct.


              first Sunday in a long time I haven't made it out for some sort of run.  I brought gear with me, but the roads that I run on in the summer are just a little torn up, so I'm going to relax and do my DST recovery.

              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                Love scallops, don't get them fresh in Oklahoma.


                20.3 miles with running club this morning.


                Have a great Sunday.


                  Yum.  I'm not a big seafood guy but scallops are the exception.

                  Loved Carolyn's "snow runner" yesterday.  Great idea.


                  Sounds like a nice day, Stumpy.


                  Nice running day for a lot of folks, it sounds like.


                  I've gained weight, went 5 days straight without running, and punished myself by being "grounded;" I skipped a local 5-mile race this morning.  I was in no shape to really run it.  If I run regularly, I'll pick up the next race.  On the positive side, I'm vowing to rejoin Holly's 40/40 thread this week to get myself motivated again.  Better weather should be a big help; this last round of ice and snow was nasty.


                  Hit the trails for 7 this morning.  Snow's almost all gone now.

                  Be safe. Be kind.

                  King of PhotoShop

                    Doc Robin posted a pic a few weeks ago of the beautiful scallop dish her husband prepared.  It looked so good I asked him offline how he prepared them.  They are delicious when you can get them fresh like that.


                    Orange roughy for me tonight and chicken thighs on the grill for the rest of the family.


                    4.5 at easy pace today, but tired toward the end. I just have to face up to the fact that this fatigue will last a month or so.  Spareribs


                      Hi Guys - busy week and weekend. No time to post or read but I'll catch up tonight.


                      Here are a couple of pictures from DC race for Patrick. I am so proud of him.




                      Race photos were not very good. Camera phones are not the way to capture kids running fast. No matter what Apple claims.


                      He ran a 10:49 for the 3000 and this while tripping on the rail after getting bumped. (I called Alberto Salazar for protest advice but decided not to pursue the issue regardless of his counsel). This was a 20 second PR. All but one of his heat was 14 and he just turned 13. He was absolutely stoked and we spent the rest of the day visiting museums in DC (yeah we're both big time geeks).


                      Off to some chores.

                      "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                      "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                        14 miles 2 hrs 3 min.  Carl Sandburg home and back.  Saw lots of runners.  Ran six miles with a nice young man.

                        C-R go Patrick.

                        Jay  the only bad thing about the mts is no fresh seafood.

                        Holly nice long run yesterday.

                        Mike E

                        MM #5615

                          That is very cool, Norm.


                            Good morning/afternoon everyone.


                            C-R that is one fast kid you have.  Congrats to him on a greta race, even with the bumping and tripping.


                            Jay nice recap as usual.  Scallops did someone say scallops for dinner.  I'd leave now but I still would get there long after they were all eaten.

                            Do the race!!!  Then maybe next year they will add a race walking division.


                            21 miles this morning with 1250 feet up and down hills at 8:37 pace and heart rate average of 145.  Frist time in three years that I have been able to run all the hills on this loop without walking.  The rain has stopped for the moment though there were a lot of puddles and mud to run through.  Legs are tired and stomach just wants more and more food.  74.5 miles this week even with an off day due to flying.

                            Marathon Maniac #530 Mike (My Indian name is "Runs for Beer")


                              jlynne, great fitness test results.  Congratulations.  C-R, what a race for Patrick with a big PR.  Nice picture, too.


                              Nice long runs for NHLA, deez, Mike, pfriese, and ras.


                              This morning, I did 3 miles on the TM at a 10:46 pace before church and in spite of the time change.


                              A good day and good runs for all.


                                Yum! Scallops!


                                Way to go Patrick! That's awesome C-R and what a sweet photo of your fleet -footed kiddo.


                                Ran 17 miles this morning with ultra-Amy. It was a long run with "work" in that it contained 4 x 1.25 miles at 6:35-6:40 pace with a 2:30 rest interval. We ran from my house to a park 4 miles away and the park loop (plowed, no ice, no motorists--or very few) is 1.256 miles. There's a small hill so we had some downhill and some uphill in each repeat. Amy did hers in 6:20s (only appropriate that she had faster targets since she's only 34!) and I hit 6:37 for one and 6:38 for the other three and then we ran back to my house the long way. I was grateful to do this one with a buddy and teammate as we kept each other going.


                                My kiddo wants to find a half-marathon to run together before he goes off to college in August. We are eyeing one in Nova Scotia that falls on the last day of our family vacation there in July. He once said he wanted to do a marathon before he turned 18 (in August) but there's no time and we want to have fun. I am excited! Right now he needs to focus on outdoor track as practice begins in a week (track still buried under tons of snow and ice!) And of course the bigger focus will be on his finals and graduation.


                                Glad the heel behaved on your 20 mile birthday run Holly!


                                Those Boston meet-ups on the course sounded like a hoot! I imagine the course will be crowded each weekend now. Shalane Flanagan tweeted that she'll be running Boston in her high school colors (Marblehead MA) Cool!


                                It will be great to see you next week Denise. New Bedford here we come....roar.
