Masters Running


Perch's First Boston Marathon RR (Read 476 times)

i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

    The pinnacle of a looong quest was more magical than I could have ever imagined. After repeated attempts to qualify, I finally did it in February 2007 at Myrtle Beach in the same AG as my first marathon (50-54). I was so excited last year and I trained hard for Boston 2007 only to get a bad injury (my Dr. said it was the worst case of Plantar Fasciitis he had ever seen). I resumed running in July and ran Richmond in November as a hard training run (BQ’d in my new AG 55-59) and started the Boston Training in December. I trained hard and had lots of hills late in my long runs. So I thought I was ready for what Boston can dish out. The whole Boston weekend was just magical. On the plane from Raleigh, lots of Boston runners, everybody congratulating each other. Waiting for hotel shuttle at Logan I met a couple who’s daughter was running the Olympic Trails. They told me she’s Blake Russel and they are hoping she’ll be in to top three! …. She did, she placed third! Everywhere you go, people would ask if you are running and they would give congratulations and good luck. This town is really into it! The Expo was nice but I only saw enough to get the official stuff. Now I HAVE to cross the finish so I can wear it! On Sunday I ran a 2 mile warm up and my shins and calves were burning in pain. I walked a bit, stopped and then ran MP around the block and it seemed fine. (That’s why I don’t like taking days off) Marathon Monday. I had a bagel, banana and Hooah bar at 6:30. Boarded the chartered bus and we we off at 7:30. Then the drivers got lost and could only get us to the 1 mile mark on the route so we all walked it in and then another half hour walk to the Athlete’s Village. The walk was good for loosening up. Then baggage check and porta potty it was time to walk to the start. About 2 hrs walking/standing before the start! While waiting, the sun came out (blazing) and the wind died down and it felt pretty darn warm to me. My goals were: 1. Finish and get that coveted medal! 2. Soak in the experience running on the footsteps of such legends 3. 3:35:00 4. 3:3X:XX 5. BQ (3:45:59) In a nutshell, my HR was running high for my target pace due to the full sun effect (I sweat like crazy) so I backed off on pace and totally enjoyed the ride. Here are the 2 mile splits: 2: 8:29 4: 8:24 Caught up with Erika 6: 8:00 8: 8:16 10: 8:13 12: 8:13 14: 8:16 Feeling sun effect 16: 8:20 Getting harder .. Erika motors on….. 18: 8:45 Just steady push through the hills 20: 8:51 Just steady push through the hills The Pro stop 22: 8:51 Just steady push through the hills.. did I pass Heart Break? Saw the Tudor and figured that must have been it. No big deal. 24: 8:40 Quads are sore. Relax and run steady, no reason to push harder 26.2: 9:04 This is BOSTON, slow down to make it last! Nice comfortable pace with the rest of the runners (BQ still in the bag). Highlights: Was on the start line (first row) of the first corral in the second wave. Looking down the empty marathon route lines with crowds.. awesome! My DW saw me 3 times on Versus (the cable network covering the marathon) I had “TORY” written on my arms and people were cheering “go Tory!” Running 10+ miles with evanflein (what a strong runner Hooah!) and we were escorted to Wellesley by btb! High fiving hundreds of Wellesley girls who were as excited as any spectators I've ever seen! I felt bad, I think I missed one or two. The Pro stop at mile 20 handing off my "elite" poweraid bottle My brother and his DW at mile 25 The turn from Hereford to Boylston, looking the 0.8 miles down the cheering spectator filled road at the Boston Marathon Finish Arch! That is priceless and worth the cost of admission (every cent!) Meeting the Pro and WRFB right after the finish and later a group dinner which my brother and his DW joined. Totally awesome weekend 3:42:36 (BQ) 9974/21963 overall (top 45%) 7376/13028 male (bottom 43%) 1149/2799 division (M veterans 50-59) (top 41%) Fashion: Asiics 2130, blue race ready shorts, matching blue and white singlet. Small bottle with velcro strap to carry and put water in at the stops. Fueling: water at 2, 4, 8, 12, 24 and water + Gu + 2 ecaps at 6, 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 (7 gus and 13 e-caps (dropped one))

    Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

      Excellent! This was well worth the wait. To think, we were there in Myrtle Beach and then, when you were diagnosed with PF (the worst!), we watched you patiently heal and recover... you are a very patient man and then we got to watch you train and build that Boston bank... This is the reward, a perfectly executed race plan... Thanks for taking us along for the ride, Steve. It was fun!

        Hi Perch, Thanks for sharing your race with us! I'm glad that your pains on Sunday evaporated, that you got to feel some of that Boston magic, that you got to run with some folks from this forum, that you had fun post-race, and especially that you BQ'd once again!! WooHoo - make your reservations for Boston '09! Congratulations, Jay

        Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

          Great race. Congratulations on getting your next BQ. Let me tell you as one who had to DNS this year seeing your report is very inspiring! If you run it again in '09 I hope to see you at the start.

          Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

          Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

            Way to go Steve! Many have said it was warm. But I didn't expect you to be one of them, seeing where you live. So it must have been warm for sure. I like how you adjusted your goals for the conditions and enjoy the day. We're all jealous you got to run with the Alaskan Speed Goddess! But you really need to go back to Boston next year and high five those 2 Wellesley girls you missed. I'm sure they're bummed out bigtime. Bill

            "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

              Congratulations Steve! Wow - another BQ for next yet - that is awesome!! I love how you had Tory's name on your arms. A dream come true for you. ~Mary


              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                Steve, you looked relaxed and 'recovered' at the dinner. Congrats on a great race. See you next year in Boston, if not before.
                  Sounds like you had one of your Magical Days Big grin You are a great example of working through tough breaks and coming out a stronger person. Congrats on a well run and also a fun race . Larry

                  Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                    Steve This is so well deserved. With not being able to run Boston last year and qualifying again this year, you deserve every mile you ran on the fabled course. Thanks for a great report. Your training over the last year has been exemplary. I hope I can meet you in Boston or New York in the coming years. Congratulations Tall

                    Recent Best times: None recently

                      Wow.....this is just great Steve. After meeting you in Richmond and knowing your story of your running career complete with injury, I was hoping you would have a successful run in Boston. This report verifies that most definitely you did. Congratulations to you and Tory on the victory. Congratulations as well on the BQ. Thanks for the report. Joey

                      Top 'O the World!

                        YAY! Congratulations!!! on all points...& THANK YOU for sharing your "Magical Run!" Smile
                        Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                          I think you said it all when you said the whole Boston weekend was magical! It really does sound like it was! Thank youfor including some of that pre race stuff as I think it gives us all that sense of excitement that you must have felt. Congrats of another BQ. You ran a smart race, got to fly with Erika and experienced all thea Boston is about. Quite an accomplishment!
                            A great run and report, Perch. I am so glad that you re-qualified, too -- it would seem like Boston is not a favorable event to get a BQ time. Big grin Now that you've got the first one under your belt, the next one will be even more enjoyable since you will know more what to expect.

                            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                              Congratulations, Perch! My DH taped the race and we watched it last night. Wish I knew what you looked like if you were on Versus three times! It's always inspiring to see someone come back from serious injury to run a marathon like Boston. You ran a great race - thanks for sharing your experience with us. Jeanne

                                Hey Steve, it was so great to run with you! But I think I caught you since you started up so far! Wink I do think it's funny that this is our second race we've run together (Ragnar and Boston), and we seem to do a good job of it! And yes, it was hot out there... I've got quite the sunburn, how about you? Till next year, right??