Masters Running


Wednesday July 27th mid-week mania (Read 686 times)

    Tim, OMG!!!!

    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


      Hi All -


      I was just thinking about how much I appreciate getting out for an easy run of about 5 or 6 miles, regardless of the weather, when I have returned to running after an injury, and being able to run easy run pace at easy run effort.   It is only when you have limped through the deepest valley that you can appreciate running comfortably atop the highest mountain.  OK, maybe the metaphor doesn't work so well,,,, but you know what I mean. Comparing running experiences with the likes of you all would almost always leave me feeling insecure and underachieving; but if I just think about how great it feels to be able to really run at 47 years old (I walked like an old man at 25), it provides some good perspective and rights my ship. 


      Today, I ran with a co-worker at lunch time.   She is following a program that promises better results on less running (as though training is something to be avoided????), and today's workout for her included 4 400 meter repeats at 1:47/400.  It seems pretty fast to me considering that's faster than her mile race pace; and seeing how yesterday I ran an interval workout of my own, I wanted to be pretty conservative while providing good pacing support to her. I wound up making her run faster than she was supposed to, but my instincts tell me she has never really run a 5k or a 1-mile race at an all-out effort, so the McMillan chart or whatever she uses to determine her pacing is probably understating things a little.  We ran 1/4 mile repeats of 1:43 / 1:45 / 1:42 and 1:39, and I would say she could have run any one of them 10 seconds faster than that.  I felt great after the run, even though it was approaching a 2nd straight day of quality workouts.  


      Unfortunately the one thing I cannot convince her to do is endurance training, and she wants to run a Half Marathon with the rest of us in October. I don't see that happening without stretching some long runs past 4 miles or so. 




        for crying out loud, Tim - the things you get yourself involved in. . . as soon as I read "patted down for officer safety" - my first thought was that was the officer's first mistake. The only reason an officer can pat someone down for officer safety is if they have a legitimate concern for their safety. if you passed your fst's, that should have been the end of that encounter. You should have been sent on your way right then. And unless you were being a total ass to him (doubtful) or you were acting in some suspicious furtive way (double doubtful), he had no legal basis to pat you down. And furthermore, once he felt a pill bottle, he knew damn well that wasn't a weapon, so had no right to remove it and inspect the contents. A pat-down can only be for weapons (because, remember, this is "officer safety" reasons). The whole search stunk and is likely part of the reason the charges were dropped.  not to mention you had a Rx for the pain meds. . . but, yeah, you are NEVER supposed to put them in another bottle. silly timbo.


        i hope while you were in the pokey, you converted a few of those inmates into runners. Big grin


        Marathon Maniac #3309

          Tim, OMG!!!!

           I prayed A LOT, for just one person to find me......lots of time for that  Smile


          Oh yeah....they make it that hard to get out, because the state pays the jail each day a person is in there (obviously that needs changed)


          NO 411 calls either because that costs money !

          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

            TimBo that is a horrible story!  I cannot believe they would not let you look up a number on your cell phone.  I know there is no way I could come up with one from memory.  I guess they will not even let you call 411 to find out.  Really, disgraceful behavior on the part of the police, the jail, all involved.


            hopeful4ever the way you dote on those dogs reminds me of my SIL who is the same way with her pack.


            breger1 yea, you are a absolute running disaster.  Roll eyes  Man I hope I can be such a disaster.  Are you crazy!?


            stumpy77 my only suggestion is to not expect too much in terms of a speedy time and you will be fine.  After all, nobody is paying you to do this so just have a good time with the race.


            Holly S. wow what is going on at your DH's office that he has to get out that early!  My DW commutes 90 minutes each way to work and she is up at 5am.  I get up about 5:30 so I can run before work but I can cut my commute to zero if need be.


            Yesterday I did 5x600's and they went fine.  Bummer about how much slower I am now than back when but then again just a little less back and my speed was walking!  Today it was thus elliptical day seeing as how I am banned from running that often.  Tomorrow it is off with my friend who has started running to lose weight and avoid a life of insulin shots.  He is dropping weight by the week so good for him!


            It seems I am not going to be going to Houston.  My friend went into what is essentially a coma.  It is very unlikely he will come out of it prior to the cancer finally ending his life.  I feel for his family.  I know how tough it was to watch my dad go from cancer.  It is about the worst death imaginable.

            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


              Well Tim-Bo, that is one crazy thing.  I have heard of people getting in trouble for carrying pills like that in a bottle with someone else's name, but not for having them in an improper bottle.  So much abuse of those kinds of pills that I guess they don't cut any slack.


              I don't know my credit card # anymore either.  I used to, but the places I buy from know, like, have it stored and I don't have to ever type it.


              On the running front, I ran 4.5 pretty good miles today.  I was up at 4:00am for a software install (that actually worked this time.)  I was out and running by 8:30.  I've been so stressed about this update since Friday, that I am only now starting to feel like a normal person again.  I spent all day Sunday on it and I never got it to work.  That was something new to me.  Things were really getting tense with the added delay.  We were opening ourselves up to some fines from the government, and some very displeased clients.




                 or you were acting in some suspicious furtive way

                The funny thing is, when I was out today (driving around doing errands), I went past 2 sheriff cars and one city police car.  For some reason, I was purposely trying to act guilty.  Don't know why, it just seemed like a fun thing to do. Roll eyes





                  Oh yeah....they make it that hard to get out, because the state pays the jail each day a person is in there (obviously that needs changed)




                  so the police/jail were using you to make money . . . isn't that sort of like being pimped out? Wink . . . the least they can do is give you a cut in what they made off of you. Joking


                  eta: Dave - your inner rebel coming out eh?  lol



                  Marathon Iowa 2014

                    Hey Tim - I can't even make up a story that good!

                    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                      I dunno PBJ - your water cooler stories were classics!!!


                      I can't believe that even if they would not give the phone to you Tim, that they would not look up a number from it.   Seems like total harrasement to me.


                      {{{Twocat}}} I hope you can take comfort in remembering your friend the way he was before the cancer.    So sorry you weren't able to get down there.    And yes, I am a doter and proud of it.    Wink


                      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                        Stumpy - I think you should do a marathon this weekend, then another one next weekend.  If your race is at night you can run the marathon that morning, or the evening before if the 5K is in the morning.  Seems to work for Erika.


                        Tim - the whole story sounds unethical, the way they treated you.  I know they are tightly regulated pain meds, but just a few?  And denying you your phone?  Sounds like they should really being watching that Dave59 guy.


                        Twocat - sorry to hear about your friend.


                        I cracked a chunk off a molar with a cherry pit a few weeks ago so I went in for an exam and cleaning today.  Luckily he says he can just do a big cavity build-up and no need for a crown.  The salad I made was a RW's recipe from last month - it was awesome - cherries, feta, chick peas, jalapenos, parsely, and whatever else.


                        4 miles, 65F? pretty cloudy so it was nice.

                        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                          ...I vote timbro Wins Storyof the Day.



                           DON' DODAT/////

                          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                          Mike E

                          MM #5615

                            Yeah--he's got my vote.


                            Okay--so when I travel--I combine my daily multi-vitamin, low-dose aspirine, and fish oil pill into one small bottle--is that illegal or is it just for prescription meds?


                              just your prescription "controlled substance"  vitamins, Mike.


                              Mike E

                              MM #5615

                                Whew!  I thought I was going to have to turn myself in.
