Masters Running


Injured knee, need advice (Read 172 times)


    On friday I ran 10 miles for the first time, after my run I felt fine with no pain in my knee at all, Saturday I took my family to the beach,  and it was at the beach walking through the sand I felt a twinge in the center of my right knee, by the time we left any walking up or down any hills caused sharp pains in the center of my knee. I tried to run yesterday and was able to do so but with much discomfort, I was only able to run 2 miles today before the pain got to bad.  The best way for me to describe when it hurts is when my knee is bent and supporting my weight I get a sharp pain across the top center of my knee. regular walking does not seem to aggravate it . and walking uphill no longer seems to bother it, but at work today coming down some stairs I thought I might fall.


    Does this sound familiar to anyone?






      oogly, we are all so proud of you for your 10 miler. Way to move up the miles!!!

      Now, since it seems like you have this knee issue now, may I recomend you stop running (walking would be OK) while this knee issue is better. 

      Of course I don't have any scientific research to back this up, but  I can tell you that I just ran my 18? (I need to go back and count) marathon this past Sunday with no injury to speak off. The reason? I listen to my body and I am willing to forgo a run for a week or two until my body tells me we are ready to go again.


      Take care. Do post often. Don't be shy to post on the daily. We are glad you have joined us!!



      "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


      MM #6177

        Or come over to the Rehab Thread, maybe someone has some advice/experience there.



          Sounds like you did your 10 miler too soon and more than likely at a better than your average pace.  Been there, done it.   Sounds like you've stressed the tendon at the front of the knee.  Ice, walking, and anti-inflamatory meds might be in order.   After a few days, test things with very light jogging. This will take patience, I recall.  Over-use injuries are common when our enthusiasm exceeds our readiness for a new level of running, and they can keep you off the roads for a very long time if you don't allow things to heal.


          Also, as a side note, if you are upping your mileage, be sure your shoes keep up with you as far a quality and wear goes.  



          Discipline is never an end in itself, only a means to an end. (RF)