Masters Running


The 9/2 daily. Time to plan that 3 day weekend! (Read 439 times)


    Big grin



    Yes, this is the daily. Sorry about the confusion. 

    No running for me, yet. But I have been running here and there around the house trying to prepare for our backpacking trip this weekend. It is going to be a lot colder than we had anticipated, so I am going crazy trying to find our winter clothes for the trek. 


    So, what is your plan for the weekend?

    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

    Mike E

    MM #5615

      I knew that was going to happen.  Should I move up here?   Yeah--I'll just move up here.


      Good morning, by the way!


      My run last night was pretty brutal.  The “feels like 99 heat” kicked my butt.  I went out fine—I wasn’t pushing it at all but was going through my mile splits in around 6:55.  I thought that I should probably slow down, but I really was feeling pretty good.  Into the 5th mile, though, I started feeling it.  I got to my 5.1 mile turnaround point in 35:20 and then the death-march home began.  I did not even try to maintain any kind of pace—I just wanted to get home before I died.  I finished those 5.1 miles in 39:21 for a total 10.2 miles in 1:14:41.  I really wanted to take it easy, too, because I wanted to be somewhat fresh just in case I get an opportunity to run with the Augustana Cross Country Team, tomorrow.  Uh-oh—who brought that up?


      I feel so sorry for you guys!  The college cross country season has begun and tonight the 6th ranked Augustana Vikings of SD begin their quest to win their third straight NSIC Championship—qualify for the NCAA D11 Championships for the third straight year—and compete at Nationals which is what makes each one of them get up every morning, lace up the shoes, and pound out the miles.  They only have three guys from last year’s national 6th place team returning, so it’s going to be a pretty tough task.  My son was the 6th guy on that team so they are going to need him to step it up, this year.  They do have some outstanding freshman coming in.  I’m sure Rob would know the guys from MN—Adam B from Totino-Grace—Alex J from Maple Grove—and Shane M from Rosemount.  Plus a couple guys who placed pretty high in SD’s state meet, last year.  But this is my favorite time of the year so prepare yourselves for more pictures and a whole lot of bragging about my kid!  Well…at least I hope I’m bragging about my kid.


      Okay—I’ll let you go.  I have a lot to get done before I can sneak out of here by around 2:00.  Starr—you might want to stay off the streets between 4:00 and 5:00—I’ll be flying through Worthington on my way to Sioux Falls.



        Gosh, I'm so confused, is this the daily?  Confused


        Anyway, Mike, you're dang fast!  Your "not pushing at all" pace is under 7mm, and even your "death march" pace is under 8mm!   Good luck to your DS and his XC team this year.


        3.1 trail miles last night.  Even though I took a rest day on Wednesday, last night's run was on tired legs for some reason. I had no energy to run uphill, so I walked.  The run back down was nice, though!


        Good luck to our weekend racers:

        09/03 pfriese - Brookhaven Run 5K - Norman, OK

        09/04 Opie - Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon, Virginia Beach, VA

        09/04 OrangeMat - Run the Reservoir Half Marathon, Westwood, NJ

        09/05 Ileneforward - Conquer the Bridge 5.3 miles, San Pedro CA

        09/05 CNYrunner - New Haven 20k, New Haven, CT

        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

          No running today just upper body and core work...had a nice 30 minute run yesterday with some fast strides for the last 4 minutes...felt nice...body starting to feel like a bit of a runner. ha ha...


          My first race in over 2 and a half years is on October 15th....a 5K, very nervous, like a's going to be fun but hard...I only have one gear you it should be a spectacular blow up...a fun race report read...better start training soon.


          Have my four year old this week to keep me busy as there were no day camps before the last week of school..going out to pick some more black walnuts today and then the huge fiddle competition up at the waterfront. should be fun.


          Forgot to add I will be trying my hand at making homemade bagels this afternoon for the first time. will post pictures later.


          Have a great day everyone...


          Recent Best times: None recently


            Good morning. Hard to believe it is September. Mariposai, a three day backpack sounds great!


            Nice morning to run, cloudy and cool. Felt much better than the sweat fest yesterday. I ran an easy 8 after taking DS to school. He is having a sleep over party at the lake Sunday night.   Weather looks iffy but not bad.


            Nice swift run for Mike!


            Happy almost weekend.


            MM #6177

              Yikes, I have a HM this weekend?? I also have posterior heel pain, lucky me... meh, it's a long way until Sunday, I'll be fine. Big grin


              Happy camping, Mari.

              I feel like running trails today. Carolyn, you make it sound so appealing! Too bad there aren't any around here...

              It just blows my mind how speedy you are, Mike. You and so many others here.  But that just means I get more time to soak up the scenery when I run. Wink


              I'm trying out a sports massage today from the local running coach's company this afternoon. I'm really tempted to sign up to train with him for my upcoming marathon in January. Training for that officially starts next week, if I were to go by the traditional 18-week schedule. We'll see....


              Happy weekend all!


                I love cross country !


                I love seeing the look of ferocity painted on the faces of these teenagers as they come up the final 100 yards, gritting it out, elbow to elbow.Tthe chute quickly narrowing, pushing back the pain...a pain that most of the shouting parents can not even comprehend as they encourage thier youth forward. It gets especially exciting when the field is soft, slippery, muddy  and wet. The battle between foot and sod proudly displayed up the legs, across thier torso and onto the face of those closest in the pursuit...Hills...hills that almost require those harriers to claw thier way up only to trash thier quads on the way down. And then there is the near collasp as they cross the finish line. Thier legs barely supporting them, bodies hunched over, hands on thighs as they fight to regain thier breath, some fighting off the's another battle...some win, some don't. Eventually the face will regain a smile and body will regain enough strength allowing them to walk upright and slap high fives with other teammates...or a competitior or offer a sweaty hug to a proud mother waiting off to the side of the ropes.


                Yeah...tis the season...ya gotta love cross country.


                7 muggy miles.

                  Believe it or not I have absolutely no plans for this Labor Day weekend, other than the normal weekend goings on.  Seems sorta silly not be doing something but I think I'm going to like it!


                  4 slow and tired miles this morning.  Even though it cooled down to 75° I felt draggy today.  After yesterday's unexpected sproinky-ness I pretty much expected this today.  Sure enough!



                  "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                    Out of the doldrums! Did a 5 miler yesterday and it was slow and painful all the way. Turns out my L knee suffered a pulled patellar ligament in the 5 mile race we did last week. I've continued icing with some relief, but still lots of pain. And, of course, I've been feeling very down and discouraged about the impending half marathon next month. Today I thought of doing an (almost) 4 mile run with Marj. As I started I noticed that there was much less pain with walking. So, Marj and I speed walked the entire distance. Not only did it feel better but, I ended up faster than my "runs" lately. I'll continue icing, stretching and strengthening my hamstrings and speed walk until I can run again. Smile.

                      Hey All!  


                      We were without power for six and a half days after the Labor Day storm in 1998.  It was actually very nice in the neighborhood.  After the second day, people were pulling all sorts of things out of the freezer before it went bad and we had the best group bbqs.  We would all visit together in the evenings.  My wife would make coffee in the morning on the camping stove and take the coffee around to all the neighbors.  Then the power came on and we all went back to our computers and TVs and normal busy-ness.  Kind of sad in a way. 


                      Did an easy 8 with a buddy on the Canal and around the Lakes this morning.  Ben has NC24 coming up in 17 days and is getting a tad nervous but I'm sure he'll do fine.  I ended up taking yesterday off - no run, bike or even walk - got lots of chores out of the walk.  And felt GREAT this morning.  No hints that I had raced a hard 50K five days ago.  May road bike a bit this afternoon.  Trek has been pouting since Molly has been getting most of the attention lately.  


                      Enjoy the day!



                      Mike E

                      MM #5615

                        I love cross country !


                        I love seeing the look of ferocity painted on the faces of these teenagers as they come up the final 100 yards, gritting it out, elbow to elbow.Tthe chute quickly narrowing, pushing back the pain...a pain that most of the shouting parents can not even comprehend as they encourage thier youth forward. It gets especially exciting when the field is soft, slippery, muddy  and wet. The battle between foot and sod proudly displayed up the legs, across thier torso and onto the face of those closest in the pursuit...Hills...hills that almost require those harriers to claw thier way up only to trash thier quads on the way down. And then there is the near collasp as they cross the finish line. Thier legs barely supporting them, bodies hunched over, hands on thighs as they fight to regain thier breath, some fighting off the's another battle...some win, some don't. Eventually the face will regain a smile and body will regain enough strength allowing them to walk upright and slap high fives with other teammates...or a competitior or offer a sweaty hug to a proud mother waiting off to the side of the ropes. 

                        Wow--this almost brought a tear to my eye!  I'm still a little bit involved with my son's old high school team.  They are having a meet as we speak, and I've been thinking about them all morning.  I love those kids.


                          I'm supposed to be off work today, but I did sign on and do some programming odds and ends this morning.  The downside of working from home I guess.


                          Next, I swept out the garage, cut the grass, and then tried to run, but at 87° all I could manage was 2 miles before I had to call it quits. 


                          Every other weekend, my granddaughter goes "up north" to spend time with the other grandparents.  But they said they were too busy this weekend, so the kid with endless energy will be staying here.  I think I'll take her to the nature center for a "hike", go to the farmers market, and just general hanging out. That'll take care of Saturday. 


                          Sunday - I have no idea. 

                          Monday - if I wake up feeling fast, I'll go run a 5k held here in town.




                          MM #6177

                            So I ran, in spite of the inherent foot pain. Only 3.1 miles, but they were well worth it. Spent the morning stretching the calf, which I finally figured out how to do without straining the already achy achilles. Used that same information to change my foot strike a bit while I was running and found the pain would go away... but it took about quite a while to get into the groove of doing that consistently. Or in layman's terms, once I switched over to a midfoot strike and could maintain it, my 9:47 and 10:11 paces in the first two miles became a 9:05 for the third. Simply amazing!

                            Mike E

                            MM #5615

                              09/01 runnerclay - Big Peach Sizzler 10K Atlanta,GA

                              09/03 pfriese - Brookhaven Run 5K - Norman, OK

                              09/04 Opie - Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon, Virginia Beach, VA

                              09/04 OrangeMat - Run the Reservoir Half Marathon, Westwood, NJ

                              09/05 Ileneforward - Conquer the Bridge 5.3 miles, San Pedro CA

                              09/05 CNYrunner - New Haven 20k, New Haven, CT


                              Good luck everybody!!!

                                Biked 28.  A bit warm (88F) but tolerable on the bike.  Sweet Road is about 6 miles of uphill grade but flying down Rt. 20 afterwards is worth it.  38 mph on one section and 42mph on another.  Yeehaw!
