Masters Running


President's Day Daily, 2.15.16 (Read 39 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Funny may be hard to do, TW, but you are good at it. I hope you got back safely.


    I'm glad you enjoyed your pancakes yesterday, Deeze. I hope you had a good ride on Rosie.


    Great goddess photo, Mariposai. Where are the mens?


    Smart move to skip the run yesterday, Moebo. Sometimes, being stuck inside with no place to go can be a good thing.


    Good day, all around, Aamos! Did you share any of the fro yo with Simon? Bet not...


    Good TM run, Holly (wise choice on your part to stay in too). Whenever i read that someone has colored their hair, I always think of primary or funky colors, but that's not it, is it?


    Congrats on a fast Valentine's Day 5K, Tet!


    Tselbes, when are you going to cross over to racewalking? Seems that you've got some good basic speed.


    Great story about the young lady at church, Mike. Another of your fans...


    Nice windy run, WC.


    Welcome back, Rhoon! I'm glad (not scared) you've been running.


    Happy Anniversary, Starr! I'm glad Mr. Starr is signing up for 40 more - smart man. Good story about Larry the Onion King.


    Nice run on that barking ankle, Evanflein. But if it keeps barking, fageddabout the goal and let it heal.


    Good shot of happy dogs, Steve. I'm glad those pesky winter mosquitoes left you alone.


    DW and I had a tasty Valentine's Day dinner that we made together. I made that "intense chocolate mousse cake" - it didn't look like the one pictured with the recipe, but it still tasted great.


    9 RW miles at J o'clock this morning. It was 1F when I started, but dropped a couple to -1 by the time I got back. There was considerably less wind than yesterday, so although I wasn't what I would call warm, it wasn't so bad to be out there.


    Have a greta Monday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.




      I hope everyone had a nice St. Valentines day. DW and I visited DD#1 while she tended bar and shared a pizza.


      DD#2 had a good music audition os Saturday, at least I think. I wasn't present during the audition but the feedback she received was "You're exactly what we are looking for. Your intonation is beautiful...just beautiful."


      I'm pretty sure they keep the larger scholarship amounts reserved for students who are actually majoring in music so I'm not getting my hopes to high...but hey, everything helps.


      Me...well I'm hoping to hit a couple of running milestones this week. 1.) I'll pass that damn pace bunny.  2.) I'll hit 50 consecutive days of running. 3.) I'll cross 300 miles for the year. (this pales in comparison to Aamos and some others but given my last three lack luster years I'm a happy camper)


      7 miles...some thru unplowed churned up messy running on a sandy beach except the snow sticks to the bottom of your shoes.

      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

        Sobering ten minutes slower than I was able to run at the drop-of-a-hat just seven years ago but happy results from yesterday’s Valentine 5K finally under 35 minutes and more than five minutes off last week’s pathetic 40 minutes plus in the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Monkey 5K

        34:45 (11:13). Yippee.
        AG - 4/10

        Instead of painting feet red this year, valentine hearts cut from red duct tape stayed on even through the numerous mud puddles around the beloved Green Lake course. At the finish, a supervisor watching a volunteer snip through the plastic tie securing the timing chip to my big toe suggested in jest (I think), “why don’t you trim his nails too?”
        great day with the church skit, after all, MikeE

        My recent “break-a-leg” moment for a lifetime:
        thoroughly defeated and worn out last September in the late morning of the third day with no idea of how far I still had to go on the very lonely, 90K longest stretch of the 1,400K pilgrimage ( “henro” ) of 88 shrines around Shikoko Island I had mistakenly assumed, based on a 15-hour 100K once, might take a nonstop 24-30 hours, a little girl leaned out the window of a passing van and called out as if I were a real one too, “ganbatte, Henro-san.” . . . and I did.


        ps rhoon - winter running is always scary up there . . . .

        but maybe not as bad as all the brown bear in the summertime.

        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


          Slo - my mileage and times pales compared to almost all other runners - but we're having fun and are out there!

          Jay - I'm impressed you could be out there in those temps

          tet - congrats


          8 glorious miles in the Celery Fields of Sarasota. It's a bird/duck sanctuary so there were hawks, anhingas, unknown raptors and lots of other wildlife, including very friendly runners and birders).



          Sayhey! MM#130



            Great run Marj, but sorry for Henry.  Looking forward to seeing you both next weekend!   Steve, when do you want to try and get together?


            My achievement of the day is that I got DH into the Space Coast Half Marathon.  It's one of those events that announces registration and closes almost immediately.  It's not until late Nov.,  but he really wanted to do it and couldn't last year, so he's in--then I registered for the full, and sure enough, the half was closed by then.  Last year it was closed within 20 minutes, so this was even faster.


            Slo, no competition (except for CNY Runner ).  Nice hitting some marks.


            Simon did not get any of my froyo, but he did get to have at my salad last night.  He likes veggies, and is especially fond of chickpeas (he manages to get the thin membrane that covers them off before he eats them.)


            So I am hoping one of my young running friends who wants to BQ is not upset with me.  You may recall I ran with her iN Dec at a marathon and we just missed her 3:40 goal.  It was very hot--hotter than usual for December here.   One of our other running friends was at the race yesterday, not registered, but just went to run certain parts of the race with her and another person in the half.  So I didn't offer to run with her AND I missed an email from her the night before asking me what pace I was planning on (which I responded to in some detail after the race with what I hope was supportive and helpful comments, explaining I don't run one pace for a marathon).  She needed a 3:40 and ran a 3:41 while I ran a little under.   Seems close, but we really ran different races.


            The thing is, the group I run with is great, really warm, caring (e.g., person who went out to Ft. Lauderdale just to help) and talented.  They just don't seem to think much of the negative split theory, which is basically my credo.   For example, after Saturday's 5K, a good runner and triathlete in his 50s said to me something like he was going to line up with me next race b/c I always pass him around mile 2 in 5Ks.  And we've run together in training and in races countless times.


            In marathons, I especially try to achieve a negative split.  (Yesterday, my first half was 1:50 and hers was 1:48.)  It seems that a lot of folks want to pick a pace and lock into it for 26 miles.   I don't know--I like to try and pace people and be helpful, but I learned in December that focusing on maintaining that same pace made the run more like a forced march and took the fun out of it.


            I don't want to seem anti-social but I also don't want to change up how I approach races.


            So, on this day of majorly political issues in which I am passionately interested, how is that for sublimating all that into a running query?


            grins, and more grins--the chocolate is on SALE to day!!!



    (for a piece or two of my mind)


            Rose Colored Glasses



              snow falling


              Nothing. I took the dogs out. I made coffee. I did the crossword puzzle. I baked a peach and blackberry cobbler. Now there's 2 inches of snow on the ground and a light freezing rain. And I brewed another pot of decaf.


              Slugs. Ralph and I are slugs today. Veta Louise Simmons is snoring in her bed. (Every breath sounds like her last yet when she gets outside she runs around like a puppy. She is over 16 years old. Mini-schnauzer type shelter dog). King Leonidas is curled up in his corner cushion. I would like to let him run around leashless in the snow but, yesterday, down in Mississippi, my dear friend's daughter experienced tragedy when her beloved lab mix "Blue" was struck by car and killed instantly.  So Leon will remain a leashed dog. Especially since today is trash day.


              Aamos, in my vast experience (hardy har har) I have found that folks are responsible for their own marathons. Sure they can join a pacer carrying a flag with a time goal but, if they aren't prepared properly or if the planets are not aligned perfectly, a runner will not BQ or break 4 hours or meet whatever goal they have set for themself. You cannot pace someone else to run their marathon on your dime. I have tried the negative split plan and have failed. I have tried even splits and failed. In fact, my best marathon (Remember that wonderful October morning in Niantic, dear Moebo?), I executed a plan that I thought McSolar or someone had told me to run.  I thought he had told me to run the first 10K like a race and then the next 20 miles like a training run.


              So I ran the first 10K with Ralph at a ridiculous pace for me but, I felt great. As soon as we hit the 10K mark, I slowed down and said, "See you later Ralphie".  And then I had a great relaxing 20 miles run. That Mystic Places marathon was my fastest. And my nutrition on the run including eating a Twix bar that some children were passing out at mile 16 or 18.


              It's a carp shoot. For me anyway.


              Run your own race.

              Marathon Maniac #957


                DD#2 had a good music audition os Saturday, at least I think. I wasn't present during the audition but the feedback she received was "You're exactly what we are looking for. Your intonation is beautiful...just beautiful."



                Love it!


                Starr - Happy Anniversary!


                Aamos - what Rose said....


                Okay, I forgot the other shout-outs I had in mind, and now I have to go.  Mondays at work are generally terrifying, so off I must go.


                No run for me today, just 15 minutes on the bike trainer and a few light exercises that hopefully have nothing to do with back muscles.


                I got on the scale this morning and went ...I knew it was bad, but not just how bad.  Time to start reeling in the eating.....

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                  "Run your own race." Barb, I couldn't have said it better! I don't have the discipline to run negative splits. I've never not walked in a marathon, even if only briefly or thru water stops. I've tried running with pacers and have never found that to be my liking. I agree that it can become like a forced march rather than a run. When I'm running marathons, of course I'm interested in getting done in a reasonable time, but I'm also interested in the scenery and taking in the views and chatting with other runners. If all it was was a matter of time, why not run those series where you just do a gazillion laps of a short course and be done? No thanks.


                  Aamos, if she wants to run with you, great. But let her know what your plan is (even if it's "no plan, I'm just running") and then let her decide.


                  Holly, we saw that movie. I agree, not exactly uplifting. My son loved it. And I hope your Monday goes well. Isn't it frustrating that for such a short month, this February has 5 Mondays?? That little fact did not go unnoticed here.


                  Jay, it really isn't hard to dress for those temps, right? And yes, you don't have to be warm warm, but comfortable and protected. As long as you don't get wet. Being too warm is more of a risk at those temps, really.


                  I was thinking I'd take a rest day today, but the forecast is better than predicted earlier so I brought my stuff for a run this afternoon. Will try to keep it easy. I actually got dinner in the crockpot this morning, followed a recipe and everything! Will be interested to see how it turns out.

                    starr, happy anniversary.  Tet congrats on being 4/10 in your AG in your 5K.  Nice long run, evan.


                    I walked another 5 miles today, 3 this morning on the TM at a 13:51 pace and 2 outside this afternoon with my Ice Trekers at a 13:55 pace.


                    A good day and good runs for all.



                      We got about 5 inches of heavy, wet snow overnight. I wasn't going to run, but changed my mind at lunch and ran 2.1 miles. Wet feet and a sore achilles at the end.


                      Yesterday was the last of the runs in the local winter series. A 5 miler that turned out to be 5.1 miles according to my GPS and 4 other people I overheard talking.


                      My runs of late have been about as carpy as they go so I decided to just take the race very easy and hope to stay under a 10:00 minute pace.  I was pleased that I averaged about 9:15 without ever feeling like I was running. Very strange to have it go as well as it did.


                      Last year on today's date I ran a 5k in Michigan with an actual temperature of -14°. Facebook was nice enough to remind me of that today.



                      Bushrat Runner

                        Aamos...I am with you on the negative splits...the only way to plan a race in my opinion. Well...the one other way to plan a marathon that I would use is to run a certain heart rate profile...but if it is the right profile, that should also help you negative split.


                        Man...I miss to get in shape.


                        Starr, I have two of the Samsungs now, love them both. They are great for most things I do, and make awesome images. They do have some limitations however...the ones with viewfinders are definitely more suited to wildlife photography.


                        Mostly started running with the kiddos this past month while on vacation in Maui. Now trying to keep it going. Here's a photo of Haleakala from our trip...




                        Trails are hard!

                          Welcome back, Rhoon.  Nice picture--flying vacation?


                          Jay--you did a lot better than I did.  I waited until 8:30, when it was all the way to 8F.  A relatively quick 10K.  If we were on the metric system, it would be MKTC .


                          Now waiting to take off to Philly.  Usually the delay is leaving--this time I'm waiting at Logan (for the delayed plane from Philly).  It's going to be a late night with an hour drive to South Jersey.  Oh well, such is life.

                          Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                          Marathon Maniac #957

                             Isn't it frustrating that for such a short month, this February has 5 Mondays?? That little fact did not go unnoticed here.




                            Rhoon - nice to see you again, love the picture!


                            Mike - I love the story about the hug....


                            {{{Kevin}}} - I hate flying for just such reasons....

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            Bushrat Runner

                              Just a vacation...but I did fly...the photo is just from the rim of the caldera though...


                              Been flying a lot. Over 250 hours last year. Now awaiting a check ride, and will be flying as part of my regular work duties.


                              Next flying challenge is to get my flight instructor rating. Until then...working on running. And working. And of course, photos.


                                Rhoon, that landscape is fantastic.


                                Rose, what I remember about Mystic is how happy you seemed after the race! Have you ever tried to reproduce that 10K/20 easy combination in a marathon? I wonder if it would work a second time.


                                Holly, your hair coloring story made me smile. I got so tired of paying a ton to color my hair (and often hating the results) that I just stopped! A couple of years ago, I cut my hair super short to get rid of all traces of dye, and started over again. Now it's almost to my shoulders, with lots of white strands, and I have vowed never to color it again. BF says he likes it better this way, so that helps a lot...


                                4 miles this morning in 0 degrees. There was no wind, so very bearable. My first time outside in a while!
