Masters Running


2's-Day, April 12 Daily .... (Read 502 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Good Morning Gang!!


    That was a great picture of Noah the other day SteveP.    Sunday when it was so warm out, I was out working in the yard and Hailey shows up with her belly all wet.   I could not figure it out as I was keeping a pretty good eye on her and knew she hadn't left the property.    Later on I saw that she had found the only mound of snow still out there and was keeping her belly full of puppies cool laying on top of it.  


    Welcome Daddyo!!   Jump on in - the water's fine!  Wink


    So good to see you posting once in a while Leslie


    Today was interval day.    I added one this week, making it six 1/4 mile intervals with .15 mile rest distances.    I think I got to daydreaming on the last one and didn't hear the little beeps.    One mile warm up and 1.10 mile cool down for a total of 4.5 miles this a.m.


    2:13 (oops)


    35° and clear skies made for a beautiful morning!!




    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


      •  posted: 4/12/2011 at 6:58 AM

      Good morning one and all.


       Opps......two daily's.........I shut mine down  quickly to avoid confusion.   Thanks for starting the day off Hopeful.


      Question here:


      The other day I went out for a 4 mile run thinking that was it for the day.    When I got home, a friend asked me to join them for another run of 3.5 miles at a slower pace.    As I am going along in the second run I suddenly had a sharp pain on the inside of my knee.    It would not go away and I tried various things.....high kicking with that leg......running with less bend ....etc no real help.    Then I got the brilliant idea to stop and do a deep knee bend.   This must have stretched or moved something because the pain totally went away and off I go running again.  Then about a quarter mile later it starts building back up until I do the deep knee bend and get relief.     I finished the run and there was no pain afterwards.   There was no soreness to the knee and I did a couple of miles the next day (yesterday) with no problems.


      So what is that?      Am I close to needing an amputation or what?


      Speaking of amputations, my brother had his leg amputated a couple of years ago (diabetes) and they eventually suggested a prosthetic leg that "remembers" his previous actions to determine how to make the next step.   It analyzes his weight shifting, the incline, the speed, the surface conditions, etc to anticipate what the next step will be.   As I told him, it basically takes him for the walk.  They imported it for him from Switzerland.

      The cost?.....$50,000.   Through a real miracle from God in a long story of strangers helping, he paid $200 for it.


      Have a great day and enjoy the gift and ability to run.





      New skirt in town

        Given my achiness of the past few days, I took it easy this morning.  4.40 miles in 40 minutes (9:05 pace).  I felt great, and my PF actually feels better than EVER right now!  As I was rolling around on my litte foot Rubz ball--a usually painful exercise--I actually thought to myself, "Wait, am I rubbing the right foot?  This doesn't hurt at all!!"



        NO  MO MELANOMA! Help me run 26.2 miles and raise $5000 for the Melanoma Foundation of NE.  Visit this page to learn more:

          6 miles with 10x 25 second strides at 6 am just to sharpen a bit.


          Good news Robin---I get all sorts of weird aches and pains during the first part of taper week. I swear it's my body's last ditch attempt to dissuade me from running another marathon. My brain is firing all these alerts to my muscles and joints....NO! LET'S STOP HER!---some sort of internal conspiracy. Usually by Wednesday, the coiled spring energy feeling arrives. You've done your training, you will rock it come Monday!


          Morning Mary and Vista!


          Hugs to all who need them.


          Off to CT for for me waving soon PBJ.

          Mike E

          MM #5615

            Vista--I'm very interested to see if somebody can give you a good answer.  I get strange pains all the time.  Sometimes I think I'm being really stupid to continue to run with some weird pain that just popped up out of nowhere, and then--the next day--I've forgotten all about it because it's just not an issue.  I wish I understood more about these bodies of ours.


            Marathon Iowa 2014

              Hi CNY - what part of CT?


              Still a little tired from my lost blood donation weekend.  I'll recover.  Ran in the cardio cinema again this morning - 7 miles while watching "Ali."


              Boston butterflies are starting...

                The Boston excitement is building!  I've been reliving last year's Boston in my mind a lot this week.  It was so special.  There are a few local runners here running their first Boston's next week.  I am so excited for all the runners!


                This week I'm moving from straight base-building to adding some stamina work.  So I ran a sort of progressive/near-tempo run today to reintroduce the old body to running harder.  It went pretty well i think, though the HR on that last near-tempo mile was higher than I'd like.  It'll get lower at the same effort  as I do them over the next month or so I'm sure.  (I call it near-tempo because I never got anywhere close to 10K pace.  Maybe this IS my 10k pace right now.)


                Mile 1 = 10:11 (warm up)

                Mile 2 = 9:23  (easy)

                Mile 3 = 8:48  (current MP probably?)

                Mile 4 = 8:31  (used to be MP)

                Mile 5 = 8:17  (Steady state pace)

                Mile 6 = 8:03  (HM pace)

                Mile 7 = 9:11  (cool down)



                "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                   CNY—good to hear you didn’t need a broom after all.  Sounds like a good time.

                  Hoping for good things for OM, Leslie

                  Heme—if you’re unable to get the big workouts done well, then maybe a cutback is in order.  Hope you get it sorted out. 

                  Mary—quarter mile intervals?  I’m intrigued.  What are you training for?

                  PBJ—that was a wild blood donation experience. 

                  Byll—do you target 10K pace for tempo runs?  That’s fast.  I thought 15K-HM was typical. 

                  After Robin mentioned she tried a modified Hanson plan this time, I was poking around and was surprised to see them suggest that tempo runs should be done at MP pace?  Huh!?  (Can you tell I'm trying to put a together a plan for the Fall?)


                  I’m no help on the aches and pains front.  I assume it’s part of getting old.


                  The warm temps continue here.  Since I’m just goofing off these days, it’s a good time to be acclimating to the warmer temps.  Upper 60s this morning at 6:30, when I went out.  Did 10 total with 4 tempo miles (7:12) in the middle.  Felt pretty good, given the temps and humidity but my legs were definitely tired for the cool-down and I walked our big hill.  Just managed to beat the rain; it’s pouring now. 

                  Be safe. Be kind.


                    Vista, thats really cool about your brother. How's it working for him?


                    Intervals for me this morning. I keep waiting to see that break thru...still waiting.


                    Anyway, after a 2.5 mile w/u I did - 1 mile, 2 x 800, 1 mile, 2 x 800. It averaged out to about 6:40 pace. Last 800 was in at 3:11. Numbers I'd take any day. I guess I should take the effort level into consideration as well. These were well under control and I certainly had more to give.


                    Pains...I hate phantom pains. I've already started telling myself not to freak out when I get a sharp unexplained pain in my knee or foot or where ever once the taper begins.


                    Keep running !


                    Noticeably missing...Jlynne

                    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                      Tramps - I'm training for a 25K next month (with Hallar!).   I know I should probably do at least 1/2 mile intervals, but I freely admit that I'm a whimp.   Wink     When I was training for 1/2 marathons, using the Hal Higdon plans, he calls our for the 1/4 mile (or 400's).  


                      PBJ - did you float like a butterfly, sting like a bee?


                      Vista - years ago I used to get those sharp knee pains and found it was due my shoe mileage.   Probably not that simple though?  


                      Yea for no pain Robin!


                      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                        Byll—do you target 10K pace for tempo runs?  That’s fast.  I thought 15K-HM was typical.


                        Tramps, No, I don't really target 10K pace.  I run by effort only.  That usually puts me at HM or a little below but i never know when I'm running them.  I don't look at the Garmin till afterward.  This morning I was curious whether I may have been running at 10K because it felt that hard near the very end.



                        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                           CNY—good to hear you didn’t need a broom after all.  Sounds like a good time.

                          Hoping for good things for OM, Leslie

                          Heme—if you’re unable to get the big workouts done well, then maybe a cutback is in order.  Hope you get it sorted out. 

                          Mary—quarter mile intervals?  I’m intrigued.  What are you training for?

                          PBJ—that was a wild blood donation experience. 

                          Byll—do you target 10K pace for tempo runs?  That’s fast.  I thought 15K-HM was typical. 

                          After Robin mentioned she tried a modified Hanson plan this time, I was poking around and was surprised to see them suggest that tempo runs should be done at MP pace?  Huh!?  (Can you tell I'm trying to put a together a plan for the Fall?)


                          I’m no help on the aches and pains front.  I assume it’s part of getting old.


                          The warm temps continue here.  Since I’m just goofing off these days, it’s a good time to be acclimating to the warmer temps.  Upper 60s this morning at 6:30, when I went out.  Did 10 total with 4 tempo miles (7:12) in the middle.  Felt pretty good, given the temps and humidity but my legs were definitely tired for the cool-down and I walked our big hill.  Just managed to beat the rain; it’s pouring now. 


                          Tramps...Very good question.


                          For me, and only because of what I've repeatedly read or heard is; Tempo pace is roughly the pace that you could hold for about an hour. So for me that's somewhere between 10k and HM pace.


                          Looking at the hansons plan, the prescribed tempos start at about 6 miles and go to 10. That would be at my upper limit for a tempo pace.


                          FWIW's, I log most of my MP pace runs as easy even though in reality they are probably harder than easy should be. But I wouldn't recommend anyone follow what I do because I have yet to cross any of my marathon goals off.

                          Go Pre!

                            Taper week, off yesterday and planned a short run this morning with some strides but ....


                            I woke up at 3am for my usual middle of the night visit to the men's room (the joy of always being well hydrated) and realized my usual fogginess was not going away in one eye. I turned on the light to see what was up...yep, pink eye! No clue why or how, I don't know anyone else with it right now.


                            I feel ok otherwise, I have some poly-sporin eye drops for what they're worth. I tossed and turned through the night worrying whether this was going to affect next Monday's marathon and awoke tired and skipped my run. No probs, taper week etc. I may go out for a short run at lunch.


                            Had a fierce 75 minute 'tune-up' massage last night. I have a strong massage therapist who is also a runner and she knows her stuff. She was in deep and working hard so maybe she worked me so hard I burst a blood vessel? 

                              Vista, thats really cool about your brother. How's it working for him?.....Slo Hand



                              He has several other medical problems associated with the diabetes that does not help, such as he suffered a slight stroke which makes his ability to move the good leg difficult.  The good news is that this computerized leg adjusts for that and literally takes him for the walk.  It truly is amazing technology.  It does allow him to get up and moving.  The biggest obstacle that he has is TRUSTING the leg.



                              I’m no help on the aches and pains front.  I assume it’s part of getting old…….Tramps


                              This IS not what I hoped to hear, even though it probably is the truth.




                              Vista - years ago I used to get those sharp knee pains and found it was due my shoe mileage……Hopeful


                              Actually that is a very real possibility.  I had different shoes on for the first run than what I wore during the second run.  Hmmm


                              Marathon Maniac #957

                                Later on I saw that she had found the only mound of snow still out there and was keeping her belly full of puppies cool laying on top of it.  



                                Putting the kids in cool-down already...Smile


                                Byll – interesting.  I always thought my GA pace was slower than MP, rather than faster.  30 seconds faster than MP is what I call my tempo pace, which is roughly my HM pace as well.  When my training is going well, I interpret my paces like this:


                                10:00-10:15   easy pace

                                9:15-9:30       GA pace

                                8:45                MP

                                8:20                HM pace

                                8:10-8:10       tempo


                                I really meant to get some good miles in this morning, but somehow the time before work got away from me as I puttered around on the computer, fixed lunches, got dinner in the crockpot, all at a leisurely pace.  Ah well.  The wind and rain outside weren’t exactly calling to me…


                                4 easy-paced miles on the TM (10:31) watching Season One of CSI, followed by squats, lunges, and single-legged dead lifts.


                                Happy Tuesday!

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
