Masters Running


Wednesday, July 23, Ghost-written runs (Read 569 times)

    I hope you all have better luck with Mr. Ribs. His abysmal attempt at making my run interesting has driven me back to RA. Heck, I'm even starting the daily for the first time. OK, sorry Ribs. You're fired. 7.0 miles on much peppier legs. 1:08:31, 9:47 pace. Last weekend's camping trip with running and hiking in lovely Shenandoah National Park had left me tired and sore. All better now.

    aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

    Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason

      This is one of the new money-making schemes I came up with, where I act as surrogate poster for a fee. The Beers are taking advantage of a free one-day trial of the service, after which they can post their own runs or have me continue for a modest contribution to the cause. (Cause of me). The benefits of the service are too numerous to list here but basically it works like this. You email me your workout soon as you come home, instead of posting it on RA. I "translate" it for the forum to make it more meaningful and enjoyable for others to read. For example, if you do a track workout, I embellish the fluidity and control you had on the turns of the track and your acceleration on the straighaways, while downplaying how hot you thought it was, and all your puking and whining about the heat. For a long run, I focus on your form, total mileage and consistency of effort. I also remove comments about your dog, how you stunk up the bathroom that day and how you really feel about your kids or your spouse. My professional expertise in posting your run enhances your overall aura as a runner and makes you a far more interesting person. I am sure that many of you will want to get into this idea "on the ground floor" as they say, but space is rapidly filling up, so I would apply early for this service if I were you. Spareribs
      Now let's look at the videotape.
      WRFB has not posted today, but since I can't post any runs, let me say that he did 5 miles at 8:43 pace.
      "embellish"? "more meaningful and enjoyable"? "...will be riveted on their performance..."? I think not. Your fired. My run today was a beauty to behold. My acceleration out of bed was unsurpassed. If the run had been long, you would have been amazed at my consistency of effort. I had considered taking beerdog, but she went back to sleep soon after her early morning treat. 5.1 miles @ 8:39/mi, AHR 146, overall 43:46 Have a great run today, and you'd better take the free trial before signing up using your hard-earned cash-money.

      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

        Welcome back Mr and Mrs Beer! I'm so glad you two are posting your own runs today . . . Wink Out for 5 with Brinkley this morning. The moon was bright in the sky allowing the trees to cast shadows that were sometimes just plain scary! 9:39 avg. pace and 158 avg. HR. 9:36 / 146 9:35 / 151 9:35 / 162 9:35 / 166 9:57 / 169 Hope everyone has a great Hump Day!


        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


        Marathon Maniac #3309

          To clarify to Steve about what Mr Ribs has me doing.... The two "big" workouts are Sat's long / wave run where there is a couple mile warm up, then 3 miles at MP (8:00), and 2 at 1/2 MP (7:30) with one easy mile between repeats, then couple mile cool down. Then Weds night long mid week run with 6 -1000 meter repeats at 7:15 pace with 200 meter jog between each set. Sat ends up being about 13 to 15 miles - and Weds about 10 or11 total In a hurry so I will add....6.5 easy miles last night in 59 minutes and some change....and looking forward to my mid week long tonight with 1000 repeats Smile Tim

          Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

            No running yet....Migth..big might do a 10 miler race tonight, it's set up by the local running club so I should support it. Temperature is supposed to be 90F, 94 percent humidity and rain. hmmmm might just run like a training run, I have to run anyway. Take care everyone...girls get back from their trip today...I have not seen them in 11days..might not see them tonight as they might get home too late. Tall

            Recent Best times: None recently

              PDR starts us off! It’s gonna be a good day. Hmmm…Ribs says my run yesterday (alternating “fast” and “slow” miles) was a “wave” run but Twocat says it qualifies as mile repeats. Confused Aamos--referring to 72% humidity as "sticky" is just plain mean! Here that's known as "delightful"! Swampy 3.4 miles @ 8:49 today. A word of caution regarding Ribs’ new business venture. I received my free sample last week and, frankly, I was not impressed. I’m not saying he plagiarized but in referring to my inconsistent splits he wrote, “It was the best of the times, it was the worst of times,” and even though I always run in the morning the weather portion of the post said, “It was a dark and stormy night.” Worst of all, I think he reuses the same posts for different clients. He had me confused with some dude named “Ishmael.”

              Be safe. Be kind.

                I guess I have to post my own run---waiting for a DRR (Daily Ribs Report) isn't working! Two runs to post….yesterday’s 5 mile fartlek/dynamic run (where the rest portions are run at a pretty good clip to keep it all moving) instead of the embedded 5k weekly race at the Community Gardens. T-storms everywhere, so I peeked at the radar and blasted out the door. 81F, rumbles in the distance at 5 PM yesterday. 7:33 pace. Today’s run was a steady paced 15 miler---goal was keeping it between 8:20-8:30. All fine and kept it at 8:21. 6 AM, rain and a break in the thunder. Mainerunnah---your workouts are rocking! Great intervals yesterday. Is Joel the guy you were with at the Boston expo? Twocat! So the countdown to 9/1 in New Haven has begun in earnest I see! It will be my last race as a 43 year-old and I’ll be pounding the Twinkies AND the Ho-Hos! Just wait for my schedules for the upcoming weeks dude….ROAR! Remember, it’s the Lioness that hunts…..the Lion hangs out at home picking stuff out of his mane. Great to see the Beers this morning! Off to Boone, NC this afternoon and not home until Friday evening. Later! Karin/CNYrunner
                  Good morning, all! Great to see the two beers (and not some posting surrogate) at the top of the list. With two firings, does this mean that Ribs can apply for unemployment? Twocat - what are you doing wearing a shirt in this heat and humidity anyway??? Take it off and be comfortable (relatively speaking, of course). CNY - good run this morning! Hope you are pushing the rain in my direction -we can use it. Mile intervals on the track for me this morning. 2 warmup miles, 3 mile repeats (8:40, 8:20 and 8:46) with half mile recoveries and 2 mile cooldown for 8 miles @ overall 9:24 pace. I don't think I've done mile repeats since the H&H arrived. Good runs to all!

                  Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                  King of PhotoShop

                    I've been fired before, but never over the internet! Ishmael indeed! I'll show ya. As the sun rises over the Asian mainland, one solitary athlete rises courageously from his hotel room bed and wincing with pain from his damaged and surgically repaired knee, he laboriously dons his workout clothes and heads downstairs to the gym. Yes, it's the Pro from Dover in his search for athletic perfection. Today he labors through 3 K's on the treadmill at 9:40 pace, then heads to the pool for a short but swift workout of 750 yards in a blazing 16 minutes. Recovering from injury is nothing to this man, who now has a streak of 2 consecutive days of quality work. Sadly, his golf score does not represent his other athletic prowess, so no scores will be posted here. And so, many hours later we find daybreak in the U.S., and at 5 a.m. a tall, rangy athlete kisses his gorgeous wife good-bye and heads out the door, resplendent in blue and white, to another hot and steamy Florida morning. Guilt-ridden to do some quality work, but unsure whether to do tempo or intervals, Breger chooses the workout that gives him more speed, the punishing 800s, paying no attention to the 76 degree temperature of the 87% humidity. With no fiveK to run this weekend, he blasts through the sessions, progressively running them faster and faster, resting with only a 3 minute jog after each: 3:55 (7:50 min/mile pace) 3:51 (7:42) 3:42 (7:24) 3:49 (7:39) 3:44 (7:30) 3:43 (7:27) 3:36 (7:13) Consumed with the passion of the workout, he runs one 800 at blazing speed, forgets he is supposed to rest, and races through an entire minute of his recovery time. So it's just another routine workout for running hero. Spareribs

                      I'm telling you, we could take yesterday's posts and compile them into a TV much better than anything on the air... Tramps: Wave run, interval run, call it what you will...those 4 at 7:33 are just huge, especially in this heat. From Ribs:
                      Let me just share one other tidbit with you. I cook every meal we eat in this family and we eat very healthy, believe me. I no longer eat red meat, love salmon, no caffeine, no butter and I'm a fruit and vegetable fanatic. If you are also diet conscious, don't think for a minute you are not susceptible to these issues. The doctor told me in response to my question about all this calcification (aortic valve stenosis is a tightening of the valve due to calcification) and he said it has nothing to do with the foods I eat. It's a good idea to have an annual physical and do the things your doctor suggests you do. Running does not do it all for you.
                      What! you cook too? cooking abilities consist pretty much of toast & popcorn. Although I don't eat much red meat, I indulge once in a while...brand called "Laura's" that I get at Kroger's locally...steaks and hamburger meat both at only about 4.5 grams of fat. And, as has already been noted, heredity counts...I get an ultrasound every year because my dad had blockages...and the old timers might remember that Jim Fixx, the running guru in the 80's, had a heart attack. Also...good point about getting a yearly physical. Teresa: Teach your ankle how to talk to Timbo's ankle...he ground out 29 miles in 3 days after having his drained. Holly: 30-day free gym membership sounds perfect for you can always walk...just like those timeshare presentations, etc. dg: Your progress from only a few days ago is astounding..that's just great. dtoce: Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge of CAD and for the web article. As usual, high temps & humidity even early in the morning. Did 4.1 miles on the hills...I think Sarge jinxed me...after hearing of his hammie injury, my groin started to ache at the start but like Sarge's run, it loosened up as I went along...slowed me a little but still managed a 9:29 pace and actually ran all of one of the hills. Also did the last mile in 8:07 so I might be getting a little stronger. DickyG
                        I have to follow that post? Here goes: The sky was angry today my friends, like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli. Early morning thunderstorms had left the air thick and the mean streets of Rochester saturated. A weaker man would have headed out the door with great trepidation, but Craneium strode confidently out the door resplendent in black running shorts with 2 yellow stripes down each side and a yellow sleeveless shirt revealing his tan toned arms. Humidity? What humidity? Striding along reminding anyone watching of Stefano Baldini (and making those who don't know who that is use Google) he easily manages a 6 mile recovery run that might cripple mere mortals but left Craneium (all great athletes need to refer to themselves in the 3rd person)feeling refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the day.

                        King of PhotoShop

                          One comment about nomenclature on those miles, there are so many running authors with different definitions that I suppose you could make a case for mile repeats, mile repetitions or mile cruise intervals. The wave run is not a Daniels workout so I don't like to label it. I tend to think of repeats, or repetitions as being work sessions of greater intensity, followed by full recovery. In repeats you can come to a dead stop after the session. The miles you do in the wave approach threshold levels but are no faster, and you continue to run at E pace between them. It doesn't matter to me what they are called. They do serve the purpose of giving you quality miles, practice in running at long-distance race paces, an excellent distance run, and efficient recovery for the next workout. Spareribs
                            Apparently Ribs' recent procedure has resulted in either increased or decreased blood flow to his brain (I can make a case either way), because he's been on quite a roll. Maybe The Saint can slip something into his morning coffee and he'll calm down a bit. A beautiful morning for running here today, with temps in the mid-60s and low humidity. It may not last, but for sure the worst days of the summer are behind us now (with the exception of Crim Saturday, of course). I was tempted to extend my run, but held to my plans and ran an easy 1.3 with no bad stuff going on during or after. Carpe diem, everyone!

                            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                              Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip
                                4 easy