Masters Running


Thurs Jun 19 Daily (Read 389 times)

King of PhotoShop

    6 miles, just ahead of a lightning storm. Don't know whether to call it slow or easy. First 4 were slow, then last two were pretty quick. Felt great. Regarding Tim's post, he wants to do a fall marathon, and there will be lots of time for anaerobic work toward the end of his training. This is not the time to do all-out speed work, at the beginning of the summer. This fall he will wish he never heard my name. Next time you do a workout on the track and you complete your final 1,000 meter set, which one of the following choices will you select, if asked: A) I could easily do one more set B) I could do one more if I had to but it would be very difficult C) I could do one more, but I'm gassed and could never achieve the time goal D) You gotta be kidding me! No way! I will let someone else tell you the correct answer, but you should see it clearly now. Your workout on Wednesday should be such that you are fresh for your Saturday or Sunday workout. I am generally skeptical when someone posts how they "hate the track" or that they detest doing interval work. Makes me wonder what kind of workout they have planned or what the objective is. Spareribs

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Jeanne - All the puppies are sold now. The first one leaves next Friday night (27th) and 3 more that weekend. The ones that I have to fly out can't leave until the 3rd. I got a good shot of mom and her babies last night. Thanks for asking about them. Deb - that is a great compliment!! The last time I bought shoes, I brought in my current pair for the owner to look at. After studying the wear on them, he told me that I am a light runner! I almost kissed him!! Smile Nice run with the white dog Tom!


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


      Marathon Maniac #957

        Good Morning! Bill - that's better than the vacuum cleaner I got for my birthday one year from DH. Smile DG – that is indeed a nice compliment. I tend to shuffle when I run, galumphing along like a Clydesdale with my feet slapping the pavement. I love watching people run “lightly.” 5 recovery-paced miles today in a crisp 54 degrees. The recovery run discussion had me thinking about how lack of recovery may have impacted my last marathon cycle. I am one of those guilty of the “8-mile recovery run.” Spareribs is right that my training last winter was permeated with feelings of fatigue, slowness, and lack of improvement. It's hard for me to just go out for 4-5 miles, since I tend to think if I'm out there I may as well do at least 7 or 8, and I was trying to get as many miles in as I could. I thought I was getting recovery because I was running slowly, but actually I was probably not. This might be the key ingredient that was missing. Question though – is it still a recovery run if you are going up and down hills, albeit slowly? Or should I seek out easy, even terrain for the days immediately after my hard workouts?

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          Holly, I admire your restraint that you're still married to him. In my case, I'm hoping the other gifts including the Sephora Gift Card and the Christian Inspirational Book should promote a sense of similar restraint. Bill

          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

          I Can Go The Distance

            Good Morning 6 miles easy for me today in 10:00:13 10:03/mile. It is getting really hot and humid here in SOCAL, but that is just the way I like it! Should not be any problem warming up for my 5k race on Saturday. Holly: On the 40/40 thread I noticed that you are doing something called a wave run this weekend. I am not sure I know what sort of workout that is. Have a great day everyone. Bruce

            "Don't give up, don't ever give up." Jim Valvano



              Bill, Happy Birthday to your DW! And it was sweet of you to wait for the woman in your club and run her in. WRFB - nice that you opted for more fun on your run, and ended up progressively faster too! Tim, I wish that a 7:11 pace felt EZ! You're inspiring. (And sounds like you have a good coach!) Cool (((((Twocat's dw)))))) Sue, have fun in San Francisco! Long flights are a drag, though. When we flew home from Philly on Tuesday, DH asked, are we flying to Australia? We should be there by now! DG, nice light running! Pay it forward with the compliment, and make someone else's day. Spareribs, it was good to hear that you had a great run. You certainly deserve it after all your patience. Thanks for the coaching! Mary - what cute pups! I'm sure you'll miss them. Tomwhite - I agree that dogs are fun to run with. Holly, I think hills are OK for recovery runs if you live in a hilly area. With the price of gas, it doesn't make sense to drive to somewhere flat to run. Just run slow and easy, and walk the hills if you want. Bruce, In response to your question yesterday, I didn't run track at Penn. I didn't start running till I was 48. But the Penn Relays were fun to watch! And no, you wouldn't have wanted me on your basketball team - I SUCK at basketball. Cool I went for a 5.6 mile run after work yesterday with Tazzie and Ladybug. It was delightfully cool after being at the east coast for a week.

              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Holly: On the 40/40 thread I noticed that you are doing something called a wave run this weekend. I am not sure I know what sort of workout that is.
                BC – this is straight out of an e-mail Spareribs sent me with training advice about mixing quality workouts into your long run. “Wave” run where you run a couple easy miles, then alternate 1 mile at Hm or M pace with an easy mile until finished. This is a continuous run where you don’t jog the in-between miles, but run your normal easy pace between the faster ones. Is this site behaving strangely for anyone else?

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                King of PhotoShop

                  14 mile wave run might look like this: 2 miles slow, warmup 1 mile: easy 1 mile: Marathon pace 1 mile: easy 1 mile: Marathon pace 1 mile: easy 1 mile: Half marathon pace 1 mile: easy 1 mile: Half marathon pace 1 mile: easy 1 mile: Half marathon pace 1 mile: easy 1 mile: slow, cooldown You get 5 quality miles, and a strong workout, while staying fresh. It's a good workout, combining quality with distance and learning pace. Spareribs

                  Trails are hard!

                    Mary--Mom has an expression that looks like she might be glad the puppies are leaving home Smile Hope to get in a run tomorrow before I become support team for DW's Relay for Life team. That will occupy most of Friday setting up the team site and whatever else needs doing for the whole relay. These relays are a lot of fun and in doing so, generate a lot of funds for cancer research. Well worth joining if there are any near you. Their team fundraiser is selling lap beads. You get a necklace for $2 and then every time you pass their site while walking through the night, you get another bead to track your laps. and just in case you can't count well, every 4th one is a different color. Smile it will be interesting to see how long a string some people can develop. Kevin eta: Deb--can we call you dg-go-lightly?

                    Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                      happy Hot Thursday! Bruce, I hope you really like the heat because it's supposed to be in the 80s on Saturday. I've been running late in the afternoons this week to get used to the heat. tomwhite, interesting that you are thinking cossack songs....I just get stuck on ACDC tracks..... Ran 3 miles on dirt yesterday, rest day today.

                        Good Morning! Question though – is it still a recovery run if you are going up and down hills, albeit slowly? Or should I seek out easy, even terrain for the days immediately after my hard workouts?
                        Great question Holly, I was thinking the same thing. I am curious to hear the answers from our wiseones. Rest day today to be ready for my long run I have schedule for tomorrow. Last night I visited the local track. 2 miles to the track, 4mi@9 and 2 eze miles back home. Eight miles total for the day.

                        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                          12K, 4 ez, 4 at 5K pace, each K faster, 4k ez to close. Had my business credit card and personal Visa card stolen from me at the track workout on Tuesday. They switched my cards with others so I would not notice it when I looked in my wallet (tricky). Luckyly my bank picked up on their purchases and cancelled the cards. Yowza... Be careful out there. Tall

                          Recent Best times: None recently

                            This morning it was still nice and cool, and it seems to agree with me. 10 miles at 9:33 pace - let's call it "GA". No time to chat - I've got another meeting in 20 minutes and I'm not prepared. I'm also in desperate need of coffee.

                            aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

                            Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason


                              Woke up late and had to come in to my office to print information on Mars... my son needed for school and our home printer was out of ink. He remembered this assignment at 10 pm... so no run this morning, had to wait until lunch. I used the opportunity to go to the Y and do one of my TM tempo workouts. I am a bit tired today so I kept it pretty light, 2 m warm up at 8:30, 3 mile continuous tempo, first two at about 7:20, last one at about 7:00. Then a one mile cool down and light abs and stretching. I felt ok if not sproinky. Last week was a lot of miles, for me lately (57), just the way the longer runs fell, plus it was warm and I did not sleep well. Playing catch up this week. I might defer my long run to Sunday to get an extra day of easier running, but we shall see what the schedule and weather look like... Almost Friday...

                                10 miles today, started out feeling tired and draggy... too much time in the sun yesterday and climbing lots of stairs at the water park. This early morning (well, early for me) runs are kinda nice... but you really have to get it done before the sun heats things up too much. I was feeling sort of stuck in a rut pace-wise, so kicked up mile 7 and that seemed to help wake things up. Also, I'm doing much more "urban" running here... dodging people waiting for the bus, cross walk lights, traffic, etc, and that plays havoc with your pace. Mile 7 was a nice stretch of bike path and all the lights were going my way. Mile splits: 8:46, 8:33, 8:32, 8:26, 8:24, 8:32, 7:48, 8:18, 8:17, 8:21 Today we're going up to the north shore to check that out. Leave for home tomorrow night. Deb, that was a nice compliment! Bruger... you are one funny guy. Roll eyes