Masters Running


Sundaily, 9.24.23 (Read 39 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    Pulling out your generator yesterday, Tramps, likely meant that you didn't need it. I hope that is so.


    Great workout yesterday, Deeze, and good luck at the Lone Gull 10K (one of my favorite races) today. Sorry that your DH is sick.


    Good 9-miler with the running club, Norm, including your fastest 6 in a few years.


    Funny "Aflac" story, Tet. Interesting that some of your workouts are to the recharging station.


    Good 6.6 mile wakl, Enke, with a near hawk buzz.How was the borscht?


    I'm glad you and the fam had a good day in this neck of the woods, Marj. The Great Bay Discovery Center is one of our favorite places, and is part of the group for which the 5K that I used to organize raised funds.


    Nice 4-miler yesterday, Twocat, and good luck at today's weird 5K. Regarding time change - kids wait for the school bus in the dark no matter what time system we're on.


    Good 30 minutes on the ARC Trainer, Tomwhite.


    Good stress-relieving 4-miler, Jlynne. The only good thing about dehydration is that it tells you what is going on (if you know what to look for) and it is relatively easily remedied. I hope your DH learns what the signs mean or, better yet, gets into the habit of drinking more water so he doesn't have to deal with the issue. It is never too late to develop good habits. Most of us think we drink enough water, however many of us drink far too little. I also wonder what is in store for DW and I, but we just take it one day at a time and do the best we can which, so far, is good enough.


    Holly, you are probably in one of the few places this season that has not had enough rain. I'm sure many of us would share if we could.


    Congrats on your good work on the budgets, Mariposai. And thanks for continuing to share your excitement about Chicago.


    Yesterday afternoon I baked a peach pound cake and we went to Trader Joe's to stock up on some likes and necessities, so there was no time for a nap, which I had a real hankering for. So I went to bed a few minutes early last night, and slept about an hour late this morning, and that was good enough. Still being gun-shy about my hamstring, and after yesterday's longish and well-paced workout, I opted to take it easy for my 4.3 miles this morning (followed by 35 minutes of stretching and core work), and while I could have done more, I felt that was the right call. Every once in a while, I do something marginally smart. But don't get used to it.


    Have a greta Sunday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

      Seattle weather still trying to get back to the norm for the rest of the year but, though clouds are covering the sky, nothing of the dark and grey we need to get the rainy season started for the next nine months plus the cloud cover kept the temps up into the fifties instead of the forties we saw for the first time in three months on the clear sky days last week.


      Jay - as long as the weather is so mild, I'm enjoying the extended walks to the nearest EV charging station nearly a mile away allowing me to explore various neighborhoods, districts, etc. on the way, especially through the campus of Seattle University on the way too where I've already come across two Japanese  gardens, a biodiversity garden, ethnobotanical garden, labyrinth walk, fountains, reflecting pools and, of course, my favorites, stairs up the university's steep slope to First Hill too.


      In this regard, after not having had to buy a single gallon of gas since February 2019 and the convenience of overnight recharging during our island single family residency, this summer's move to sr. housing where there are no recharging stations, not even nearby, has been a rude awakening as to how inconvenient and stressful, if not impossible, an EV would be for drivers who need to range beyond their own overnight charges and get somewhere on time, . . . to say nothing of finding and EV station that isn't already taken, broken, etc. and, more worrisome, the traffic jams of the masses trying to evacuate from a hurricane or something.  I also like not having a single repair bill in the now four-and-a-half year electric driving.


      This morning's 25 blocker at the same 6:00 am - 7:00 am as Friday's was in sharp contrast to the 20-30 dogs being walked then vs., with everyone sleeping for the weekend, none today. Sorry to the dogs.

      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

        Thanks, Jay.  Great start and lots of good workouts reported yesterday and heading towards the starting line of Chicago!


        4.5 miles for me from the house this morning.  I was a little rushed and had to get to early church because we have a running group picnic at a local park at 1.  Beautiful day again today- will get up to 80 or so but was 53 and clear for my run.


        Robert Earl is jumping around wanting a walk, so I'll check in later.

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          Thanks for the start, Jay. Sounds like a wise approach to your hamstring issues. You called it. Just steady rains and moderate winds; no power outage (so far).


          Jlynne and moebo--like the man sings, ♫ "seems to me, can't turn back the hands of time" ♫  One day at a time (plus a little planning) is about all we can do.


          Steady rain all night long but now we're getting the last gasp of tropical storm Ophelia. Too wet to ride today but I ventured out for a 5.7 mile run in alternating rain, then near-sunshine, as bands of precipitation passed overhead. Warm and humid. Good and soaked by the time I was done.

          Be safe. Be kind.

            Nice recap Jay!! Which Trader Joes do you go to? I'm kind of in the middle of Burlington and Nashua and neither is my favorite drive.


            The NE 65+ running club had a tent right next to our Sole Sister tent at Lone Gull - they had a nice amount of runners show up!!


            6.29 miles on my watch in 1:04:33 - first 2 miles felt great, 3rd and 4th not bad, but slowed a little so I could breathe through my congestion,

            5th mile was my toughest and needed some walk breaks, a little better with a push to the finish for the last 1.2 (1.29) - then my head felt like it was going to explode and I kept coughing until my body settled down. It's a beautiful race running along the coast of Gloucester!!

            Always fun to run at a race with so many great NE running clubs present!! I skipped our SSRC lunch at a local tavern so I could get home, shower and rest - now ready for the PATS!!



              Nice job on the race, Deez. Glad you could get out despite that lingering congestion.

              Hoping I will see you at Baystate!


              Thanks for the song again, Tramps. Another good one. 


              I woke up to a rainier day here than I expected, so I was really glad to have done my long run yesterday. I tried to fit today's run in during a dry spell, but I was unsuccessful. It never poured, but it was never quite dry, either. Oh well.


              5.2 miles for me.

                Great effort on your race Deez, given the congestion.

                3 mile walk for me. 58 F but 90% humidity. We have a ton of rain coming in the next few days starting this evening.

                Will watch my Seahawks later today and putter around the house, likely not accomplishing much.

                The borscht turned out great, as usual. I don't put any meat in it, and I don't use soup stock. All the veggies provide enough flavor.

                That cold beet soup looked interesting, Twocat. I'll try that next summer.

                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                  Nice race Deez.


                  I drove to our Michigan place yesterday. I'm going to work from here for 2-3 weeks. It's just a nice change of pace. Plus I plan on taking 4-day weekends while I'm here.


                  I woke up extremely tired this morning so I skipped my planned run. Eventually, I did go out for a 2 mile walk. I listened to the Bills game while I walked.


                  My favorite things up here are the dark nights (no city lights, no street lights, and no neighbors with outdoor lights) and the quiet. I'm on the deck right now and it is silent with occasional road noise in the distance.


                  On my walk, I went by a mini apple orchard and a guy was out picking apples. He had more than he can handle so he sets out bags, ladders, and an apple picking thingy. He told me to come back with my friends and pick as many as I wanted. I did pick one to eat on the way but we don't need any apples. We got a lot off our own apple tree this year. He said he's having trouble with deers and bears damaging his trees this year.




                    Hey folks. Thanks for the start Jay, as well as the recap.


                    And thanks Tramps. I need to be better about this aging thing. My 71 year-old brain and 71 year-old body are not in sync. Great song.


                    Lots of great runs today, and it sounds like good weather for the most part for everyone. Well, except Tramps, who made the best of it!


                    I did a 5K this morning in beautiful conditions. 56 degrees, partly cloudy and no wind. Then, DH and I went to the home opener for the GB Packers, who were playing New Orleans. This is a "rebuilding" year for the team, youngest in the NFL I believe. There wasn't much to cheer about, and the Packers were down 17-0 at the end of the 3rd quarter. I told DH "there are so many things I could be getting done at home!" He said, just wait for a few more plays and we'll see what happens. Well, what do you know? Our young QB Jordan Love pulled it out. We won when a last ditch attempt at a field goal wasn't good and the final score was 18-17. The stadium went absolutely crazy. I guess you just never know...


                    Have a great evening everyone!

                      Enjoy your solitude, Dave.    Jeanne- great game!


                      Our running club picnic was fun.  Pretty good turnout- not as many as I would have hoped, but people have families and other things going on, too.  I ate too much and feel sleepy and stuffed!

                      Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                        coastwalker it is true that there are kids in some places that wait for the school bus in the dark. But add an hour to that across the country (which translates into more areas and for longer in the year) and you have a sizable anti-DST in the winter voting block. I do not have kids and for me personally it makes little difference. All of which means, I am never going to be the marginal voter on this (which is the voter a successful politician needs to worry about).


                        Unlike Jlynne my 5k was not in perfect conditions. The rain initially held off so DW and I gave it a go. The first two miles were pretty dry, but on the third the wind and rain picked up. Ugh! I finished 4/27 in my AG. Plus I won a raffle prize. Alas, nothing I want. One item is a one year membership to a local museum and historical society. Another is a signed baseball. My guess is I can sell the baseball on eBay. But, I am not going to bother. There is a local school that enrolls a lot of low income kids. I am going to see if they want them.

                        Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                        Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                          RunnerKSA, glad to hear that your running club luncheon went so well.

                          JLynne,  sounds like it was worth staying to wat h the game a little longer.

                          Tetsujin, I hear you about EV recharging stations. We have 2 in the whole county.

                          Dave 59. We have similar stories about orchadists being so generous with their fruits.

                          Coastwalker, take care of that hammie!

                          Nice race Denise.

                          Mrs and Mrs Twocat had a good race too. Way to go!


                          As for my  🦋 wings, we got a good long, slow 21 miles today. Last long run before Chicago.  Who else here is doing Chicago?.


                          Taper time, yeahhhh

                          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            Deez, Jlynne and Twocat - nice racing!


                            Dave - so, you don't take DW for a trip away that long?


                            Mariposai - nice LR!


                            Another sunny day here - sorry for you dealing with rain.  Looks like we may finally get some here mid-week. Lots of errands and household puttering today.


                            3 miles for me today in 62 degrees.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                              Hello all!

                              I had a nice weekend at Leslie's. Arrived close to dinner time at her house on Friday, so we visited, she made us a great meal and we got all the things ready for our long run. I must say, i was quite impressed with how leslie calculates food and fluids that she will need to take in during long runs and I learned a thing or two! Nutrition on long runs is always an afterthought for me and I know I don't take in enough calories and that's why some runs feel like absolute crap!  With some of the rice she steamed from our dinner, we made avocado/rice balls to bring on the run. Those were amazing and i'm making those are part of my regular food to bring on long runs now.


                              Saturday we got up early, headed about an hour north of her place and got in a lovely 20.1 miles on the beautiful trails amongst the Redwoods. It was so nice running in a new location, running in such nice cool air that didn't heat up to over 80 in a couple hrs!, and have great company. Some trails were a little root exposed, so we power hiked those, and others were like velvet and I soared.  And on Leslie's cues, I took in some calories about every 45 minutes or so and I should not be surprised at just how great I felt even at the end. This was one of those runs where I felt like I could have kept going for miles!  

                              Just like a couple weeks ago when leslie was on her run, we had a slight run-in with a bull elk, his mate and a young elk. we kept our distance though and turned around instead of proceeding on our planned route, when he slowly took a few steps towards us, basically warning us to not even think about coming any closer to his family. We heeded that warning and let them be.


                              Here's a few of the pics from our run:



                              May be an image of 1 person


                              May be an image of 2 people



                                Awesome pics Tammy. So serene.


                                Hang in there with that hammy Jay.


                                Got a nice easy run with some Sunday coffee friends. Looking back on our conversation, I am really blessed with some awesome running friends. We don't run the same pace but we are connected by the activity and enjoy some great conversations. It's such a good thing.


                                Okay closing it down for today. My Irish lost and my Colts won. Guess its an even out weekend.



                                "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                                "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel

