Masters Running


Happy Easter (Read 129 times)

Go Pre!

    Put in 19 miles this morning. Felt pretty good only 6 days post Boston. Now, we're headed to an Easter Parade where we will be walking 5k in the parade. My running club is the head of the cheering section for October's Toronto Waterfront Marathon and the cheering section is also there to raise monies for local charities. I'll be sure to post some pics later on. Happy day everyone.

    Marathon Maniac #957

      Happy Easter!


      I think we have two dailies going, so I'll post to both.


      Mariposai – very cool that you have a new running partner!  And a naturopath, too.  I would have some questions for her myself.


      Erika – yes, we went to church, but I admit I yawned a lot (no fault of the pastor or service).


      Dave59 – nice racing!


      We were awakened at 5am by DD and dragged out to see what the Easter Bunny brought.  At our house the Easter Bunny fills a basket with toys and candy for both kids, and hides plastic Easter eggs all over the house.  Some of the eggs are filled with candy, some with quarters, and some with clues that lead to other, more hidden eggs, that have half dollars.  (I set my alarm for the middle of the night.)  DD is eight now, and I suspect that her belief in the Easter Bunny is fading, so I don’t know what next year will be like.  It’s been fun…


      12 slow and gentle miles for me on the TM @ 12:00 pace, with several stops and starts to put various parts of our Easter lunch into the oven.  I was tired, but probably could have gone farther if I hadn’t had to stop and get ready for company’s arrival.  Everything is creaky and stiff, but nothing feels particularly bad.  I was amazed to find that, in spite of how much my feet hurt yesterday, I didn’t have any blisters.  The only damage of yesterday’s race is that my middle toenail, already loosened by the marathon 3 weeks ago, fell off.  DD wanted to take it to school to show her friends (answer – no).  43 miles in two days is my new record for weekend running.

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."