Masters Running


Memorial Day Monday Daily....May 26th (Read 416 times)

    Good morning. I thought I was LATE......but I appear to still be first. My guess is that everyone has slept in or may be waiting for someone else to post first. Memorial Day is always a nice holiday because it extends the weekend. As a kid I can remember marching in the school band at various small communities as they celebrated and honored those who gave their lives. I also remember always going to the family cemetary plots and putting out flowers, trimming bushes, and doing any other maintenance needed. These are fond memories. This also allows for perhaps a chance to get in a nice run at a different time of day or in a different setting. This is always fun and I trust you will enjoy it, if that happens to be your situation today. There are some nice race reports to read this morning. Thanks to each racer for posting them. I got in a nice 5.3 miles late yesterday. Another run will happen today to start this week out. I trust you have a great Memorial Day.
      Good morning, everyone. I, uh, forgot to exercise this morning. Some stuff going on around here, so very little sleep, and now I'm brewing. I was going to do some strength training -- maybe I'll get to it later or maybe not. Have a great Memorial Day. I, for one, will try to remember why we have the holiday.

      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

        Easy 5.2 miles @ 8:54. Nice to see all the familiar names still here. I’ve still got a month or so of heavy work to get through before things are back to normal, but I’m trying to ramp my running back up and hope to drop in—at least briefly—on a more regular basis. Good running, everyone!

        Be safe. Be kind.

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Good Morning! Vista – thanks for starting us out again. WRFB – isn’t brewing a form of x-training? Tramps – hi!! 10.30 miles today on tired legs, with mile 3 and 4 at tempo-ish (8:16, 8:30) and mile 6 at MP (8:44). It went downhill from there, as my energy waned. Then I came home and did 60 weighted squats, 60 dead lifts, and 60 lunges on each leg. This is my walk-like-a-sailor workout. Rest day tomorrow. Smile 30 miles in 3 days hopefully compensated for my Saturday night overeat. Probably it would have been easier just to eat less, but where’s the fun in that? I’m painting my kitchen a color called “chewy caramel.” Not my favorite, but the gold, tan and black-flecked counters don’t allow for much variation in palette. At least it’s better than the blood-red semi-gloss that the previous owners left on the walls. Roll eyes

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            ......lifting Kegs counts as Progressive Resistance lou....... ======= ...but I digress..... ...........60min trail run......80's, no wind.......I LOVE IT...... found a ''Baja Track'' our Engineering Students built for a dirt race... gotta love 'em, that track into NoWhere is gonna be torn up a LONG TIME...... ......didn't run all of it, but it has potential...... ...................good running guys.........enjoy the day.......

            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


              Hi Tramps!!! Good to see you! overcast and rainy here this morning, but I did manage to get out for a short run in my new shoes this morning!!! Back into the Asics - Working through the foot issue...trying a wider shoe with better arch supports - my toes hurt so bad in my old shoes that I find I don't run as much because of the toe pain. We'll see how this goes! Lazy day here as See DadGo worked late late late last night he is part of the team with Phoenix and MRO - the Mars spacecraft successfully landed on the red planet and is now sending back data. Pretty cool stuff! Enjoy your Memorial Day!

                Good morning (barely). I ran down to our little town's Main Street, watched the Memorial Day Parade, and then ran back home. I mapped out my route when I got home and it came out to 7.3 miles. It was hotter than I am used to, but sitting around in the shade with a bottle of water at the halfway point made it a lot easier.



                  Hi everyone, Nice to see you Tramps! You were missed...hang in there with all the work. Vista, your post about Memorial Day is wonderful. I spent the morning reading race reports and catching up on some correspondence. It's a tradition for us to go to the Florence/Northamptom Memorial Day parade and the one this year didn't disappoint. Since the town was chartered in 1654, there are many regiments and soldiers to honor. F-15 fly-overs today as well. The Shriners drive around in fun cars and throw candy and all the baseball teams and boy and girl scout troops march. It was fun and it's a gorgeous day here-70s and sunny (thunderstorms late tonight they say). I drove to the parade with my guys and ran home---3.6 miles at an 8:50ish pace. My legs feel great after yesterday's race and hours driving. Happy about that. Send all that red paint here Holly---my dining room is a deep orange-red brick color (red stimulates the appetite they say!) You'd probably go nuts in my crayon box of a house! I have some work to do and then we'll go on a family bike ride and the kiddo has a baseball game tonight. One month to go and sixth grade will be history for him. He's ready! Enjoy the day all Karin Tom White! Big grin
                    Hi Tramps!!! Good to see you! Lazy day here as See DadGo worked late late late last night he is part of the team with Phoenix and MRO - the Mars spacecraft successfully landed on the red planet and is now sending back data. Pretty cool stuff!
                    Ditto on the SirTrampsalot greeting! Hey C-Mom! One of the r.s.'s students also worked on the this. She was on the local television news. I said, "R.S. Do you know her?" He said, "Yes, she was one of my students." Small world... uh...universe. (I have got to get to Colorado, how far a drive is it? hee hee hee)
                      I’m painting my kitchen a color called “chewy caramel.” Not my favorite, but the gold, tan and black-flecked counters don’t allow for much variation in palette. At least it’s better than the blood-red semi-gloss that the previous owners left on the walls. Roll eyes
                      Hee hee hee, I just looked at my toes...they look like something your previous owners left on the wall....I think "chewy caramel" on toes would be sort of gross... BUT... perfect for kitchen walls! (I painted the toes fancy for a wedding we attended on Saturday)

                      Trails are hard!

                        After a weekend in Maine with no computer, I find that people have been VERY busy doing this running thing while I was gone Smile lots of race reports and dailies to go through. Did a shortened version of my Maine country road run, about 2.8 miles in a very relaxed 30 minutes. Walked down the biggest hill to avoid any shin aggrevation (seemed to work) and had a good time. On the way out, I hit a point where I was thinking"I could run like this for a long time" On the way back, I realized that at that point I was going downhill with the wind at my back. Didn't feel the same on the way back Wink The lawn at home now calls to me, so I'll have to catch up more later. And most importantly--a very heartfelt Thank You to all the veterans who have served and to those who are presently serving our country. Your efforts and sacrifices are greatly appreciated. Kevin

                        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                          Stumpy, I know that feeling of running down with the wind at your back... you feel like you could go all day! Then you have to turn around... I spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to do out-and-backs more like a loop-around so I don't have to do that uphill/headwind thing. It rarely works... Hi Tramps! I was thinking about you the other day and was so happy to see you reply to CNYrunners' RR! Hope things settle down for you soon and you can get more miles in... and time with us!! Holly, you may grow to really like that color. We did our kitchen in "Taupe Rose" and it was picked purely by accident. Love it though, and everyone who stops in seems to like it. I'm amazed you do that leg workout after running 10. I was going to run today, even though I don't usually run on Mondays. Hard to pass up the day off from work and mostly empty house! But, I think I overdid it this weekend and my foot is not happy with me. It really sucks that of all the body parts that could be causing problems, the only thing is a bruised toe joint. Icing doesn't seem to help much, and even the 800 mg Ibu hardly helps. It's very frustrating. I think I'll get my bike out of storage and pump up the tires. Sounds like it's time to find something else to do... Will work in the garden today, that'll be my strength workout as it's up on a hill... and the flower bed is down at the bottom of the driveway. Many many trips up and down...

                          King of PhotoShop

                            Good to see that Tramps is still hanging in there. Vista, you reminded me of those parades when I was a kid. We bought these red, white and blue crepe paper streamers to put into the spokes of our bikes and rode along with the parade. Lots of kids did that. Did you ever take old playing cards and clothespin them to the wheel braces so they would make a noise as you pedaled? Lots of young boys did that too. Old memories. I did my predictable recovery run today, or what Perch would call magical healing miles, just 3.2 and very slow, but it felt good not to have any discomfort the day after my 12-miler. i am encouraged. Wasn't Vermont City this weekend? Where are the reports? Spareribs
                              Holly I have discovered nobody likes the color on the walls left by the previous owners. Just one of those things. Nice run by the way. Post run workout? What are you nuts! Smile I am very impressed. Have fun painting. Tramps welcome back. evanflein hope you heal up soon. I ran just over 12 miles this morning while DW slept in. We are both still recovering from jetlag; I just seem more determined to get out and run than she is. Then it was off to breakfast and then a bus to a bus to a place called Powerscourt Gardens. It is a very nice trip, and the destination is worth the ride. Very beautiful gardens from an old estate. Finally, back to Dublin. I got dragged around for some shopping and as often happens we bought nothing. With the dollar so weak it would be cheaper to go home and commission whatever it is you like and have it hand made! We are back at the hotel and will leave for dinner in a bit. Good runs all. Enjoy your Memorial Day Holiday!

                              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                                Vista, you reminded me of those parades when I was a kid. We bought these red, white and blue crepe paper streamers to put into the spokes of our bikes and rode along with the parade. Lots of kids did that. Did you ever take old playing cards and clothespin them to the wheel braces so they would make a noise as you pedaled? Lots of young boys did that too. Old memories. Spareribs
                                You will get a chuckle out of THIS one. About 15 years ago I got a phone call from my brother (the one with the medical problems now). He was brief and to the point. "Where are all of the rest of the baseball cards that we had when we were kids?" I explained that he had all that there was of his and that I just had my set. He then said..."Well, have you seen the Mickey Mantle Rookie card that we had?" "Oh yea," I replied "the last time I saw it you had clothespined it to your bike wheels like we used to do". I remembered that we chose that specific card since Mickey Mantle was from the dreaded NY Yankees. We wanted to save the Pumpsie Green Red Sox card. That Mickey Mantle rookie card is listed on eBay today for $12,500.