Masters Running


Intrepid Racers - June 8 & ahead! (Read 11 times)


    And the racing continues! Good luck and fleet feet to all racers - have fun!


    ************This week and weekend*******************


    06/08 Coastwalker - Market Square Day 10K (walking div.), Portsmouth, NH

    06/08 Ileneforward - Jonathan Jacques Torch Run, LB CA


    ****** next week and ahead *********


    06/15 wildchild - Bighorn Mountain Trail 50k, Dayton, WY

    06/20 Ileneforward - Summer Solstice Watermelon run, LB CA

    06/21-6/22 TammyinGP - The Wild Rogue Relay, Southern Oregon

    06/22 wildchild - Slacker half marathon, Loveland Ski area to Georgetown, CO

    06/23 arf - Banff  Marathon, Banff Alberta

    06/23 Stumpy77 - Bay of Fundy Marathon, Lubec, ME (1st!)



    07/04 Ileneforward - La Palma run for fun, La Palma CA

    07/13 Fortunate One - Waugoshance Trail Marathon, upper LP, MI

    07/13 fatozzig - Mt. Hood 50M, Mt. Hood, OR

    07/13 Ileneforward - Browne/Rice kayak/run relay, LB CA

    07/14 Mainerunnah - Old Port Half Marathon, Portland, ME

    07/14 tetsujin - Light-at-the-end-of-the-Tunnel Marathon (trail run - North Bend, WA) - thongs

    07/14 arf - Light -at-the-end-of-the-Tunnel Marathon (Trail run - North Bend WA)

    07/14 wildchild - Light at the End of the Tunnel marathon, North Bend, WA

    07/14 Mariposai -Light at the End of the Tunnel, WA

    07/14 Mike E - Light at the End of the Tunnel marathon, North Bend, WA

    07/14 pfriese - Light at the End of the Tunnel marathon, North Bend, WA

    07/14 SLOjim - Carlsbad Triathlon Relay (running leg), Carlsbad, CA




    08/24 SteveP - North Country Trail Run 13.1, Manistee, MI



    09/07 Mariposai - Lake Chelan Marathon, Chelan, WA

    09/14 fatozzig - Headlands 50M, Marin Headlands, San Francisco, CA

    09/22 TammyinGP - The Rogue Run HM, Medford, OR (Pace group leader)




    10/05 arf - Iron Horse Ultra 100K

    10/05  Opie - St. George Marathon, St. George, UT

    10/06 OrangeMat - Wineglass Marathon, Corning, NY

    10/06 Ileneforward - Santa Monica 5000, SM CA

    10/07 Ileneforward - Chapman 5k, Orange CA

    10/13 OrangeMat - Bank of America Chicago Marathon, Chicago, IL

    10/13 Ileneforward - Long Beach Marathon, LB CA

    10/19 BerthaSlayer - Vulture Bait 50k, London Ontario

    10/27 Mariposai - Columbia Gorge Marathon, OR

    10/27 OrangeMat - Marine Corps Marathon, Arlington, VA



    11/02 Wildchild - Moab Trail Marathon, Moab UT

    11/13 Mississippi - Outer Banks Marathon




    12/1 tetsujin - Seattle Marathon - barefoot


    Runners run