Masters Running


Wednesdaily, 4.24.24 (Read 33 times)



    Henry--that last Toronto win was before my time! Looks like it's going to be a close series again!


    I saw the first all star game when the Leafs (1947 cup winners) played the league all stars.



      I saw the first all star game when the Leafs (1947 cup winners) played the league all stars.

      Very cool. I didn’t even know that was the format.

      Good game again tonight, too.

      Be safe. Be kind.


        Good evening, friends!


        I had a nice "farewell tour" visit with the Finger Lakes crew today and I did my best to pump up (but not undeservedly) my replacement.  It was a meet and greet meeting with all of the PM's in that region.  It was also my first time meeting many of them in person because I haven't traveled much since COVID plus some of them are brand new employees.  I think I was the only one sitting around the table without either an Architecture or Engineering degree, with the possible exception of my replacement.  So it was a 12.5 hour day but I was able to get back home in time to get over to the YMCA after feeding the dogs and getting them outside for a while.  I had a half of a strength workout because the cable and pulley apparatus only has one working pulley, and there was someone camped out on one of the other machines, mostly just sitting, and I didn't have time to wait around.   My swim workout was challenging - just under a mile with a bunch of drills and then 5 x 50 yard butterfly repeats.  The timing was perfect because when I got into the pool every lane had someone in it and I had to share one lane for almost all of the swim - until the butterfly reps when I had the lane to myself, or else I wouldn't have been able to do them.  My goal was 5 reps of 42 seconds each, resting 1:18 between reps (on two minutes).  The first three were 42's and the last two were 41's.  Hot dog!    If I had a masters coach they would probably tell me I'm resting too long between repeats, but I'd rather be able to do the 5 with too much rest than not get the 5.


        I'm running out of time to register for next Saturday's meet at Union College in Schenectady.   The problem with registering is that I have to pick my events during registration, and I don't think I can make changes afterward other than to scratch.   I've been saying I'm going to do all of the goofball events they're including, like the 100 yard IM with swim fins, but the closer the meet gets, the more I feel like that would be a waste of my time.  Especially since this is probably my last meet competing in the 55-59 yo AG.  Seems like I ought to do the best I can in some events that I compete in regularly.   First world problems, I know.


        Have a great night, all!

        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

           . . . , nor will I read a newspaper online. I want the real thing dangit!

          Tammy - me too.

          Like KSA, I have Fri-Sun delivery of the local rag that has weekday digital access but there's no table of contents with each section's articles to hot link too but, instead, you have to scroll down through everything on each page that you used to be able to skim through everything in 8-10 seconds in the print days to see if there's anything of interest or, if you know what you're interested in and don't care anymore about being able to come across articles that you're interested in but didn't know they were there, do a special search for that topic.


          They also have feeds for everything they think is headline worthy but they don't let subscribers submit a list of topics of interest, e.g. "marathon," "Mt. Fuji," "Iditarod" (winter only), etc,


          ps BTY - unless each event registration is like the 5/10, half, full, etc. running festivals where you have to pay separate fees for each event and the swimming meets only require one registration and payment, maybe sign up for all or, if each is a separate registration, as many as you might do as it might be better to forfeit the registration fee than regret not being able to swim it.  Good luck. 


          pps Leslie - I like your hot link to the Trail Runner blogs and check every once in a while to see if there's something of interest but most seem to be on training, nutrition, shoes, etc.

          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)



            Steve, I did not realize that mothballs will deter deer from your tulips..


            I'm sure there is research to confirm or deny this.  However, I used all the power of my brain to come up with this.  Read Jay's links may cause me to rethink this.


            Oh...DW needs a redbud.


            Jay - Thank you for the links.  I delivered just outside of Petoskey, MI.  Deer ate a lady's $100,000 custom garden.  The effectiveness depends on how hungry the critters get as well as the availability of other food sources.  Low hanging fruit if you will.


            Dave59 - Sorry for your loss.



            Steve - happy pandemonium day.

            Ummm, do you ever have any that aren't.


            Not since becoming a responsible adult.


            Tetsujin209 - I hope the bottle of painkillers stays unopened.  Happy 5K!


            I got 3 on the mill and the PT stuff before the terrific trio came over so we could drop them at school.  I have to have words with a vendor rep.  The day I met him in November, he got after my boss because my boss went over his head, then working side by side with him was tense at first.  I now fully understand why my boss made that move.  It looks like the rep is an "I'll take care of it" person who eventually quits responding.


            We went to GS Noah's track meet after work.  He was in three events.  We missed the first but saw one of the relays.  We sat on the wrong side of the field to see his leg of the relay.  Two of his teammates pulled out of the 2nd relay, leaving Noah high and dry.  I hope the coach addresses this.  It's a different culture than what I've grown up with.  Anymore it seems I see "If it doesn't hurt your feelings, would you please do some of the job we hired you for."



              I registered for next Saturday's masters swim meet and decided not to swim in any of the non-conforming events.  I guess it's just how I'm wired now.  I'm entered in the 100 yard backstroke, 50 yard freestyle, 200 yard freestyle and 200 yard backstroke.  They're all nicely spread out over the course of the morning, events 3, 11, 17, and 22.   I don't think DW wants to stay for the entire event so I can give her a window of time for the ones I'd like her to cheer me on for.  May 4th is not only "Star Wars Day" (May the 4th be with you), it's also the 33rd anniversary of our first date.   I'm just hoping that something doesn't "come up" so that she has to stay down at her Mom's until that morning, as she's due back Friday night.
