Masters Running

Tuesday First Day of 2008 (Read 665 times)

    tselbs, we need to work on Mr. Pfitz....16 milers sure seems like log run to me...that is for sure.... Smile Today was interesting....Close call with a Dog.... So, out today at 10:00 AM, 35 degrees, with north wind....cold... Plan 7 miles with 7X100 strides...... I run in an area called Regional Park....we have a 4 mile loop marked off.... It is the City Limits so the leash law is in affect....some people bring their dogs out there to run "free"...a little frustrating for me when I run....I think some of the Dog owners don't understand how a loose dog is viewed by a runner or bike rider. Most of the time when I come across loose dogs, the owners gather them up before I get too close... Even so, I am very cautious as I approach. Today was no different EXCEPT.. I was three miles into my 7 miler: I turned into an area in the park where I can get an extra 1 mile added to my four mile I turned into the area I saw a Suburban driving slowly with 2 VERY large dogs running ahead of the vehicle....I was about 1oo yards away... I guess the driver saw the time I caught up she had just managed to get the dogs in the car..I waved in thanks and figured I would finish the last half mile in this loop and get out of this area so she could release the dogs for their run.. I continued on...when I turned back I saw that she had driven a few hundred yards a let them out again... I watched closely and slowed down..I guess she noticed me again...she called the dogs...but this time one of them ignored her and decided that I was more the dog ran very fast toward me (the car was at least 200 yards down the road from me), I slowed down even more...and began to walk..I could here her calling the dog...but to no avail... I stopped as the dog approached at a rapid pace...the dog stopped dead in its tracks within in a few feet of me....we stared at each other ...the dog was in an attack stance...growling and barking viscously ...I screamed at the dog...then suddenly it turned away and ran back to the car....she loaded the dog in the car and left quickly.... It all happened very fast...hardly enough time to react.....but scary.... The Dog was a bread of American or Mexican Bulldog..I think.... Hope this is not the sign of my New Year.... Be safe and have fun...
      evanflein, hope you find your pooch soon wa5 - that is scary, glad it turned out ok. Peaceful 7 mile run @ 10:28 overall, mild temps (2.5C to 7C), no rain, a few wind gusts. Felt neither sproinky nor sluggish. Sun was filtering through some high clouds. At three miles I felt kind of sad that I only had 4 more miles to run. But at 7 miles I was thirsty and glad to be done. Best wishes to all of you in the coming New Year. I hope all your dreams are fulfilled, whether they be simply modest or quite grand. enke

      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


        Steve, cool! maybe not such a bad choice for your shirt. Your identity is safe with us. .
        Thanks DG!!!!! Erika, I got anti fog glasses at a lumber yard and they work well. Maybe ask your Dr about your eyes drying out. Your miles Rock!!!!! Our prayes are with you as you look for your dog. in 2007 I bruned 187,486.5 calories while running. That 904 servings of my favorite ice cream. 4.2 white out Michigan Miles today. I had gas in the tank for a few more..The visibility helped me decide to turn around. Close call with a car and all.


        Marathon Maniac #957

          as I turned into the area I saw a Suburban driving slowly with 2 VERY large dogs running ahead of the vehicle......
          Wait a minute...she was taking the dogs for a walk while she followed behind them in a car? She never heard of putting them on leashes and WALKING behind them? That's about the laziest thing I've heard in a while... Smile

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


            3.5 miles for me this afternoon. Was a little cool and breezy, but the sky was bright blue. Wasn't sure if I would get a walk in today b/c my back/hip hurt most of the night. Seems to do better when I'm moving. As for dogs...DH and I were walking on Saturday when we passed a German Shepherd and its owner. Of course the dog was off its leash. When we passed the owner said to the dog....Oh, they're not running so you don't need to chase them. Shocked
              .......proving you actually CAN be too stupid to own a dog.........

              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                A cool 15 degrees this morning with a good stiff breeze out of the north, so I opted for a run on the treadmill at our local YMCA. Oops! Forgot today is the first day of the new year and all the "resolution makers" were out in full force. Got 4 miles in my 35 minutes before the staff started hollering at the members to respect others waiting for equipment. I hate this time of the year!!! Angry Now that I've vented, happy 2008 to all, and best wishes for an injury free start to the new year.
                  Wait a minute...she was taking the dogs for a walk while she followed behind them car? She never heard of putting them on leashes and WALKING behind them? That's about the laziest thing I've heard in a while... Smile
                  Yes....exactly....she would follow them with the vehicle.... I have seen this before....but it makes it even more difficult for the owners to round up the dog's quick least when the owners are walking with the dog's while unleashed they can respond quicker... I have had dog's chase me before but this one appeared to be serious.. The dog looked a bit like this...

                  Trails are hard!

                    Happy New Year's day to all. (Relatively) early run this morning at 8:30 and (relatively) late posting. Started at 24F with heavier tights and balaclava. Got a little hot near the end and discovered why--thermometer said 35 when I got back. Guess the front passed through--almost shorts weather Wink 5.2 miles in 46:00. Didn't feel quite as Sproinky as Sunday's run, but a faster pace. Not sure if I'm stretching the definition of sproinky, but that's the way it felt. with my last three runs, I've hit the highest weekly total in almost a year. It just isn't in an actual week--two different weeks, months and years Confused Kevin

                    Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                      Happy New year to all! Tall you are an inspiration,way to adapt and overcome. For me 4.5 recovery miles after shoveling (but less snow than expected). Then off to the gym, which here was not closed for the holiday for a lower body weight training workout. 1 for 1 in 2008 woohoo!!
                        As for dogs...DH and I were walking on Saturday when we passed a German Shepherd and its owner. Of course the dog was off its leash. When we passed the owner said to the dog....Oh, they're not running so you don't need to chase them. Shocked
                        I used to deliver papers and I have a healthy respect for any dog, regardless of breed or size. I always take a walk break when passing a dog, even if it's on a leash, as dogs love to chase anyone running and many dogs are big/strong enough to pull their owners off their feet. I got bit by a toy poodle once, but I was wearing snow boots and said poodle got flying lessons that day. Big grin He never came near me after that. Of course, I actually needed rescue from a mixed breed doberman one day. Scared the tweedle out of me. evanflein - I hope your dog has made its way home by now. I headed out for a run this morning. 35F and not a lick of wind. Ended up with too many layers on. I'm still trying to figure out my clothing depending on temp/wind/precipitation. I'll get it eventually. 3.8 miles in 1 hour. Lots of folks out walking, biking and running. It was a crowded as a normal summer Sunday, so lots of peeps trying to kick off the year with fitness resolutions. I doubt I'll see most of them out again until the weather gets better. My year is off to a good start with a long run/walk. I think 3.8 miles is a good max for now and I'm going to work on increasing the ratio of running to walking. My ankle gets awfully creaky by the end , so maybe it's best not to push too far for the next couple of weeks.
                        Have you got a flag?

                        One day at a time

                          Great fun today! Resolution Run in Portland, Maine, sponsored by the Maine Running Company store. NOT a race, we were told. There were two routes laid out - one 3-mile and one 6-mile. I was scheduled for a 3.5-mile run today, though, so I just strapped on my Garmin and went a little farther. About 60 or 70 people showed up, which surprised me, since this was the first year for it and there wasn't a lot of advertising. I love runners! Everyone was so friendly and energetic. 30 degrees and overcast. As usual, I was the LAST runner after just a quarter of a mile. At least some of the 6-milers came in after me, lol. It took me 43:10 to finish. Slower than usual because of the uneven, snowy surfaces. Afterwards, we headed to a pub/restaurant across from the running shop that sponsored the run. A bunch of shirts, caps, mugs, etc. were raffled off, and I got a free aisics cap. I ate and drank WAY too much, so I have to get disciplined again. It was a great way to start off the new year! I'm on my way to 1000 kms now! Happy 2008! Teresa

                            Happy New Year all!! Tall - you are amazing, snowshoeing & all! I think I'll take the Southern Oregon version of snow... snows overnight & melts by noon Big grin (well most of the time anyway) Tim - so glad you are ok, thats just crazy about the people driving behind their dogs. I got on the tready today & did 2.75 miles, 1.6 of it run/walking, rest walking. slow & easy improvement, I will get there. Now that Christmas is over & hopefully the colds that were making the rounds in December, I will be much more consistent. CYL!

                              Hi Linda Big grin Big grin. we'll do slow & easy together. again. ok? Tim, that's so scary. I'm glad you're ok. So frustrating, to be so vulnerable when we're out there. TW, so true. fbgrrl, congratulations on another longest distance. Kevin, it's still a week. yay. Erika, still would be good to see, but I'm glad it wasn't your eyes again. that freaked me out. I hope your dog is ok. {{{{ }}}}

                                I walked the dog with my sister and her husband this afternoon. All of a sudden we crossed a narrow lane on to a huge common on the side of a hill. Even though I was in jeans I had my running shoes on and couldn't resist a run around the common and an adjoining field. In total I must of covered about 2.5 miles, pretty quickly, judging by the time it took to recover. Good runs everyone!

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