Masters Running


May 14th daily...a special day for many of us!!! (Read 493 times)

    Mike, good job on your speedy mile.  dave, since you get job related inspiration on the elliptical, perhaps your employer could pay for your gym membership.  bob, I had my first computer class in 1965 or 66 using the punch cards.  I believe my college had an IBM 1620 which the one and only computer instructor had named Priscilla.  mari, how neat that you got a personal message from Bart Yasso about your great Yasso 800s.  ribs, way to go in your 5K race.  holly, enjoy a couple of days off and then good luck with the new job.  mari, neat that you can celebrate 200 years for Paraguay.  CNY, I trust you enjoyed your college reunion.


    Nice long run for holly (with speedwork) and heme.


    Last night we went to a family wedding and reception.  One of my sisters and her husband spent the night at our house.  This morning, I only did 4 miles so as not to interfere with the fantastic breakfast my wife made for us.  The temperature was in the hi 50s and it was almost calm.  It took me about 40:50 for a 10:12 pace.


    A good day and good runs for all.



    Marathon Maniac #957

      I've been slowly rehabbing my plantar fascia, with some kickass workouts that don't really include much running.  I've been walking, I've been hiking, I've been yoga-ing, and I've been doing functional resistance work out the wazoo! 


       Very cool!  Sometimes it's good to shake things up - I need to do more of that myself.


      Erika - I've been sort of recovering, and now I'm supposed to (okay, not supposed to, but I had planned to) do a hardcore back-to-back LR weekend, but family plans had me pushing it out to Sun/Mon, and now I'm considering pushing it out to Mon/Tues, or even Tues/Wed.  I've been fighting a cold this week, nothing major but generally feeling kind of carpy, and tomorrow looks like pretty solid rain - I know I ought to HTFU, but I hate to push this cold into something worse I'm using the rain as an excuse because I don't feel that great.  We'll see how I feel in the morning.  But I'm three weeks out from that 50K, so this is the time to do a good really LR.

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

        Perch, post a picture of your bathroom tile job when it's done.  Any word on the job in Michigan? (You might have already said, and I missed it)


         I got a call from the recruiter Thursday who said I would likely get an offer but not til next week.  Sounds good so far!

        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


          Holly, don't push it! When I was sick, it totally sapped my energy. I took 5 days off from running, and backed off the other workouts quite a bit. Well, I did try for 5 miles on that first Sunday, and bailed after almost dying at 3 miles. So... good to rest up now. You're in perfectly good shape to do that 50k on what you've got, IMO.


          Heme, we've got our warmest day so far this year, too! Pushing 60° and it's a little bit breezy and very (very) dry at 25% humidity. That just saps any moisture you might have right out of you. We've got a high pressure system parked over us that could drive the humidity down to 15% this weekend, so there's all sorts of bans on open burning. 


          I went out for 7 miles, over shot my turnaround (sort of on purpose) and made it 8 miles. After a rest day yesterday, I felt so full of energy that I cranked out 8 minute miles pretty easily. Just about had a PBJ (well, what serves for one for me) with 8.1 miles in 1:05... DH met me with half a mile to go with a bottle of water, and I guzzled that right down!

            Mariposai, why am I thinking of Madame Defarge in Tale of Two Cities?  I love learning things from you.  You were one of the first people to encourage me into yoga and look how much I love it now!


            Dove, I saw your post the other day about your son.  What are you feeding him?  Our son will soon be taller than me if he's not already.  Vegas is going to be so much fun!!!  I have wanted to run a nighttime marathon for so long.


            I had a good run lasting about an hour, from here at my sister-in-law's house to the Ball State campus and all around there.  It was almost 6 miles and my HR was right where I wanted it, around 140.  Although I don't recommend running with wedding reception food in one's stomach, I feel pretty good now.

            "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me


              I was actually thinking about your job offer while my run today, Perch. Keep us posted.

              Opie, I am so glad you enjoy  yoga. I need to get back to it this summer. With DH wanting to go to the gym three times a week I stopped going to yoga classes.

              Dave59, my whole family is still back home. I am the only one here. I came to this country following my love of 26 years. Who was in my country as a Peace Corps volunteer.

              Erika, yes! long run this week, then taper time.


              My morning was spent outside playing in the dirt. I planted my tomatoes today. I also was able to get a few nw perennials at the master gardener's yearly sale. I purchased a butterfly bush as a celebration of the bi-centennial. 

              At around 1pm I left home for my last long run. 22 strong miles with some significant hills (I guess you can't avoid hill were I live). The last 2 miles I ran at 9:05. I was just going to run 14 miles then DH was going to drive me somewhere for a change of scenery. I took only 1 gu with me and $2 just in case I wanted to buy some gatorade, but I bought water instead. Well, I felt so good that I kept on going until mile 11 and ran back home. I was hungry during my run. I definitely needed some nutrition. Oh...I did buy 2 hard candies with my change. So...nutrition today was: 2 small bottles of water, 2 hard candy ( old fashion rootbeer, which I really like) and a gu. 

              Now time to hit the fridge, I am starving.


              It sure feels good to put the last long run in the bag. So, for this training cycle I ran 2x18 miles; 5x20 miles and a 22 miler.

              And feeling strong and good.

              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

              Maniac 505

                Mari,  great way to start off the daily.  what a cool insperation.


                Robin, still waiting to hear,  did you and sis win?


                Opie,  You doing the ET midnight marathon?  I haven't registered yet but I expect to and I know Mike Rasmussen is running it.  it is a kick.  I will probably again stay on the strip and make it a 3 or 4 day trip.  Mike is staying at the hard rock which is off the strip, but it is where we catch the bus.

                New skirt in town

                  We didn't win, but we came in 28th out of almost 400 teams!!  We were pretty excited about our placing...



                  NO  MO MELANOMA! Help me run 26.2 miles and raise $5000 for the Melanoma Foundation of NE.  Visit this page to learn more:
