Masters Running


Light at the End of the Tunnel Marathon RR (Read 34 times)


    Tet- bad memory. I skied  in the area- not in the tunnel.


      Great racing, and great RR, Paul! I don't think I would have liked that tunnel either. Congrats on another BQ finish, despite the stops. Are you thinking about registering for Boston for next April?



      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

        I'm like, "he stopped AGAIN?" Smile Congratulations on a well-earned BQ!

        Alexander R

          Paul, congratulations on a great race and on the BQ !!

          Marathon Maniac #957

            Well done, Paul!

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


              Excellent Race Report Paul and Congrats on your BQ!   This is one of those marathons I've always wanted to do - maybe someday!



                Nice job Paul!  I love that marathon…. except for the tunnel.  Congratulations!

                Great job, Paul! Of course I've been following your training runs on Strava and wasn't surprised by your strong showing. And I know what you mean about tunnels. I almost crashed on my bike when I lost orientation in a dark tunnel, mainly because I forgot that I was wearing sunglasses. 🙄 It can get scary.

                Excellent, Paul!  Congrats on another BQ in the new age group.

                I don't think I'd like the tunnel part, either.  I'm imagining a runner pile-up in there.

                Great job and report, Paul.  Hate those bathroom stops!   That tunnel would have made me crazy and I would have fallen!  Good work getting through it!

                Great racing, and great RR, Paul! I don't think I would have liked that tunnel either. Congrats on another BQ finish, despite the stops. Are you thinking about registering for Boston for next April?



                Looks like the consensus is a general distaste for dark tunnels. I thought it was just my cataract impaired night vision.


                Congrats Paul - great race & report.  Hope you run Boston again as we would love to see you and DW 

                Congrats Paul. Would love to see both of you in Boston. In my younger days I skied that route.- got out of the tunnel fast..

                Great race P!! Hope we see you for a Boston meet-up!!

                It's a maybe on Boston. I've already signed up to run the Marathon de Paris on April 7 with our French daughter's husband (his 1st marathon). I'm pretty sure I can do both if I take it easy in both races. I don't know how fast George will run Paris. I ran some trails with him in France last month. I'm not very fast on trails, but I kept up with him. Hopefully, I can get a goal time from him before I commit to both races. If I run Boston, a meet-up would be great.



                However, don't forget The Cable Line and The Old Mailbox trails in case your Pike's Peak legs need a steady uphill workout with some of the other local hill runners.

                We won't be back up that way until after Pike's Peak. I do want to give both of those runs a try.


                Brings back fun memories of the RA gathering for the Tunnel marathon in 2013, on Mariposai's 50th birthday (and my 56th birthday) !

                That was a fun meet-up. 10 years ago?!?!? Hard to believe.


                Great job and report, Paul.  Hate those bathroom stops!   That tunnel would have made me crazy and I would have fallen!  Good work getting through it!

                I'm like, "he stopped AGAIN?" Smile Congratulations on a well-earned BQ!

                I hate those bathroom stops, too. I'm sure the pace said exactly that Econo.


                Thanks for reading and commenting. Now time to train for the next race.



                MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                  Paul - is next Pike's Peak both ways?

                  Oddly enough, this is the first I've ever heard of anybody not liking the 2+ miles of the Snoqualmie Tunnel at the start but, then, come to think of it, the only opinions, I guess, I've ever heard of it from are the Marathon Maniac crowd who run mostly one boring marathon course after another week-after-week so most any change would be appreciated.

                  "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                    Excellent race and RR, Paul!!  That's just terrific.   Totally impressed with your BQ and two pit stops and a meet and greet with the distant connection on the emergency squad!! 


                    So happy for you...a well-executed training plan leading to a terrific race.   Very happy for you.




                    I have nothing particularly clever or profound to add as a tag to each message...I just like to run.   


                      Tet, just the ascent this year. I really didn't enjoy the run down the year I did the marathon. Fear of falling is increasing the older I get.


                      Thanks Joe. I appreciate you following my training and commenting on Strava. I don't know how you do ultras... While exhausted at the end of the marathon my legs weren't feeling too bad, but my feet were so sore, I don't think I could have gone another mile.






                        Thanks Joe. I appreciate you following my training and commenting on Strava. I don't know how you do ultras... While exhausted at the end of the marathon my legs weren't feeling too bad, but my feet were so sore, I don't think I could have gone another mile.




                        You're welcome Paul...I am fascinated by your training and the process thereof.


                        Ultras...I've come to grips with going slow and going long and just being out there a long time.   Sounds like a cliche, I know, but it's mostly mental.  Or, as Yogi Berra said "90% of the game is mental, the other half is physical." 




                        I have nothing particularly clever or profound to add as a tag to each message...I just like to run.   
