Masters Running


Friday at last 2-8 runas ans wo's (Read 550 times)


    WooooHooo, Perch, ^5 You da Man! That's a milestone. Oh No, eight milestone. I cut 6 down to 3, just too sore in my midsection right now. Headed to the Mt to camp overnight. It's been warm a few days. No Schnow, me thinks. Cry JJJ
    Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.
      jules--good thinking. I've been struggling with mine for too long! Glad you liked that Holly--come out and run the race sometime! perch, CNY (I used to live in your whereabouts), lyndenrunner, BTY and more--seems as if everyone's running fast and/or in harsh conditions. I'm still lollygagging, just appreciating being able to get outside and away from the elliptical! 5:15 in 45:22, just about a 9 minute pace--it is over 40 here, but really windy, about 22 mph, I think when I checked accuweather before heading out. I run alongside a creek most days when I am able to be outside--the willows seem to becoming a more intense yellow just over the past few days. This morning, walking Frank, 2 woodpeckers were having a little point-counterpoint (this is how they mate, right?) grins, A
      Masters 2000 miles
        Perch - are those typo's in the topic header or some inside joke I don't get? I think you need more sleep. Where is everyone? Had a great 10 mile run today. Ok, it was on the TM, so not that glorious, but, my leg never complained and still feels great. I'm feeling optimistic that I'll be able to do a LR on Sunday, and get more or less back on track with marathon training. Saw a jockette running very fast, so I chose the TM beside her, hoping some of her greatness would rub off on me. She was doing a 6 mile run, first 5 miles at 8.5 mph (7:04 pace) and the last mile or so at 9.2 mph (6:32 pace)! Sheesh. The bad weather brings in all the best runners. Noah is cute. Must be cool to be a grandparent.

        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

          Aamos, Is your team going to run the Northwest Passage again?
          Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip
            love the idea of the tiara in the Leading Ladies Marathon - that sounds so cool!! holly - my workouts are definitely a challenge to get in when i pick up these extra shifts - it's hard enough with my 3 12 hour nights never mind adding the usually i run before i go to work but there are also times i go for a 3-6mile run or do 30 minutes on the elliptical after working all night - just depends on how i'm feeling and how many nights i've worked - since last night was my only full night home this week i just stayed up late til like 2am then was up at 6am to see the boys get off to school and work and went back to bed when they were gone....seems to work for me friday - 8miles on the treadmill - wanted to be outside but it was kind of wet and snowy out and just didn't feel like dealing with it then home to make baked mac and cheese for my men before heading into the first night of 3 12's in a row



              Low key day on the message board today. Vista thanks for that blog info. All this new technology has my head swimming. My home computer got a trojan horse the other day. Fix it place said they would $ way. Puter is 6 years old and not worth $35. So, snatched it away from them and did it my self. Spy bot. So far so good. Oh yea, running...none, nada, zilch. Will try tomorrow. Good runs and good day all.

              Trails Rock!

                munch, bap and others.....healing vibes. I was out, then back, then out, now I'm back again. I'm treading in weekly personal best territory and I'm experiencing the growing pains. Shin, then knee (and shin). I've taken a few days off and am slowing down the already slow pace Smile Got back out there for 6 miles tonite...a hair over 10 minute pace. Knee felt good, shin was much improved, but it usually takes a day or two for the hurt to show up. Weather was and should continue to be beautiful for the next few days... 40s 50s and 60s forecasted. Get it while the gettin's good!
                Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                  Rest Day here, and I took that totally literally... After work, we grilled up some copper river red salmon (sorry guys we get it for 6.99 a pound at our local grocery store...) with peas, red beans and rice... then DH and I went out to "the Man Show" at the civic center. Good grief, how lame. Afterwards we went to our fave restaurant, had a really nice glass of wine with scallops and spinach, ordered a nice chocolate dessert for the kids and headed for home. So, I think I've figured out this rest thing... Tomorrow will be a different story. 8 miles in -20 temps. Good lord, help me now! I might do a couple laps of my hilly neighborhood road, then finish on the treadmill. I'll let ya know how it goes!!

                    ! SteveP - your grandson is beautiful - you look so proud. Hope his Mom is doing well. Good runs and a wonderful weekend to all!
                    The whole family is well. DD#1 did go off meds to shrink a tumor on her pituitary gland. Her Dr advised her not to start a family and we have some concerns there. When the young man is weened, we'll see how she stands.
                    Hokey Smokes BAP... Steve, Noah is beautiful. How many batman sleepers have you bought for him?!
                    I've been cautioned against that Sad . He does have a Superman one with a red cape. Evil grin We also got him a nice little red sled to go with it and weh have both episodes of "Scooby Doo Meets Batman and Robin". Rest day today. I head out to Mom's with the plan of getting a run in her neighborhood...There's still so much to do. Had lunch with DW and spent over an hour closing her bank account. I've had Power of Attny for a few years, however, when she passed, that became void. Telling the truth took a really long time and it took three tellers and lots of phone calls. I had a whoe bunch of papers signed by people with really important judge like jobs and it still confused the bank employees.



                      Steve, I was in the same position a couple of years ago that you are now in regarding your mom's estate. It's amazing the amount of stuff you have to muddle through, isn't it? Just keep plugging away, make a checklist and tackle one thing at a time, otherwise it can seem quite overwhelming. Don't forget to take a few deep breaths for yourself once in a while. Loved the pictures, especially the Popeye look! ;-)

                        Steve, I was in the same position a couple of years ago that you are now in regarding your mom's estate. It's amazing the amount of stuff you have to muddle through, isn't it? Just keep plugging away, make a checklist and tackle one thing at a time, otherwise it can seem quite overwhelming. Don't forget to take a few deep breaths for yourself once in a while. Loved the pictures, especially the Popeye look! ;-)
                        Thanks That's what my brother and I are doing.....It will pass and neither of us have to go it alone.



                        One day at a time

                          6.5 miles for me today - a personal best for distance. 16 degrees and basically trail running - lots of ice and snow. After a big snow Thursday, we didn't get much yesterday, so the town decided not to plow, I guess. My pace was slower than usual, so it took me 1:18 to do it. Wore me out, so I'm lounging around this afternoon!