Masters Running


Happy Mon 11/24 Daily (Read 615 times)



    I was watching this show the other night about this Woman who was going for a World record with having the biggest breasts. After her latest surgery, she now has triple M's...I had absolutely NO idea breast sizes went that high up the alphabet Shocked
    I take it she's not a runner... Roll eyes
    Just like to add that even those that can't run, there is still a gift out there to enjoy! Smile
    Nice thought, Evryday! Hey, WRFB, how come your avatar is back to the drinking horse? Did the other D-Horse scare you off with his talk of designer tattoos? Big grin

    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Good Morning! Tim - I bet just having a date to count down to really helps your attitude. Wine making sound like a very tastey hobby too!! I have always been "anti-tattoos" also - my girls even tell me that I threatened to kick them out of the house if they ever got one. Roll eyes I'm not sorry I did it - thought about it the whole 26.2 miles and then some. The hardest part was telling my 92 year old mother!! I said "mom, I have to tell you something, and you have to promise not to yell at me". She said, "what did you do, get a tattoo?" Ha! Little did she know .....!!!! She thought it was cute and then said "well, at least you can cover it up". Holly - those e-mails went right to my spam folder, so no harm done on my end. Scheduled rest day for me. The snow is coming down - the wet heavy pretty stuff. Enjoy the lights Peter! I put my mom's lights up yesterday and will tackle mine this week.


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


        Hey, WRFB, how come your avatar is back to the drinking horse? Did the other D-Horse scare you off with his talk of designer tattoos?
        Dark Horse doesn't scare me. I have not changed it back. Try refreshing your page. I had trouble seeing the new avatar initially as well.

        Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

          Would you be interested and have time to play some online chess with him?
          No, but there are many websites where your friend's son could play chess against people all over the world, at any time of day or night. If he goes online, he will find so much chess it will be coming out of his ears. If he is at all obsessive, his school grades will drop, he will stay up late and lose weight and grow pale, he will give up all normal face-to-face human relationships, and you and his family will curse the day you consulted me for information. A simple Google search using the keywords "online chess play" will turn up dozens of sites. A few well-known sites include the Internet Chess Club (ICC) at, the Free Internet Chess Server at, and (which I have used, but not recently) at Many people enjoy playing chess online, and I do not begrudge them their fun, but almost all online games are played at very quick time controls such as 5 minutes each for the whole game, which leads to almost-instant gratification (or the reverse) but is not conducive to deep thought. Moreover, it is not possible to know whether your opponent is cheating by looking at books or databases during the game, or even by referring to chess software which he may have running in the background while he plays you. However, playing a lot of quick games online can be a good way to learn openings, or so I have heard. In general, the best way to improve at chess is to study a little every day on one's own, and play every week at a local chess club against other people, ideally people who are better than you are so you will be challenged to raise the level of your game. There was no chess club here in my small city of 17,000, Newburyport, Mass., so I started one in February 2002. It has met almost every Wednesday night since then, offering monthly nationally rated U.S. Chess Federation tournaments played at the rate of one game per week. The USCF is always eager to support new local affiliates; find out more by visiting their website at Dark Horse
          I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

            Rest day today; I’m vowing to nurse my little hamstring twinge this week. Holly—Aamos recently made a suggestion that I wouldn’t have thought of: chemical hand-warmers. You can get them for a dollar or two. Not something you’d use regularly, but under really bad conditions…. Got the antenna up yesterday without falling off the roof, though I kept thinking of every cheesy sit-com I’ve ever seen involving inept homeowners installing antennas. Definite improvement in reception, but I’m going to wait until the Spring when all digital transition mess has settled down to make a final judgment. Meanwhile, we rely on Netflix; watched Ingmar Bergman’s “Cries and Whispers” this weekend. Probably the most painful, bleak, depressing Bergman film I’ve ever seen….and if you watch Bergman films, you know that’s saying a lot. Must have been that cold, northern climate. (We really ought to have movie reviews on this site.) I like Dark Horse’s prison tattoo idea; back to basics.

            Be safe. Be kind.

            i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

              Good morning smart recovering runners. A long healing time is just putting money in the bank. Ever notice some of our fastest runners are also excellent swimmers. It's good to develop an alternative form of excercise (non-leg using) for cross training and to switch to in case of running injury. I have difficulty keeping up on those becasue it is so much easier to just get up and bad Smile I looked up rbbmoose's Philly results... let's just say... WOW! I hope our flying monkeys are having a good day! Holly.. wet goves and 30's IS cold. Maybe thin water repellant outer gloves would work. I usually wear those knit one size fits all gloves (under $2). If really cold, glove liners under the knit gloves. Rest day and some cross training. Planks for the Holidays! Gearing up for 8K Gallup and Gorge Thursday, last of the three race series (4 mile July, 10K October and 8K Thanksgiving) Hope to win my division (fingers crossed), hope to PR.

              Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                I thought you were going to get your tattoo when you get out. ============= tim - I ruined it with 14 UP* miles yesterday but will be taperin' again through this weekend and seein' you again on 12/1, . . and 1/1. * ultra-pace thank you. nonrunners anonymous - COR 11/23/08 (Sunday) lamerunner - 13 erika - 21 twocat - DNF @ 19 days timbi - 22 tet - DNF @ 28 days

                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                  I just saw a great article on about cute running garb for wimmen. I am all about cute wimmen, so here is the article followed by the article's link to photos of clothing items. Running skirts Fans say they're cute and comfortable — with less chafing and ride-up than shorts or running tights. Detractors say that skirts, and competitions like the SkirtChaser race series, get in the way of women being taken seriously as athletes and competitors. Nevertheless, searches for "running skirt" have been steadily increasing all year. Here are some pictures.
                  I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

                  Marathon Maniac #3309

                    I thought you were going to get your tattoo when you get out. ============= tim - I ruined it with 14 UP* miles yesterday but will be taperin' again through this weekend and seein' you again on 12/1, . . and 1/1. * ultra-pace thank you. nonrunners anonymous - COR 11/23/08 (Sunday) lamerunner - 13 erika - 21 twocat - DNF @ 19 days timbi - 22 tet - DNF @ 28 days
                    Hey tet buddie, thanks for play'n...your parting gifts are waiting for ya in the back. Seriously, our back and forth humor has helped me....thank you. I will be at 60 days when tet can say....timbi DNF @ 60 days Cool Ya know, I hate the fact that I can't run, but care for the others that can't either. So for the others, I hope I win this is contest, so you all will be running again before me Wink. TimBo

                    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                      blah blah pussy designer tattoo blah blah

                      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                        4 easy miles for me this morning. No tattoos, no prison, no kidding.
                          I think one of my clients already has that tatoo Wink. Yes, Holly, those handwarmers are wonderful--our own divechief brought enough so all of us who were running the Seattle Marathon had two and I was hooked. Perhaps he can post the site--I think he gets them onlline in bulk (as a deep sea diver, he goes thru a lot). His are environmentally friendly. grins, A gym day for me, not running, nope, nosireebob...and tim....twocat......etc.
                          Masters 2000 miles

                            I like WRFB's tattoo - alot. Once upon a time I wanted one, but I would want something original and I have no idea what I would want enough to make it permanent on my skin, so I've abandoned the idea of getting a tattoo. I do have a piercing (and I'm not talking about my ears), but that's it. It's just a belly button, so nothing too risque Tongue No run for me today. My 3.5 miles hurt my feet yesterday, so I'm just chilling til I see my doc - which is tomorrow a.m. - and see what he has to say. I might be joining the ranks of the non-runners yet! Is there a sekrit password, initiation? Or if I host hottubs parties, will that suffice? I did enjoy some nice relaxing hottub time last night. It was a perfectly clear night and I live rural, so no city lights to muddy up the beautiful star-filled sky. Have a good day all and enjoy your short week!


                              And would that be on his butt?? Rest a whole bunch of aches and might take two rest days. Knees achy, hamstring tight, calf tight....

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                                biketm for a hobby how about taking down my Christmas decorations on January 1? Just a thought . . . Smile Glad you have made peace with the time off. There is nothing magical about January 1. If your various problems are not totally recovered by then give it another month. I know, I know three months! But, my initial plan was to give my AT six weeks to heal. After six weeks it clearly was not "better" so off I went to the docs. He told me I needed another six weeks off, so that is how I ended up with three months. On the bright side my AT has never returned! erika kudos to you to for giving your body a chance to heal up. Holly if what is going on is that the water is soaking through your gloves the only solution would really be to get a waterproof pair. But that is likely to be very, very hot on a run and damp as your sweat will have nowhere to go. My only "solution" is a TM run. Sometimes I find having a lobotomy right before helps. Big grin Today was a 5 mile run (I still cannot go much further) with some friends. The pace was 30 seconds/mile faster than my last two run and I was not in as much pain or stiffness. So, things seem to be starting to return to normal.

                                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->
