Masters Running


Sunday June 29th Daily (Read 34 times)

    Someone needs to strap a GoPro to Avenger Doggie’s head. Goldmine.

    Amy must be smiling.


    Nice break in the humidity this morning.

    14 miles on my Hillypalooza route.  Jello legs.


    Have a good one.

    Be safe. Be kind.


      Mornin' Tramps and everyone to follow.


      Nice 14 hillypalooza miles this morning.


      I just got back from a local 5K - a small race with under 200 finishers. At the 8am start, it was in the upper 60s and sunny - luckily, there was some shade along the course. With so few racers, there weren't many for me to chase down once everyone got into their rhythm. But I did manage to catch a few in mid-race. As I approached the finish, I felt something in the inside of my right thigh go 'boing.' I finished OK, but I can still feel it, so I hope it isn't anything serious. It didn't hurt while I was stretching after the race, and I'll be mindful of it as I spend the rest of the day doing yard work. My finish time was OK, but nothing to get excited about, so I won't. I might have won an age group award, if only they had age group awards. But it was still a nice little race, and a nice way to start the day.


      Have a greta Sunday!



      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Mike E

      MM #5615

        Good morning Tramps and Jay...and everybody else who pops in here, this morning!


        I did a 1.5 hr run yesterday that took me 1:31:37 to complete.  The plan says to run for 1.5 hours, so I went out for 45 minutes and turned around...I struggled in the heat to get back.  I ended up doing 11.7 miles.  Today is a 3 hour run...we'll see what happens.


        I warned you yesterday that I had pictures coming, well, here's a few...


        This is Sonja...


        This is her sister Freja...


        Zac and Molly...


        Madi and Sonja...


        Mallory and Sonja...


        Kenna and Freja...


        And here's the whole dang bunch!


        Okay--I gotta go--I'm taking Mikey and his girls to the airport.  See ya!


        Since I'm posting's one from a  soccer tournament up in Duluth that my DD is coaching in.  She always makes these out of town tournaments more than just soccer...Larva and Weiner...

        King of PhotoShop

          Jay, I hope there are no further "boings."


          Speaking of Amy smiling, an interesting tidbit from last night's game.  Napoli hit the winning homer in the 9th because Tanaka threw him a grooved fastball.  Napoli was surprised he would choose that pitch and muttered, "What an idiot!"  But of course the on-field mic picked it up and it got out what he said.  Napoli's response?  "I meant no offense."  Of course not.


          After yesterday's race I thought it would be difficult to extend my long run today.  My longest has been 7. But after 7 difficult miles this morning I was driving home and kicking myself because I quit at 7.  So I stopped by my park and ran 1.1 miles on the gravel path.  8.1 miles today, my longest so far.   Spareribs

            Today must be the day for hillypalooza running!!  Our hosted run was at someone's lake cottage and the only way out is up and up and up!!

            10.2 miles logged in then a beautiful swim afterward -- maybe 1/2 mile of swimming!!  Great time with my running group friends!!

            Biked almost 20 miles yesterday -- my body is both invigorated and exhausted at the same time right now!!


            MikeE - great pictures!!

            Jay - hoping for no more boings!!

            Matt - sent you a check, ya I'm sure you've heard that before, but really I did!!  So excited to be part of the Rosie Ruiz Fan Club team this year!

            Holly - love your new car!!

            Avenger Doggie - great pics - looks like you got to run, and run and run as well!!



            Trails are hard!

              I'll continue with the hilly theme, although I can't claim nearly as many miles--6 miles with 770' up and 770' down according to the download.  Not sure if that's a lot, but it felt like it.  Almost 70 by the time I got back, rather drippy.


              I heard the "idiot" comment, but didn't have any idea of what it referred to.  Although based on the expression on Tanaka's face afterwards, he completely agreed.


              Mike--it's too bad all the grandkids seem to be having such a rotten time together.

              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                ,,,mikeE//...what beautiful children......




                ...luckily Claire is with us this weekend and saw AvengerDoggie's post to her

                she thought '' a pancake'' for your FavoriteToy was Hilarious


                and wants to type to AvengerDogie-

                endc ntgxgrghfjfd


                which, loosley translated, means ''AvengerDoggie is Cute''



                thanks steveP


       work-ou today, but a WholeLot of Laughing.


                ..........good running guys

                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                  Taking the day off here.  Just eating and reading.



                    Taking a rest day too.  Although I did walk up a big hill with Remi, and was sadly out of breath.  Got some crud deep in my lungs (cold).  Date with Door# 16 tomorrow night and one with Door#17 Tuesday night.  When it rains, it pours.

                    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                      Eating and reading here as well, but I did get out for a late afternoon run. Too humid for Little Walter, so he will get a walk later. He (like Avenger Dog) will also not drink water that i carry - go figure?



                      Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.

                      Groucho Marx

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        Mike - you are so blessed!


                        The flashlight Easter egg hunt went well last night, except for the fact that, while I tossed 200 plastic eggs onto the neighbor's 2-acre lot, we came up 18 eggs short.  Hopefully the guy she pays to cut the grass won't be mad at us.  I discovered that, in full darkness and with flashlights, you don't actually need 2 acres.....


                        7 easy paced miles for me this morning.


                        I have spent nearly 6 hours today on the computer trying to catch up at work for tomorrow.  Irritating that I don't get paid for this time, but the relief I feel to have cleared most of my inbox is very nice.

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."



                          Mike, that's a cute and happy pack of grandkids you've got!  I love the last pic of Larva and Wiener - very stylish! 


                          I guess I ran a hillypalooza route today, too.  Oh, wait -- I always do!  13.75 miles in Centennial Cone Park, on a hot day.   70's at the start and 80's at the end, but low humidity.  Then I came home and took a nap.


                          Holly, bummer about working on Sunday for free!


                          Enke,  good luck with the next 2 doors!

                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                            Hi gang. The Easy Pacer and I had a fun and busy day. First we went to a town up north to visit friends, pick some more cherries and enjoyed running 6 miles around a gorgeous lake. My pace was easy, the Easy Pacer hit the road hard to almost his best 10k pace. Yeap... The roles are reversed...Smile.

                            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                              14 miles on Jello Legs!  Well done.


                              Look at all them kids!! Great!


                              Have Remi check these people out for you.


                              La Tortuga, Tag usually drinks out of a water bottle. Yesterday, he prefered muddy  river water. He does not get that from my side of the family.


                              After church, we put some baby back ribs on the smoker with sassafras chips. Then Tag and I went and put 2.5 miles in on the psycho-path (that's what we call the dog's favorite trail). We accidently made an ice cream stop on the way back. We had passed our house and turned around the most convenient place we could find. If the mutt was upset, he hid it well.


                              I pulled DW's car into the garage and tinkered a bit. She needs two new ball joints and a tie rod. Since everything else will be off as well, I ordered new rotors and brake pads as well. They won't be in until Monday, so there's a little project to keep me out of trouble. I used the GPS while pushing a mower. 2.48 miles. Less than 1/3 of the lot. The in laws came in for dinner. I may see if sassafras can grow here.


                              Last night, being the romantic that I am, I strong armed  politely suggested that we go to a Rockabilly convention. Yes, there were rednecks there. I thought I was borderline. Not even close.There was a nice fella with really long hair wearing a bathing suit, knee high cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. A little old lady with one of those walkers that also has small storage and a seat. She used it to push a beer cooler. Lots of PBR around the joint. Sadly, with a venue that could hold well over 2,000 people, maybe 50 showed up. That's including the acts. We stayed for about 4 hours. Not one rockabilly song. Southern Rock. Motor City Power Rock. Psychedelic Rock. Country & Western. Acoustical Romantic Ballads. It was a very good time and a nice Music Festival. We got chatty with one of the acoustic solo performers. If the company does it again next yearI'd be game for going back. We left just as the power drinking started.




                                Oh, since tomorrow is the last day of June, please try to plan your mileage to end on a prime number for the month!  Here's a handy table of primes for you!  


                                  2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23
                                29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67
                                71 73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109
                                113 127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167
                                173 179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227
                                229 233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277
                                281 283 293 307 311 313 317 331 337 347

                                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.
