Masters Running


Saturday October 11 Runs (Read 565 times)

    Yet another beautiful morning for a run. 46F & sunny Smile 6.2 easy miles around the neighborhood (5 figure 8's) w/DW Doug I often forget how old I am. A couple weeks ago I went by a bowling alley where I use to work when I was 19-20 yrs. old. it had a new owner & had been remodeled so I stopped to check it out. When I met the owner I told him my history with the alley & realized it had been 33 yrs. I was shocked Roll eyes I was driving through snow one week ago today near Cedar Breaks Utah. Oh I heard the Sox won Wink

    Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


      good morning -) best of luck to all those racing today! Holly, I'm glad your run went so well. Aaaamos, yay. you noticed, didn't that both Erika & I -- 2 confirmed baseball haters, cheered for you?? I have a lifetime of stored up cheering that I think I'm genetically incapable of using... & I figured who better to give some to? Plus it probably will expire if i don't use it soon. do have to save some for our runners. Lou, it was useful to me. I'm just going to say that mine's good. Wink. Peter, healing vibes for your finger! I was thinking we should set up a schedule for Twocat watching. 4 hour shifts? Doug, I have the same thing happen... except I think my brothers will be in their late teens. Funny. good for you to run where you are, I'm always impressed when someone does that. When you're close to overdoing it, do you ever feel like you're an interested bystander, with little or no control over the process? Don't need to tell you to be careful, do I?? a rest day. farmer's market this morning.. I got more than I'll ever use, as usual. but, raspberries! & it's tatsoi season, yippee. Fresh Brussel Sprouts. And a plethora of other green stuff. I've got to go out in a minute & start working on our lawn extension that got chewed up by tree removal & sidewalk replacement. So far all I've done besides raking it, is to look at it & shake my head. First step is more root removal, that shouldn't be too bad. Evryday, don't encourage him!! SteveP, DS does sound like a very good kid. have a good weekend!

      Top 'O the World!

        Yeah, yeah yeah...Sox.. Let's hear it for Detroit's football team!!! "We-de-de-de, de-de-de-de-de de, we-um-um-a-way " Come on sing it with me!!!!!! "In the city the mighty city the Lions sleep tonight In the city, Detroit Rock City, the Lions sleep tonight." A wimoweh, a-wimoweh a-wimoweh, a wimoweh A wimoweh, a-wimoweh a-wimoweh, a wimoweh A wimoweh, a-wimoweh a-wimoweh, a wimoweh A wimoweh, a-wimoweh a-wimoweh, a wimoweh Enough for now. Time to get the song out of your head. A wimoweh, a-wimoweh a-wimoweh, a wimoweh A wimoweh, a-wimoweh a-wimoweh, a wimoweh A wimoweh, a-wimoweh a-wimoweh, a wimoweh A wimoweh, a-wimoweh a-wimoweh, a wimoweh MTA, Give em heck Gordon...You Rock! Big grin
        Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group
          dg. farmers market! Sounds like a great selection. Maybe I should see what ours has tomorrow. I fear raspberries will not be among the offerings. Too bad, they are my favorite berry. Odd though, my favorite for a pie is blueberry, but all by itself a raspberry cannot be beat!

          Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

          Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

            OK....I made it out the door, and had a easy 4 miler this morning....a cool breezy 65F....beautiful. Twocat.....I think I may need some of that heat myself, come January. But what I don't use, I'll send your way. dg.....did you have bring up the brussel sprouts again. I thought we finally put that topic to bed! Big grin Shower, then tailgating activities to begin.
            Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

              A former Army contractor pleaded guilty to stealing nearly $40 million worth of jet fuel from a U.S. Army base in Iraq and selling it on the black market. Lee W. Dubois of Lexington, SC faces up to 10 years in prison when he is sentenced on a single count of theft of government property. Too bad they caught him...actually, I bought a few gallons of the stuff from Dubois and put it in my lawn mower. The good news: I cut my entire yard in 5 minutes. The bad news: My mower had to make an emergency landing somewhere near Chatanooga. Tammy:
              dang. I thought I could open this thread and find out how I did tomorrow, errrr, today in my 10K race . . . Confused
              I already had a new PR, won your age group, and hit the lottery. Holly:
              Today my run started out stiff and slow, a-creakin’ and a-groanin’, but then, after about 3 miles, I started to feel downright peppy, and finished feeling good. I finally seem to be getting back into my normal reasonably-fit groove, where miles 4-8 feel like my best miles. Sweet.
              Nice going, Holly...unfortunately, I usually start out a-creakin' & a-groanin'...then it goes downhill from there. Twocat:
              Well you are in Colorado and that does mean SKIING!!! My favorite sport! Yep, sorry all of my fellow running nuts I like skiing even more! Go snow storms!
              Me too, too. Counting the days until 2/15...a few of us are going to Oregon for a week. Pretty decent run for me this morning. 4.2 miles on a hilly course in 37:18 (8:53)..and what's even better, I was able to run the entire course without walking. DickyG
                So, for me, my max HR is about 195
                Wow, a max HR of a 25 year old! (220-age)

                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                  Belated congrats to Tammy's son for beating his jog a thon record and to DH's son for being 1st 7th grader in his XC meet. Twocat, it sounds like you are being smart skipping the HM to take care of your calf. srlopez, I'm sorry to hear about your friend. It's neat you are running a marathon in his home town. Peter, that burned finger sounds painful. Take care of it. roch, my brother (selb3) was 2 when I left for college. I've seen him often enough so that I don't still think of him as a little kid, though. Nice long runs for maine and Peter. Good job on the speedwork for dtoce and Tall. This morning, it was about 50 and almost calm. I got in 10 miles in a bit over 1:37 for a 9:43 pace. We're starting to get some trees changing color. I enjoyed seeing them at the begining of my run. Nearer the end, I was too busy gasping for breath and willing my legs to keep going to look at scenery. A good day and good runs for all. TomS
                    I had a nice visit with my brother last evening. I keep remembering that he was only 8 years old when I left for college, and we've rarely lived in the same region of the country since then. So when I do see him (once every few years), it's always a shock to realize that he's as old as he is. My mental image of him is still as a little kid. Anyone else have this kind of thing happen to them?
                    Yup. My littlest sister was 5 when I left for college, and I haven't seen much of her since. I used to tuck her in at night and we would play rhyming games in the dark while I sat on the edge of her bed. On Tuesday she turns 38 and I haven't adjusted to that. 100 pushups, 100 situps, 30 squats, 30 leg curls, 30 leg extensions. After getting home from this workout a few minutes ago, suddenly I had new and startling pains in my left knee. My wife and I had the following conversation about it. DH: Ow!! Dark Mare: Do you want some ibuprofen? DH: No! I'm fine. OW!! [sits down quickly in nearest chair] Dark Mare: I'll get you some ibuprofen. DH: OK. Dark Horse, sitting down
                    I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

                      Mmmmm - fresh brussel sprouts... is anyone experiencing deja vue besides me?! 4.5 miles this morning on a new trail with my sister, my niece and her dog Rowdy ( a HUGE black lab that I absolutely love). No idea of pace as none of us had a watch, but it was great to be with family enjoying a warm fall morning. Dg - I also went to farmer's market for some fresh spinach, green beans, spagetti squash (love the stuff), carrots and BRUSSEL SPROUTS. Will be grilling a couple of nice little tenderloins to have with a fresh spinach salad and green beans - the rest of the veggies will get used next week. Dicky G - you are hilarious! Doug - there's 15 years between me and my oldest brother. When I see him now, it's like looking at my father (my brother turned 71 in August). Of course, I haven't aged at all. Wink Holly - how dark is dark purple?! Good luck with your painting project. Off to plant 100 tulip bulbs. What the squirrels don't dig up and eat, the rabbits will get in the spring. Gotta feed the wildlife, I guess. Good luck to all the weekend racers.

                      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                        Good luck racers today and tomorrow! Busy work this week with no time to post and I was resting my leg after last Saturday's 10K race. Got in 2 mi on Thursay and 4 today. See PT today to do some ultrasound massage on my calf.

                        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova



                          SteveP, your DS sounds like a keeper - but I don't know about living with you till he's 43! My DD shares the cooking duties in our house - DH and I used to take turns cooking dinner, and now she's in the rotation every 3rd night. At first she needed some coaching, but now she's comfortable cooking almost any kind of food by herself. It's a great skill for kids to have. Gordon, hope the new haircut helps you PR today! Twocat, good luck not running or eating snacks! It's not snowing yet, but predicted later today. I love skiing too - maybe we could have a skiing and hot tub party in Colorado this winter? Roch, my little brother was 10 when I went to college, and I have the same problem perpetually thinking of him as a little kid. dg, stop with the brussels sprouts threads! But raspberries... yum! We have wild raspberries under our kitchen windows and all around the neighborhood. I love running in August when I take lots of berry breaks! DickyG, nice run today! Quick pace and no walking! Well, after wussing out on a run at lunch yesterday, I publicly stated that I would run on the way home, so I changed after work and tried to drive to a new trail I wanted to try. I got lost twice (in rush hour traffic) and gave up on that trail. It was nearing sunset, and still chilly, but I persevered, and went to another new place - Chatfield State Park. I think I found a new favorite trail! I took a path through the woods along the lakeshore. It was bumpy asphalt and dirt, with trees arching overhead, leaves turning gold, and leaves crunching underfoot. It was chilly and I had a late start so I ran fast, and felt awesome. About 7 elk came out of the woods ahead of me and crossed into a meadow. I stopped to watch, and a big bull elk turned and stared me down. He won the stare-down, and I turned around and ran back the other way - I figured it was their territory. Total 3 miles at 9:27 pace. Wow, two "10" runs in a row!

                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                            Thanks, Lou, I agree totally. And I always hate those 220 minus your age calculations, never seems right for me. I don't know what my max is, but it's up around yours or higher. If I peg out at 180 to 183 on a big hill I really am pushing it. My HR gets up to 125 just coming up the driveway from getting the paper! (yes, walking) I'm always amazed at the ultra low HR reported by bregerbyll.... Holly, you're right. I suck at running slow. I tried an "easy" run at 10 m/m and almost went insane. I feel like my form totally falls apart when I run slower... My inability to run slow really paints me as an undisciplined runner, I know. Something I thought I'd work on this year... sometime. Perch has been struggling with that calf for far too long. Please let us know what you find out, ok? {{Twocat's calf}} DickyG... Big grin You are a nut. Sitting in the airport, waiting for next flight to Minneapolis. Nice to be able to check on the racers... Hartford sounds like IRC today! I'm having annoying second thoughts that I forgot my Garmin at home... Just can't remember putting it in the bag. I have a long run planned for tomorrow in unfamiliar territory so really need it! Have a great day everyone...

                              Twocat, me too. Maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised. evryday,
                              dg.....did you have bring up the brussel sprouts again. I thought we finally put that topic to bed!
                              A wimoweh, a-wimoweh a-wimoweh, a wimowehBig grin
                              set. side out, rotate. Wink Jeanne.... yum.. we can have a virtual brussel sprout toast! Carolyn, I thought you were a convert. maybe not. What a bonus to have berry breaks. You earned this "10" run. A new favorite trail... nice reward for your perseverance. How friendly are bull elks? Perch, phew! Erika I hope you have your Garmin. hey! my hr's like yours! now i just need mileage & pace to match. mta. roots. Angry Angry Tight lipped

                              One day at a time

                                Erika, I hope you just absentmindedly stuck your Garmin in your bag! Hey, you could run with me so I could "pace" you slowly! I'm quite good at that. VERY disciplined, lol! Today I ran 10.0 miles in 1:58:14 (see what I mean?). BEAUTIFUL day - foliage just glowing, it's so bright. Not a cloud in the sky, either, which is a little unusual here. DH, keep encouraging your son, he's doing well! DS16 ran in the Western Maine Conference championship meet yesterday. It was a 3.0-mile race (I wonder why they make some races 3.0 miles and others 3.1?). The trail was pretty soft, but not bad. He finished third out of 96 runners, in a time of 16:37. He got a HUGE trophy! His team won the meet. Now he's gunning for the kid who got 2nd, a junior like him. For a change, he was very happy with his performance. After the race, our family went to Pat's Pizza and had a fun dinner and ice cream. That's why I had to run so far today! Big grin Enjoy the holiday weekend, everyone!