Masters Running


Sunday's Daily, 6.23.13 (Read 47 times)


    Mornin' everyone.


    Nice heat-beating 14-miler, yesterday, Tramps!


    Holly, a lack of sleep doesn't shouldn't affect your performance too much in a 5K the next day. So enjoy the concert, and the drinks, next week, and you'll be fine for the 5K. However, you may want to leave time for a nap somewhere along the way that day...  BTW, nice workout with fast miles yesterday.


    TomW, when thinking about the large fellow with flippers and snorkel who invaded your pool yesterday, I have a hard time not laughing too.


    Free cats and ice cream at the end of a race - interesting combination.


    Ribs, I didn't know that photo was there till I saw your post. That was close to the finish of my race, and I was huffin' and puffin.' A local running reporter/writer here also take time off every year to regroup and come back with a fresh start and perspective. Enjoy your summer!


    Enke, I don't believe that it is legal to have a cooler in tow on a bike... Wink  Your running club sounds terrific - glad you found them.


    Nice way to 'res' for today's half, Twocat. I'm glad you enjoyed the anniversary dinner at Le Farm.


    Good running by you and Easy Pacer, Mariposai. Seems that you both are on a roll.


    Sorry - gotta cut the recap short: DW just gave me the 2-min. warning before we leave for breakfast.


    Yesterday's 5K was warm (around 80) and muggy. I did OK - 32-something; beat the Rec. Dept. Director, and my last 10th was in the 9s. Nice. An easy 8.6 this morning, with yard work cross-training to come.





    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      go Stumpy go  


      Jay, you are one speedy walker! 32 for a 5k race walking is pretty good!

      Erika, great job on your 10k last night after so soon after your 80+ mile weekend last week.

      Holly, not all races are for the time. Just enter the 5k as a fast tempo and voila, you have both, your night out and your race.


      Funny how the bar for high mileage is so different for every runner. Here I am saying I will not run today because I had a high mileage of 36 miles in 3 days (6 tempo, 10 sproinky, 20 slow), but then you have Erika and Wildchild and others running way more than that in one weekend. Well, I guess that our self- imposed threshold is different for all of us.


      Good luck to all the racers! I wonder how Tamster did on her relay. Still waiting to hear how twocat did on his HM.


      Milk Truck shared this link in Stumpy's thread.

      This would be a very nice destination marathon! If I lived closer I would definitely put this one on my "must do list" I can't wait to  hear about the race course from Stumpy.


      Off to do some yard work for XT.


      go Stumpy go

      "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

        Tet, thanks for letting me know about Freemont, maybe that is why it is called such?

        I was hoping for some word about Stumpy, any news?


        I did a 5 mile trail run, pretty tired, 3rd day running in a row and not used to that but I went slow and let the run come to me.  Lots of walking in the first two miles.

        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

          wild, great half.  MS, 100 laps sounds intimidating but, with friends, perhaps fun.  Good job.  tet, way to go on the 20.  Jay good job in your 5K.


          This morning, it was in the high 60s, there was just a light breeze, and noticeable humidity.  I did 3 miles at a 10:59 pace.


          A good day and good runs for all.




            The kid is gone.  My daughter decided to get on the road today.  They are going to stop at Dolly Wood on the way to their new home in Tallahassee.  Grabbed one last photo:




            Maybe tomorrow I will finally go for a run.  (I've been saying that for a few days now.)



            Mike E

            MM #5615

              Dave...that's gotta be tough...yeah, I think you need a run.


              I went out for my last long run.  it was supposed to be a 24 miler, but I knew fairly early on it wasn't going to happen.  It was a struggle out there, today.  So--22 in 2:53:00.  At about mile 20 I was chanting, "23 under 3"...a mile later it changed to, "22 will have to do."  I'm not sure what this means for the marathon in 3 weeks, but it's all I had, today.  I guess we'll see.


              Hey!  Where's Stumpy?  Anybody hear how he did?


              Okay--gotta go.  See ya!

                Another 17 miler this morning, I didn't eat properly yesterday and I paid for it today...gotta fuel up...

                Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

                  17 miler for me as well---got out a bit late so the last few miles were a sweat fast---coated in salt and sweat at finish and had that fatigued yet happy feeling.


                  Anyone hear from Stumpy yet?


                  Hang in there Dave and hope you feel well enough for a run tomorrow---your heart and head need it.

                  Marathon Maniac #957



                    15.25 miles for me today.  Like Mariposai's DH, I wilted at about 12 miles, most likely from not hydrating enough in the H&H - 80-something when I finished.  Still, got it done.


                    30th HS reunion this weekend.  Last night there was dinner, a comedy act, then a band - DH and I went.  Today there was a family day at Young's Dairy - batting cages, putt-putt golf, driving range, a giant slide, petting zoo, lunch, etc.  I went with DD, since my son was playing golf and DH was pooped from overtime this week.  Considering that the entire crowd of my class is roughly age 48, I was amazed at how differently people had aged.  Many were unrecognizable to me, but I did re-acquaint with a few women from my high school days.  Strange weekend, but stirred up a lot of memories.


                    Hoping Stumpy will check in soon....

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                      I don't feel as bad as I thought I would.  I was kind of depressed back on Fathers Day thinking ahead.  For the last 5 year, 2 months, and 28 days I have been in a practical sense, Annabelle's father.  The minute she would get home from daycare (or anywhere) the first thing she did was find me,  So I worry about her adjusting to her new life.


                      My daughter is getting married to a great guy who will make a good male figure for Annabelle.  But I worry about my daughter moving to a new city and starting a new job.  I think I just like to worry.


                      One thing I have to figure out is what to do with myself.  I suddenly have 10-30 hours a week of free time.  I went out for a walk thinking about what to do.  Learn a foreign language, get my technical skills up to date, take some classes in something completely new, get involved with something in the community, watch reruns of Newhart, Rockford Files, and Columbo... ??



                        ...dave// could learn to play the guitar and harmonica  like Bob Dylan........





                        a word of warning,


                        if you go that extra mile and put cymbals between your knees people can't get away from you quick enough

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....



                          It seems like many of you put in big miles in the heat.


                          I set out to do 8 or 9 and decided to walk home for a mile or so for a total of 7 mi. I guess I should have carried water or just started with lower expectations.


                          I am trying to get ready for 12 mi in Sep. I think I can make it.


                          In the beginning, the universe was created.This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

                          --- Douglas Adams, in "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe"



                            Five tired miles after hauling trees and branches out of the woods all day.  We took two loads out to the county slash pile in the dump truck.  On the plus side, the wildflowers are absolutely amazing this year, and being outside all day was wonderful!


                            I saw Stumpy's results online - I won't spoil his report, but he finished just fine!   Yay to our newest marathoner!

                            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                              Stumpy - congrats - you're a marathoner!  looking forward to the report.


                              No running for me today.  breakfast with DS and GD, then he came over and put in a/c so we can survive the summer.  Then up to NH to see GD's dance recital and spend time with SIL and GS.  She was cute but it was loooong as we had to watch all the other classes...


                                Hi Friends - great long runs out there today!!  Can't wait to hear about Kevin's 1st marathon!!  My friend Liz posted on FB and said it was a great marathon!!


                                We started our weekend hosted runs this morning and the first one was just 2.5 miles from my house so I arranged to have someone else pick up the food I was bringing and I ran to the host's house.  Actually put in 3.4 miles before the run started then ran 7 more miles with the company of my MVS buddies!!  It's been a triathlon type workout weekend -- swam Friday morning, biked Sat. afternoon, run today --- love it!!


                                Now heading in to work an 11p-7a shift -something I haven't done for quite awhile altho after work Friday 11a-3a I had a little taste of the night shift again!!    Sleep well my friends!!

