Masters Running


Saturday 8/24 Daily (Read 43 times)


    Ribs—a belated happy birthday.  That’s some ambitious mileage!

    Henry—I hope you see some improvement.  That sounds tough.

    Amy—good to hear from you again.  I hope you’ll share some adventures from your recent gig, which I’m sure was interesting.  And congrats on the new job.

    Nice to see Denise and Leslie dropping in.  Both of you take care.

    TW—ah, I didn’t realize you had mentees.  That was a nice thing to say.


    I managed to miss my run yesterday so I was well-rested for this morning’s scheduled 18-miler.  I decided on the fly to stretch it into a 20-miler and managed to do it at a sproinky clip, too.  Decent temps and humidity helped a lot.  Afterward, I was stretching and watched an eagle diving for fish; very cool.  Off to yard work now.


    Have a great weekend.

    Be safe. Be kind.

    shadow runner

    The Shirtless Wonder

      Morning all.  Out for a cool 4+ miles at an easy 8:20 mile pace this morning.  Temps a cool 65F and no humidity.  Second run since bonking my marathon last Sunday but legs felt good.  But so far so good.


      Enjoy the weekend folks.

      Joe Suder

      Nulla camisia et nulla problematum 


      Mike E

      MM #5615

        Good morning everybody!


        Yeah--tomwhite--that was pretty cool.  You have, obviously, been a positive influence for people through the still are!


        Nice run Tramps!


        Sorry to hear about the marathon, shadow runner...I hadn't heard that before...did you tell us and I missed it?  What happened?


        I got up at 6 and ran with the high school cross country team.  Have I ever told you how much I love running with those kids?  I hate to say it, but they're really a bunch of nerdy kids, but they are so nice and friendly.  They seem to get younger and younger every year, too...not sure why that is...


        I was scheduled for 8 today but the kids only went 6 1/2, so I tacked on a quick 1/2 and called it good at 7.  Then we all went and had breakfast at one of the kids' houses.  Does every high school cross country team do that?  Every week, a different family hosts a breakfast for the team after the Saturday morning practice.  I have had some of the best food at those things.  It's so much fun to see the kids goofing around and having fun....but they're always so respectful and appreciative.  I think, if the world is going to be run by these kids, we'll be okay.


        Okay--I'd better get going.  Have a great day and good luck to everybody racing this weekend!

        King of PhotoShop

          Whew!  The week is now over. A surprisingly easy 9-miler this morning at the Lake gave me 67 miles for the week, so this annual challenge has been met.  It was easier to do it this year than last when I did 66, I think because I was better prepared for it mentally.  Feeling tired but pretty good right now.  Thanks for the kind words.  Spareribs

            ...ribbs// are a Credit to Your Race..........





            (The 26.2>>>>>>ark-ark Runner Joke)




            ......thanks guys

            , it made me feel a lot better, been a Crappe' Week........

            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

            Mike E

            MM #5615

              Nice job Ribs.


                Mike E, running with the HS kids sounds like a blast. (What's wrong with them being nerdy?) The food afterwards sounds like a nice bonus! I need to see if the local HS team would allow me to run with them. (Problem: it's Wayzata, and I think they are ranked #1 in the state in XC in a preseason poll -- they might not want me slowing them down.)


                I was scheduled to run 14.5, but ended up running 17 fabulous miles today. Found out that my best friend from HS got into running about a year ago and is gearing up for his first marathon (Twin Cities), in October. So I ran with my friend and his brother, and the run went by so incredibly quickly. We talked and got caught up on our lives, our kids, our jobs. I haven't done a training run with anyone else in about 2 years, and I forgot how quickly the time flies when you are talking and running. The talking also forces you to keep a pretty comfortable pace, so that was a plus.  Great start to the weekend!


                  5K race this morning. 24:17 1st AG. Opie will accuse me of cherry picking this race over the running club series race that he ran, but this one is close to my house. I'm pleased with the result though it was just a bit off of my goal of 24 minutes. I'll chalk 17 seconds up to the heat & humidity. 


                  Happy birthday Ribs and congrats on a big week of running.

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    Pfriese - congrats on 1st AG!


                    Ribs - nice running week!


                    ShadowRunner - what happened at your race?


                    Mike - very cool about the breakfast tradition afterward.


                    Tom- - feel better, friend.


                    Tramps - you can do my yard, too, if you like.  Those stupid vines are taking over again.


                    Subdood - I doubt that you would slow them down.


                    Volunteered with DD for concession stand duty this morning, then watched her first soccer game of the season.  This year, the age range is 11 to 14, which is a big stretch.  DD may be the youngest on our team, having just turned 11 in July.  However, she held her own well, scoring 2 of our team's 4 goals for a 4-3 win. Very cool.


                    Off to attack the vines in the yard for a bit before heading over to another couple's house for a cookout and Euchre game. Anyone else here play Euchre?


                    4.7 easy-paced miles for me this morning.

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                    shadow runner

                    The Shirtless Wonder


                      Sorry to hear about the marathon, shadow runner...I hadn't heard that before...did you tell us and I missed it?  What happened? 

                      Didn't post except a bit on Pre-Dawn forum. Basically bonked.  Was trying for BQ,  and was doing great/on-target until mile 20 or so.  Then ended up walking more than running last 10K. Legs didn't really cramp, just lost energy/strength/will to keep running.


                      One marathon friend thinks maybe went out too fast though most miles were 8-8:20 pace.  Another thinks dehydration since humidity and temps around 70F, even though I hydrated during race and have done training runs [faster] in worst temps/humidity. My theory is I sugar crashed from using different energy gels [Stingers] they were handing out at one of the turn-arounds instead of using GU's that I was carrying.  Course at Unicorn was flat unlike Steamtown.  I ran faster first half at Steamtown than Unicorn and hydrated about the same.  Only difference was I used GU gels instead of Stingers.


                      Basically finished but about half an hour slower than Steamtown.  Overall time was 4:16 and change. Not sure it was the Stingers, but never used them before.  As for course, it was local marathon and ran that distance multiple times. So decided to forget Unicorn [left finisher medal wrapped in bag]. Just going easy this week and next so I can start training for Marine Corp Marathon in October.


                      What happened - all 3 theories will work.  And that's all folks.


                      Great running everyone before and after.  Have a great weekend.

                      Joe Suder

                      Nulla camisia et nulla problematum 


                        wild, your daughter's performance on the GRE is impressive.  henrun, good luck in dealing with your back prognosis.  ribs, great way to celebrate your 67th birthday.  pfriese,  way to go with the 1st in AG.  shadow, that's a pretty good marathon considering your problems in the last 6 miles.  holly, your daughter did well contributing 2 of the 4 team goals in their win.


                        Nice long runs for Tramps and SubDood.


                        This morning, I ran the Crim 10 mile race in Flint. This was my 10th time for the 10 mile version of the Crim.  As a bonus, my daughter ran it with me.  We finished in 1:46:24 for a 10:38 pace.  Since my goal was 11 min miles, I was very satisfied.  My daughter's boyfriend also ran, finishing several minutes ahead of us (he and a buddy stopped a couple times to get  beer handed out by spectators).  It was a nice day for a race, probably mid to hi 50s at the start and mid to high 60s at the end.  I was 4507/8428 OA and 51/101 in my AG (65-69). In spite of the large number of participants (there was also a 5K and an 8K), I saw several of my racing friends.


                        A good day and good runs for all.




                          Happy belated birthday, Ribs! And awesome week of running for you. That's a lotta miles!


                          So nice to see Aamos pop in these days, but I missed the new job news. I agree it would be nice to hear about the recent experience, wasn't that in the south somewhere?

                          TW, I have a problem with gnats in my eyes this time of year. I was headed home after a run last week, and could still feel something in there. Sure enough, still had a gnat down under lower lid. Ick. Didn't think about it getting infected though. Yikes.


                          I thought Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore were not on speaking terms these days...


                          Good luck, Denise!! Can't wait to hear how that tri goes. I'm so impressed by you triathletes. I just couldn't imagine doing that...


                          We've had rain, rain, rain the last couple of days. Feels like we got a whole summer's worth of rain in the last week. Of course, it wasn't quite that much, but after such a dry summer, it feels pretty wet out there. And of course, it had to do this right before that cross country race today. *sigh* I really don't do well in mud. But anyway, it went ok, even though they re-routed the course and it was short, only 2.8 miles. Probably good thing though, since I didn't have much left afterwards: no kick at the end. 2.8 miles, 22:08, 1st in AG and 12th overall for women. Glad that's done.


                          6.2 more miles and my 1.2 mile warm up gave me 10.2 for the day. I didn't run yesterday (just didn't want to deal with running in the rain, twokat will understand...) so won't hit my goal of 60 for the week, but if I can crank out the goal of 20 tomorrow I'll be in the mid-50's. Good enough.



                            tselbs - nice racing!  You can't get any  more midpack than 51/101!   What a huge race, though.  Way to go with your 10 year streak, and running with your DD must have been so special.


                            Nice racing and 1st AG for Erika and Paul, too!   Speedy bunch of masters here!


                            Hi, Amy!  Glad to see you!


                            Tramps - nice run!  And the eagle diving for fish sounds way cool.  Wish you had taken a picture!


                            Mike - nice run with the high school kids.  Yeah, you might have mentioned how much you love running with them once or twice...  Roll eyes


                            Holly - congrats to DD on her soccer goals and team win!  She's quite an athlete!


                            I got out in between rain storms for 4 miles with the fuzzy buddies.   I ran 12 yesterday and I'm planning a long run (22-ish) tomorrow, so that was enough.


                            Thanks  for all the nice comments about my DD's test scores and grad school hopes.  Interesting feedback - we sure have a diverse group here, including several PhDs!     SubDood - I've often thought being a patent attorney would be interesting (I'm an engineer, too) but I'm pretty sure DD doesn't want to go that route.   Her undergrad degree will be Applied Engineering Physics, but she thinks she wants to concentrate more on theoretical physics and cosmology for  her graduate work.

                            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                              pfriese - congrats on the win!  Nothing wrong with picking those cherries.

                              TW - that was really nice!

                              Holly, it sounds like your daughter is a natural at team sports.  First basketball, and now soccer.  I always loved team sports.  Unfortunately both my kids refuse to let me sign them up for anything like that.

                              Shadowrunner, sounds like it just wasn't your day.


                              I did the club run, options were 5 mile, 7 mile or 9 mile route.  I picked the 7 (and ran 7.2 because I got a bit lost).   I ran to the park bathroom right before we started, but when I got back, they had all left.  Which is ok, no one is my pace and I had my dog to run with.  But I though maybe I would at least get passed by the 9 mile people on the way back, but they had already passed me on the loop.  So I was the last one back to the start area!  But that is ok, the breakfast meetup afterwards was fun as always.


                              I used my hands free bungee leash for the first time, and both the dog and I thought it worked well.  I have a different brand than this one, but it looks virtually the same.

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                                congrats on reaching your mileage goal Ribs!!


                                CoolAnd big congrats to the racers today.Cool


                                I wonder how Mari and Paul are doing on their big hike?


                                David and I ran a 5K today. cherry picking? maybe , but in reality I wanted to support a small local races that benefits the animal shelter since so many thousands of runners were going the Color Run today. As we drove to Ashland, we saw the LONG lines of cars waiting to get into the parking lot at the Color Run venue. I had a few friends that ran and saw their aftermath pics. Not my thing and I don't understand the draw to it, but hey, it got a lot of people out there running/walking/having fun that otherwise might not.

                                David PR'd and came in 3rd OA behind two very fast guys - one set a new course record of 15:something. another guy was in the 17 range and then David at 19:31. He was real happy, since his previous PR was 19:57.  I was just hoping to be in the 28 min range. Haven't run in a5K in years and really haven't been running much at all, so wasn't sure what to expect. I was happy with my 26:14 and 2nd AG ribbon. I also got $75 to the running store (Rogue Valley Runners) and David got $25 to a quaint little breakfast/lunch place in Ashland.

