Masters Running


Monday August 15 Runs and Maybe Not (Read 659 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning!


    While I do enjoy having a little extra time in the morning to putter around the house, these 4:30 am wake-ups are getting old.  Hopefully this early start time for DH won't last too long.


    Dove - you are amazing!!


    No run for me today.  Instead, 55 minutes of P90X Shoulders and Arms, followed by 5 min core.

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Good Morning Holly & Everyone, 


      Holly I guess 4:30 wake-ups would get worn out really fast...


      A couple of locals in the news lately,  Joe Flynn, actor, who  grew up 3 houses from the one I grew up in passed away.

      Then Ed O'Neil who lived in the same  house as Flynn when I was little got a star on the walk of fame in Hollywood

      Flynn was there 30 years before I was born but I remember Ed very well as he was a local football star and only 9 years older than me. 


      No run day, 60 minutes on the elliptical later.

      Our running club has a pre-season cross country event later that I'll be working.   


      Have a Wonderful Day!

      Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

      Mike E

      MM #5615

        Good morning!  I have a physical at 9:15, this morning, which means I couldn't eat or drink anything after midnight.  I don't mind that I couldn't have my morning glass of orange juice, I'm okay that I couldn't have my bowl of Corn Pops, but I NEED MY COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


        By the way--when did Sugar Pops become Corn Pops?


        Is it 9:15, yet?!

          I NEED MY COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


          By the way--when did Sugar Pops become Corn Pops?

           I with you there MikeE on the Coffee.  And they became Corn Pops when "Sugar" became a politically incorrect food group.


          I ran 7 EZ-paced miles this morning at 9:36 pace.  Avg HR 131.  Just gettin' the miles in.


          Ummm Holly, don't take this the wrong way, but DH's early start time doesn't necessarily have to be yours.


          Amazed (again!) by Dove's Talent and abilities.


          My DW was in Michigan all last week.  So last night she turned in early since she was tired out from the vacation week.  I came to bed an hour or so later.  As I laid down she jumped up, ran over and turned on the light, saw me laying there and groggily said:


          DW:  You scared the "heck" outta me.

          Me:  Who the heck did you think would be getting in bed with you?

          DW:  I thought it was some animal on the bed

          Me:  (silence as I realized she was dreaming - I didn't say the obvious follow up BTW)


          This morning I asked if she remembered and she said Yes.  She thought she was sleeping in Michigan and that a Bat or something was in the room.  My flapping the covers really freaked her out.



          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

            Good Morning!


            Day 7 of my running streak with a short 2 miler this moring under a big moon.   I expect that to end some time later this week as we head up to SteveP's area this Wednesday for a long camping weekend - our one and only camping weekend this summer!    Never know though, I know I will be running up there.   Yesterday I cleaned the 5th wheel up and now I just have to pack and buy beer groceries.      Our project is 99.9% done now!    I bought 4 more fancy long-fin Koi over the weekend, a few more water plants and some little blue gills.    DH just has to hook up the electrical wire that he buried, but there were some bees by the electrical box that had other ideas.   I imagine he'll do that after work today.


            Holly - 4:30 a.m. is pretty early!   When do the kids head back to school?


            MikeE - probably when it became politically incorrect to eat sugar for breakfast.   Wink   Good luck at your doctor appointment.


            Two stars in the same house/neighborhood Sarge?   Kewl.


            Happy Monday!!


            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



            Mike E

            MM #5615

              So, as I try to keep my bean mind off of coffee, I thought I'd share a few grandkid caffeine photos with you.  My two daughters are best friends and their kids are really close, so this weekend, they went to my one daughter's in-law's Starbucks cabin.


              These are the three youngest...Zac--Molly--and Folgers Allie--Zac and Allie are DD #2's and Molly is DD #1's


              Here is DD #2 with it 9:15, yet?


              This is Madisson--can grandparents have favorites?




              This is DD#1 with...umm...I don't know...Mallory....yeah...that's it...


              McCoffeee  Sorry...McKenna...


              Madisson and it time to go yet?


              McKenna with her daddy...I think that makes him my son-in-law--but I really don't give a crap about that, right now!!!!



              Yeah--so this is Molly and Mallory--who cares??!!!


              Okay, this ain't working...sorry to bother you...hey, since I'm at work, maybe I should work!!!



                  Is it 9:15, yet?!


                  (...I'll try to keep him talking til the FireTruck shows up.....)







                  How 'bout those Reds??

                  ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


                    Good morning. 4:30 wake up would kill me...


                    Dove, fantastic race, and great that you finished so strong. Nice hilly run you too Erika!


                    No run today, planning the usual Monday swim.


                    About 14 miles yesterday up in Maine, mostly on the Scarbrough section of the Eastern trail. There are trail sections all through Southern Maine now but they have not all been connected. The Scarborough section passes through some marshes and is pretty. I was up there with DS for a little summer soccer  tournament. 4 x 4 games on small fields, very different from the usual but good practice for short passes and finesse.


                    The boys had fun, did well the first day and thus got put in a hard bracket the second day. They  played well, tied one yesterday and lost the other.


                    Lots of traffic on the way home!!


                    DD in the last couple of days of packing. She complicated her life a bit on Friday when she fell off her mountain bike and cut her leg open. 12 stitches.  Another laceration trip to the ER.  Would not want things to be too simple....


                    Happy Monday!


                    Off to get more coffee.. DOn't tell Mike.

                    Mike E

                    MM #5615


                      Off to get more coffee.. DOn't tell Mike.

                       I heard that!

                      Mike E

                      MM #5615


                        How 'bout those Reds??


                        They're doing better than my Twins!  Why did you bring that up?! 


                        (Do, I seem a little crabby?)

                          They're doing better than my Twins!  Why did you bring that up?! 


                          (Do, I seem a little crabby?)



                          ...not a bit,,,,,,



                          ,,,just stay away from the Ledge

                           til  The FireTruck gets here with the  net.......

                          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                          Mike E

                          MM #5615

                            Ahhhhh...I'm all done with the doctor.  He said I drink too much coffee.  I think it's time to find a new with smaller hands...


                              I don't envy your in law situation MikeE. Great pictures of the kids!


                              Breger's poor wife.


                              It's a bit early for your camping trip isn't it Mary? Headed to wine country?


                              A couple of miles with the dog today. 


                              While Tag was away for most of last week, two gophers and a rabbit moved back in. He thinks he gets to keep them. I told him he has to fill in the holes he digs from now on. I broke our shovel trying to clean the bathroom before DW got home.


                       with smaller hands...


                                ......Smile...............not how  to Start the Morning

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
