Masters Running


Monday January 30, Daily Thread (Read 538 times)

    Thanks!!!  I will be able to run tomorrow cause my muscles will be so well rested and HUGGED!

    "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

    Mike E

    MM #5615

      Hello everybody!  Nope--no rest day for me--just a late post.


      Ryan was home so I took the opportunity to run with him.  Since Monday is a rest day, he didn't mind letting me tag along--but, of course, my easy run turned into a tempo run--10.2 miles in 1:11:23.  It was 40o and party sunny when we left, so yes--shorts and a long sleeved shirt was we wore. 


      I had to get to a Bible study at 6:30, tonight.  We got home from our run at around 5:15.  He had a burnt out headlight on the car that he's borrowing and I wanted to replace it.  It sure seemed like I would have plenty of time to do a simple light bulb switch.  Nope!  I had to remove the whole dang wheel well to get at it.  After getting it all put back together, it was 6:15, so I ran in, took a shower, made a sandwich that I wolfed down on the way, and was about ten minutes late.  But, at my church that meant I was about 10 minutes early.  But, anyway--man, I was frustrated with that car!  I had wanted to replace both sides because I figured if one burnt out, the other was getting close, too.  Maybe  I'll get to it before he goes back to school, tomorrow.  Oh, have him do it?  Yeah, right.


      Okay--I'm going to bed!



        Where is my butterfly hug?


        To all who rested today.


        As for me, swamp with work and presentations for tomorrow, but I was able to scape for an hour at the gym after work. 2 miles of running plus some serious lower ab cross training...


        back to more research!

        "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

          Hang in there Timbo.  Hope you get some relief soon.  


          I can't really imagine -50F.  But I would be willing to pose in just my bike shorts in front of the  sign for a photo op if I ever get stranded in Alaska in winter just for the bragging rights.


          I actually ran today!  First time in 11 days - felt OK doing it, we'll see what the hammies have to say tomorrow.  Ran for 45 minutes with a friend at the new indoor track at the community college.  It is a joint CC & YMCA facility.  Track is really nice.  200m, six lanes. Going back on Wednesday I hope.  Biked for 1:45 this evening.





            What a beautiful hug.  Thanks!


            OM, I liked that article about yoga.  Very few of the classes I go to would fall in the "restorative" category but that's surely what I need now and in general, I'm often worn out during some of the other classes because they're in addition to my running training.


            I ran a 1:58 yesterday at the half and haven't had time to post about it. Paul is a great road trip buddy.  The course was a little different and that made me adjust my goal on the fly.  I have mixed feelings about the result like I told Coach today.  I probably ran miles 3 & 4 too fast and paid for it later.  There were some uphills later that made me consider a DNF, which I've never done, but the pain in my right leg was pretty bad.  I gave it all I had, thinking about Pre, who would have turned 60 recently.  Thank God for the downhill at mile 12, unchanged from last time!  I went to the med tent at the finish, iced my piriformis and got 800mg of ibuprofen.  I'm starting to hurt all over now, of course.


            The first time Prof. gig tonight went pretty well, I think.

            "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Opie - nice racing on a tough day!  I hope your pain eases up for you quickly.  Do you have a little break now, between races?


              Tim - what a great attitude you have about this!  Please continue to keep us posted on how this goes.  


              No run for me on Monday, just some light weights and core work.  Swamped at work of course, both because I've been gone and because it is the end of the month.  Busy digging out.

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
