Masters Running


Friday's Daily, 8.22.14 (Read 36 times)


Marathon Iowa 2014

    Jay gets lazy and still comes in first.  Sweet.


    Erika - so sorry to hear about Abby kitty.  {{{Abby}}}


    Good luck to all the racers this weekend.  Holly - we want superhero and underwear pix.


    Today - Long-suffering took PBJster #1 to the airport.  She's already in LA and texting about the cost of renting versus buying a 42" TV.  Shouldn't she be studying or something?


    This morning - fizzy lifting, then spinnerooni at 6 am.  Then I went to the gym at noon and did the lunchtime spinerooni session.  Call it a dub spin.


      As for me I continue to be nobody's hero. . .


      Same for me when I comment on my daughter's Facebook status. 

      God, my Lord, is my strength;
      he makes my feet swift as those of hinds
      and enables me to go upon the heights.
      Hb 3:19

        Go Jay Go!


        And yes, I ran the 11 miler last evening with 4.5 at tempo pace (7:20) and then 8 miles today in rain. Grey and gloomy day in NE with steady rain. Running hours of trails with some teammates tomorrow and then long again Sunday. roar.


        Hope the odd-distanced race goes well Twocat! The relay sounds like a blast and one of these years I'd love to join y'all if you'd have me. This year's version falls on my actual 50th birthday weekend and a USATF-NE Grand Prix race on 9/14...birthday parting and racing a 10k is on tap. Remember the Js? Some still run and others like Dr. J. walk for exercise, but I still see them when I can. We have a Js reunion next weekend and it's been a long time in coming!


        Happy weekend all---it feels great to be home!



          Same for me when I comment on my daughter's Facebook status. 


          Oh my, Andrew.... yes, I was told early on about the do's and don'ts there. DS1 doesn't even like me going into too many details of my run on my own status... Ha, like he can tell me what to do!


          Nice running, Karin. You are going to rock your birthday bash at VT.


          Slow roasted tomatoes. Hmmm, never had 'em but I can imagine how they'd be. Yummy, I'm sure!


          So, I probably should've been smart like Twocat and not run a hilly trail route at lunch today. My legs aren't quite fully recovered from Sunday, and I have a cross-country style 5k race tomorrow morning. I don't particularly like this race, but it's one of our local series races and the second to last one (last one is Equinox) so I'll do it no matter what. Wore the trail shoes, the Asics "Gel Fuji Racer" shoes I got last year, only have worn them once on a test run last fall. I really do like them. Might even be Equinox shoes. Wish I'd had them for last year's race... Oh well. This run also told me I'm seriously behind schedule on any sort of UP hill training. Guess what I'll be doing on Sunday.

          MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

            Increasingly grimacing-grade shoulder pain from last weekend’s 1/4 mile first training swim of the year (and first one since I quit doing IM distances eight years ago for some reason- <<<($625/$625)>>> for the same 1/4 mile in this weekend’s super-sprint triathlon was not only getting worse but flipping around here-and-there like a moving calf cramp from shoulder blade to upper tricep to just below collarbone but no doctor appointments available until late September, . . .until I said “chest pain” and got in this morning to find out, though no cardiac problems, probably a little used shoulder swimming muscle pinching onto a nerve bundle/branches that variously impact those three areas.  whew.  Hope the training helps.

            "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Jay gets lazy and still comes in first.  Sweet.




              Jay - no, the tennis match was rained out this time.  More next week, though.


              No run for me on Friday, just 30 minutes or so of weights and core.

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
