Masters Running


Thursdaily, 2.8.24 (Read 39 times)

    Tramps- Thank you so much for sharing that Colbert tribute to Toby Keith.  Just wonderful!


    Tammy- I'm so sorry.  It's a huge loss but it sounds like your family handled things really well at the end.  RIP.


    Has anyone had a ganglion cyst?  One has popped  up on the knuckle of my little finger.  It's gross looking (looks like a big thick blister), but not painful.  It IS annoying, however- especially when I write (but who writes that much anymore...).  I've made an appointment for Feb 27.  I guess they can drain them.

    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth




      Has anyone had a ganglion cyst?  One has popped  up on the knuckle of my little finger.  It's gross looking (looks like a big thick blister), but not painful.  It IS annoying, however- especially when I write (but who writes that much anymore...).  I've made an appointment for Feb 27.  I guess they can drain them.


      I've had a couple. one was on the top of my foot, another small one on my wrist. Both just went away on their own and never bothered me much.


        That's great, Tammy.  I have a small, hard one on my wrist that's been there for years, and the docs say you can't (shouldn't ) do anything about it because it can cause other damage.  This new one is much more fluid filled, though.  Isn't getting older fun?

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          Tammy, my sincere condolences for your loss. I love the bagpipe request--your dad must have had a great sense of humor.


          I was feeling a little soreness in my left glute after my run yesterday so wasn't sure I would go again today. I was happy to find no trace of it this morning, though, so I got out for 4.5 miles. Still feeling good so I guess it was a passing thing.


          Last night I had to go back to school to meet with parents of kids who'll be on the trip to Quebec I'm chaperoning in April. Tonight I am going back to see the first performance of the annual musical (Nice Work If You Can Get It). I gotta admit I'd much rather stay in...

          I may be getting too old for this gig.

          Marathon Maniac #957

            Roch - that is frustrating! Are you typing on a laptop by any chance? I can barely type on those keyboards and I'm always fumbling so I have to go for the big ergonomic desktop keyboard typing.


            Karen, glad to hear there are no ill results from your infusion.

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


            Trails are hard!

              Tammy, I'm sorry to hear about your dad but it's good that you were able to spend a last few minutes with him while he was lucid and knew that you and your mom were there for him.!"

              Very sorry, Tammy and Mom 

              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                TammyinGP my condolences for your loss. I am quoting fatozzig because I could not have responded better to your post myself.


                Tammy - I'm really sorry to hear about your dad, but so, so happy you had the chance for one last blessed conversation with him.  Loosing a parent is hard no matter what.  Know that I'm hugging you from afar . . . and kinda chuckling that he's sending you on a goose chase for a bagpipe player!  Thanks, Dad!  


                I spent today at a conference and skiing. The skiing at least was fun. They have recently had snow, so the slopes were in generally good condition. Too bad my body is not as flexible as it once was so that I could take full advantage of the conditions. Oh well, such is life.

                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                  Popping back in.  I snuck in a strength workout and then what felt like a half of a swimming workout, but it was actually more substantive than that.  4 x 100 freestyle, flutter kicks, backstroke, and backstroke kick (only 2 of those).  Then 2 (3 x 50 backstroke) practicing my turns.  What I never realized until I started swimming again as an adult a little over 5 years ago is that when you do a backstroke flip turn, you swim almost to the wall and then flip over onto your stomach, take one crawl stroke, then do a flip turn.  Pushing off the wall on your back and going in the right direction is the part that I have trouble with, but tonight wasn't too bad.  I did the 2 sets of three 50's somewhat tentatively, with the first three in 45, 44, and 45 seconds, and then the next three reps in 44, 43, and 42 seconds.  After the swim, I showered up quick and drove over to the restaurant where two of my sons, my DIL, and a friend of hers were getting off to a horrible start in a trivia contest.  The bright spot was that I brought a gift card from the last time we were there and had won first place - the gift card paid for almost all of our drinks and appetizers.  Not so much for our actual dinners.   The brighter spot was watching my two boys getting along so well at almost 28 and almost 30.  It's been 20 years in the making.

                  Mike E

                  MM #5615

                    Hello everybody!


                    I did an easy 6 miler before lifting weights with Zac.


                    Okay—gotta go.  See ya!



                      Mornin' Masters.

                        it just looks and behaves sort of like an ordinary knee.



                      I'm disappointed.  I was hoping there would be a movie made about a glitch in the procedure and an oddball recovery.  Like kicking a 700-yard field goal or something.  Oh yeah, thanks for getting us started.


                      KSA - It's good to know this infusion didn't kick your butt.


                      Thank you for the link, Tramps.



                      I may have a new mantra.


                      Tetsujin209 - Military march in the darkness must be quite a sight for a casual passerby.


                      Rochrunner - Too many of us have been a victim of vanishing screens.


                      Henrun - Kudos on the comfortable shoes.  You're worth it.


                      Moebo - Going back to work after most people leave for the day.  Not a fan.


                      TwoCat - Cool that you got some skiing in.


                      Three miles on the mill.  An online PT session followed by an in-person PT.  I straight up asked if the treatments would make the discomfort go away.  He said there's a 50/50 chance.


                      Afterwork, DW and I had a meeting with the tax prep.  Is "Moderately Deranged Inventory Gremlin" too stuffy for a job title?


                      Three times this week, I've been wideawake at 2:00 AM.  That may stop anytime.



                        Tammy - I'm sorry for your loss. As others said, it was good that you did get a good visit with your father.



                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          Steve - me, too....

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
