Masters Running


Saturday, April 23 (Read 614 times)

Mike E

MM #5615

    Nice runs, today, everybody.  Dave--nice race!  Slo--you are, definately, ready for your marathon!


    Busy day around here, today, but managed to fit in 20.5 miles.  46 and cloudy--perfect!  A little on the slow side at 2:38:11.  (Slo, I think my last mile was in 9:00!) 


    Thanks, dg, for letting us know that Holly is okay.  I can't wait to hear how she did.


    Okay--gotta go!

    Marathon Maniac #957

      Hey folks – too tired to say much, but wanted to pop in and see how everyone’s day went. I survived what I will call the 2nd toughest race I’ve run (Stone Steps 50K being the hardest so far), due to the mud-- - deep, shoe-sucking, slip-sliding, ankle-twisting, branch and rock-hiding, mud and trail-puddles and ponding.  Still, a good day, considering.  6:52:XX.  And after the 45-minute drive home, a shower and a quick cup of strong coffee, then off to church.  Now, after a glass of wine and a game of (really badly played) chess with DS, I’m about ready for bed…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


        Congratulations on finishing that thing Holly! I was thinking of you out on my run today, wishing I could've shared some of our weather with you (how's that for a change?). You actually cleaned up and went to church after that??  Wow...


        Yay Mariposai for your 20 mile trail run! That sounds like fun! Always nice to check out a new trail. So have you found a new running partner?


        Bobev, glad your DD is getting the care she needs. That's very scary, so glad it was caught and treated.


        Nice long runs for Slo and Mike E! Yeah, Mike, too bad you're so pokey... Roll eyes


        Glad Stevie Ray keeps popping in here to set us straight. 


        10.5 miles at around 8:31 avg pace, felt good and lots less coughing that all the prior week's runs. Legs felt better too. Beautiful day here, high 50's, sunny and melting runoff everywhere! Love it. I wore shorts and a short sleeved shirt!!


          oh, I'm so behind!!  Even just a couple days of not being here and so much happens.


          but since Holly just posted a bit above me, at least I can catch up on the fact that she ran a tough 50K today! congrats Holly! Sounds like it was a a big ol mess out there.


          Nice 20 miler on trails for you Mariposai!


          I had 18 scheduled for today. My son had his first football game this morning at 11:30, so decided I would run after that.  About one mile, if that, into my run, it started sprinkling. I could feel the temps drop, then it rained a bit harder, got a little windy at times, and started clearing up the last couple miles of my run. 18.5 miles today in 3:04. and unlke, my 16 mile run last weekend, this one felt real good. Like I could have pushed it another couple miles. But I was real tired of being wet at that point, so stopped at 18.5.


            bobev no doubt you have been at your wit's end.  I am glad to hear that it looks as if all will be well.


            Holl S. I cannot believe that post race you had a 45 minute drive home!  Not right away I hope.  My legs would be cramping up a storm if I did that.  On the other hand, the knowledge that I had a free pass to eat all I wanted of anything I wanted over the next day might make up for it!  Congratulations on even finishing the race!


            If it is cloudy and rainy here one more day I am going to move to a desert someplace!  Where the heck did the sun go?  Sad


            Let me see . . . today I did nothing seeing as how I am still in a moon boot for my ankle.  Well I did start up on Easter Dinner for my DW's family which is coming over tomorrow.  I think the menu is pretty good without being so much work that I will be working on it all day.  We have a rotisserie grill so I am popping a turkey on it and letting the grill handle all the work.  Beyond that there are some salads to make but nothing that I think will take too much time and effort.

            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

            Mike E

            MM #5615

              Wow, Holly--50k--church--chess--yeah, go to bed!


              Nice run Tammy.


                Sorry Steve, no cape. Didn't think of it.  And I suspect the only batman shirt in the house   is a 6x or something, and fits no one. 


                Great job Holly! Good on you for getting to church.


                And Erika, your weather is good.   Hard to say it is unfair but maybe from here I can. We finally got into the 40s today but no sun.



                  If it is cloudy and rainy here one more day I am going to move to a desert someplace!  Where the heck did the sun go?  Sad



                   The sun is here!...heck...the sun lives here...say...90% of the time 

                  Big grin

                  Great to hear that you are wearing the moon boot and not the crutches anymore.


                  I am sure Holly will have a lot of stories to tell us.


                  Erika, yes! a lady called me on Thursday night saying that she just found out what a crazy nut I am about running and that she was looking for a partner to run trails during the summer months, she is a crosscountry ski racer, a does very well in her age group. She is just looking for ways to cross train during the summer months. Of course, this is my dream come true. We had a grand time and we are already talking about the next adventure. She is a naturopathic doctor, so we had a lovely conversation about her field. A lovely lady whom I have have known in the community for years, but never knew she was a runner. So, I am blessed with real life running partners and the  cyberspace ones are as precious to me as well.. Just think that I was a lone runner until this year. Lucky girl I am.

                  "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                  Mike E

                  MM #5615

                    By the way, Byhll--I can't upload that video.  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.



                      Mike, you haven't been here long but you've already caught on how to spell Bhyll's name.  Big grin  Glad you've joined our group.

                      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                        Mike, .  Big grin  Glad you've joined our group.



                          I think if you add my last 2 weeks of running together it adds up to Holly's time (but not difficulty) on the trails today. Smile  Good job Holly.


