Masters Running


Friday 2/27 Master Runs and Workouts (Read 553 times)

    Mary-One of my volleyball players from a few years ago had anorexia. It was tough seeing her wasting away and not acknowledging her problem. I know from that experience that much like alcoholism it becomes a constant battle. It is more about control over something than anything else, and going through a divorce I could see where someone would want to find an area of life they felt in control over. The good news, my former player did recognize what was going on, got help, and is doing very well now. She is in the military and is thriving. It is good to see your friend has some good support in you, and I wish you both all the best.

    One day at a time

      Mary, I'll be thinking about your friend. I can see how that could happen. It's easy to get excited about losing weight, and sometimes it's hard to stop! Carolyn, it sounds like you're making the right decision for your daughter. College will be SO much easier for her. We'll have to compare notes on AP Calculus next year! I remember it as being very difficult. I took it again in college and it made much more sense the second time! 4 miles for me on the indoor Y track. Much harder than the 6 I did Wednesday. More snow expected Sunday and Tuesday. Blech! This winter seems worse than last year, but I've probably just blocked it out. Have a good weekend!

      Marathon Maniac #957

        Happy Birthday to PBJster #1. I am sure it's hard to believe that he is turning 14! He must be popular with the ladies.
        Er, Meg, PBJster is a girl, not a boy. It's doubtful that a boy would be having a slumber party with 6 teenage girls for his birthday. Big grin

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


          Even though the pool running & the swimming hurt, my legs felt good enough to run after that. I wonder why.
          Because they're healing and good-for-you activities!! That's why. Honestly that pool running works wonders. Wish I had more time these days to get to the pool. PBJ... yikes. You're much braver than I. There's no way in hell I'd ever even consider that... (I find having two over is exhausting... but I have boys) Cranium, good point about the divorce adding to the stress and the feeling of no control. I struggled with that in college, got dangerously thin and my mom threatened to pull me from school if I didn't knock it off. That tough talk helped, but she also made it clear she supported me and wanted the best. That support is so important, like throwing a lifeline. After taking a rest day yesterday, which wasn't exactly restful but didn't run at least, I feel a little better. Didn't get to bed early enough, which I know is a real problem for me. I've been trying this running recovery runs instead of taking a rest day approach, and... the jury is still out. I think I just get run down more. But maybe it's because I'm not getting enough sleep. With DS2 having basketball every night (but THAT season is over) and soon soccer will be starting up so both boys will be at practice or games late, our household just doesn't wind down until close to 10 or 10:30 every night. Then there's the end-of-day puttering around and straightening you have to do if you want to find the way out in the morning... I'm rarely in bed before midnight and get up at 5:45 to be at work by 7:30. Fit 50 mile weeks in there... and well, you can see the problem. But today I'm a little perkier feeling, so much better than wanting to crawl under my desk for a nap all the time, and not so generally achy. So I guess a rest day was a good call. Now to decide whether to RAL my 5 from yesterday, or just sacrifice it and move on. I can't imagine running outside in shorts yet. We got a couple more inches of snow yesterday, it was -8° on the way in to work today, and more snow this weekend. I see some long treadmill runs coming, but maybe that's ok.

          King of PhotoShop

            Two things made me really happy on this site today. The first was seeing Tim get his six miles in and then calling it a day. It's good to use that kind of judgment and not insist on finishing a workout for the sake of finishing a workout. When you're done, you're done. Good for you. I never would have expected to see you do that. The second thing was to see Holly do some recovery work before she started her strength/core work today. I have no real problem with that workout yesterday, but I believe it was mistimed in your program Holly. Running all those miles at BQMP right now seems like a big workout, but it was good that you did some recovery work today. You may expect to be a bit dead-legged tomorrow and if so, just a few easy miles will be fine. I also completely agree with your comment about mixing things up a little is great for a program. When I used to do wave runs every week, the time seemed to fly by, just because it was something different. Tim's friend is correct when she says practice at what it is you are trying to achieve; I would simply say do it later in your program as you are closing in on running at that pace. Here are some variations for you to consider next time out: 1) Go ahead and run at BQMP. For you right now, that might be closer to tempo pace or HMP. I don't know your paces or times or what is required for your AG for BQ. But in any case, try a run where you do fewer of these miles, but you continue to shorten the rest interval, e.g., 1:45 next time? How many seconds is the difference between your 2-minute recoveries and "full recovery"? That would be important to know. I am generally fully recovered after two minutes idle. 2) Use BQMP pace in your wave run, or just alternate miles at that pace in the middle of your LR, just a few. CNYrunner is a good model for you. Toward the end of her marathon training she would do a 20-mile run with the first ten easy and the second ten at MP. That's where you aim to be toward the END of your training. After the next day's recovery run, you want to get to the point where the following day you have some sproink. Post tomorrow how you felt during your Saturday workout, and if you feel crappy during it, don't worry about it, or force it. SLO, if you are not in marathon training right now, a good rule of thumb is not to concern yourself so much with the distance of your weekly long run, but with the time. Consider two hours as the optimal time for a LR, and the beauty of doing it by time is that on the days you feel peppy you can go a bit longer. On the tough days, you slog it through not so many miles, but the workout is capped at 2 hours. Erika, I agree with you. You really put in a very long and hard day. This week is a cutback week for me, planned a long time ago. I took Tuesday off, my first since January 8th, and yesterday morning, as other Iowans here will attest (SLO?), it was rain and lightning in the a.m., so I bagged it. Today I ran 5, 3 slow and 2 easy. Mariposai, MCSolar and others we know are at Ragnar this weekend, and I wish them well. Spareribs
              Er, Meg, PBJster is a girl, not a boy. It's doubtful that a boy would be having a slumber party with 6 teenage girls for his birthday.
              Ha! Okay, now I feel like the real jester! Blush

              Once a runner . . .

              Marathon Maniac #3309

                It's doubtful that a boy would be having a slumber party with 6 teenage girls for his birthday. Big grin
                And may I ask......why not Wink Thanks Ribs....this injury junk really taught me a lot, more than most realize. So now it's the "Mellow" - Smarter TimBo...but still hold'n on to my type A personality though. TBo

                Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  I have no real problem with that workout yesterday, but I believe it was mistimed in your program Holly. Spareribs
                  Where would it be better located within my program? Right now I'm 5 weeks out from my next marathon, admittedly not my target marathon for best performance this year, but still one I would like to give my "current best" effort to.

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  King of PhotoShop

                    Holly, I can see you doing this kind of workout about 8 weeks before your target marathon this fall and building toward continuous MP miles with NO breaks in them, as I suggested ala Karen's workouts. There is nothing wrong with it right now, as it is good quality work. I just thought it was a pretty tough one doing 8 of those miles. You will be the judge of what is best however, as you do a self-check tomorrow and Sunday. Post how you do tomorrow in terms of energy. Spareribs
                      Since I had two unplanned rest days on Wed and Thurs I decided to try a test run of 9 miles at HM effort. I say effort and not pace because I think (hope) the route I am running 9 miles on is hillier than what I will see in my HM in three weeks. I have been trying to "feel the pace" for HM the past couple weeks by doing one tempo run per week but upping the HM miles in it each time. The progression in HM paced miles has been 2, (2.14, 4, same week), 3, 5, 9. I was running some of the shorter runs too fast (9:24) and knew I'd have to slow it down a bit today to do all 9 without bonking. I nearly did bonk on the last big hill as you can see from my splits. I did 2 x 4.7 mile loop that has 2 significant hills and lots of smaller ones. Loop 1 Loop 2 9:54 9:43 9:50 9:53 9:44 9:49 10:01 10:22 9:09 (0.7 mile) 8:49 (0.66 mile) Overall 9.36 miles @ 9:46 pace. Pretty much what I was hoping for. My HM PR is 9:40 pace from last year, when I had actually been running more miles, so I'll take it! With a 2 mile w/u and 1.8 mile c/d, that's 13.1 Smile

                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                        Enke.. aren't those hills fun! Here is a comparison of the elevation profiles for my run today from RA log vs with their "gravity correction" Which is truer? (hint: this is two identical 4 mile loops and I started and finished at the same spot) vs

                        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                          I decided to try a test run of 9 miles at HM effort. I say effort and not pace because I think (hope) the route I am running 9 miles on is hillier than what I will see in my HM in three weeks.
                          enkalina - if it's the Mercer Island Half Mary on 3/22, there's a sobering hill in the last mile but your paces look very PRable. No particular reason <>maketimmyjealous()>>> but maybe sign up in Ilene's weekly Intrepid if it's the Mercer Island Half. Maybe fancesca will join us again too and Mariposai can bring back some Arizona weather and come over if possible. In fact, get anough goddeses,and maybe SRL the younger might include Mercer Island on his growing half list too.
                          Mariposai, MCSolar and others we know are at Ragnar this weekend, and I wish them well. Spareribs
                          it's a given that my running's become a lost cause but my memory must be going too as I can't even remember who else is on this year's Arizona Ragnar Relay this weekend. Unfortunately, SRL the older seems have forgotten most of them too. However, with such speedy company, I bet butterfly princess will be churnin' out some speedy paces too.

                          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                            This was a pretty exciting day for me. No I did find that I could suddenly run again! Not that exciting! Today I accompanied the team I advised to the Nasdaq where they "opened" the market. At 9:30 they push a button that I am pretty sure is not attached to anything. Still it was a really interesting ceremony and a lot of fun to attend. I had planned to explain here why my doctors want me to see if I get better with rest for another four weeks before doing an MRI. But the explanation turned into a very long note with a bit more mathematics than I figured people wanted to wade through in the daily! I decided just to post it in a separate thread for the few that might want to see all the gory details. To make a long story short my doctors are worried about false positives from the MRI that will lead to unnecessary and unhelpful surgery.

                            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                              Tetsujin, Yes of course I am planning on the Mercer Island half. Hope I can survive the monster hill at mile 11. I am doing day before registration so that I don't jinx myself with an injury/sickness leading up to this race. Perch - graph number 2. I think my 2 big hills are 80 and 100 ft, whereas yours are both about 125 ft. But, I haven't done sportstracks or motion based and I am having problems retaining my Garmin data on my computer for some odd reason. Guess I will need to find two 150ft hills to up the ante. Shouldn't be a problem to find some around here Roll eyes I visited the local running store (doing my part for small business) and dumped a whack of cash on a pair of Asics 2140's. Nice, cushiony, I love em. It was free Gu Friday so I did save $1.25. Roll eyes

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                                Hey Masters! Good runs out there for a Friday. 6 very easy miles for me today....untimed, just slow. I'm doing a 25K Beacon on the Bay in OKC tomorrow. It's not a goal race....preparation h for marathon in April. Enke....good luck with those shoes. I'm getting a new pair of Asics tomorrow, too. Smile Still trying to get pictures out of my cell phone of the Atlanta trip. I have never used the phone as camera before and I need a cable to hook up to computer. So I hope to have the Atlanta report up by the end of the weekend. Carp, I almost forgot the song lyrics.... You never give me my money, You only give me your sympathy. 'Cause I keep on running, There's no way to catch up with me. I'm leaving you, don't make no fuss; You won't even see me, oh no, for dust. I'm running with the pack, Running with the pack, I'm running with the pack, Never looking back. Bad Company
                                Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM