Masters Running


Sat/Jan 7, 2012 thread - ganbare OM's first marython (Read 520 times)

MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

    I ran 26.2 miles today almost two hours slower than the Seattle Marathon

    last November that’d given me so much hope about my running. 

    However, they were both just as much fun so who cares?



    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

      I hope everyone else has just as much fun too no matter what you run or do.

      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


      Rose Colored Glasses

        Ohayou gozaimasu

        0601. 8 miles of running goodness except for La Luna Loca was hiding in the clouds. And not illuminating the Country Road. Made footing a bit nerve wracking. All in all, a nice run with Grace.

        Just got a speaker phone call from SisterRosa and Lil Miss RS.  Sister is nervous and having doubts and LMRS sounds wonderful. (Except for that nagging foot pain...)

        I hope they find OrangeMat but, all three are in different corrals!

        I hear there is an app to follow the runners. Does anyone know how I put this on my KindleFIre? 

          ...WassaMatta tet-sama




          .............knocked out 28min poolrun

          with a

          trailrun tomorrow..........ohboyohboy


          ............good running guys............Wishing Good Racing to OM




          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


            I had a fun run...Thanks Tet.


            10.8 wonderful miles. The eagle perched in the tree when I began my excursion was still there when I returned.


            DD#2 is having a slumber party tonight. I helping her put together the brackets for the air hockeye tournamant.


            Great weekend wishes!


            MM #6177

              Hello hello! Ah, finally got onto the internet here in our room, via MrOM's connection doo-jiggy, so I can read and post for real now on my laptop. He and the kids just left for Magic Kingdom and I'm spending the day on my own, resting and icing my poor foot and achilles... going inward a bit to deal with my nervousness... a bit of solitude today will do me a world of good, I think. Well, at least that's the plan.


              So yeah, my foot. Seems that no matter what choice of footwear I made for walking in the parks these past couple days, I had pain. I haven't been icing since it hasn't been convenient, but this morning mentioned needing ice to MrOM and he said he saw an ice machine out during his run. Better later than never, I suppose... between icing, Advil and The Stick, I hope to feel better by this evening, especially with staying off my feet today. Not ideal conditions, I know, but as Tet so wisely said last week, that's the challenge of this marathon thing. Yeah, I get that. OK, so here I am.


              Rosie, I haven't connected with your kin yet, but I hope you've passed my info on to them. Is it your sister's first as well? Forgive me, I forget... there is an app to sign up to track runners; MrOM signed up at the banks of computers at the Expo the other day, so I'll poke around and try to find the link to post here later. My bib number is 3564 if anyone is interested in tracking me.


              Tet, seeing your post here, and your thread about your latest marathon adventure warms my heart. This is going to be a fun and enjoyable thing, right? Right! Smile


              MTA: Here's the link to the runner tracking:

              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                IF anyone is interested OM...I think most everyone is interested!! Have fun!!! 6 miles for me this morning which is my longest run in some time. 34 degrees with some wind, most enjoyable. Holly, Huntley is our stud dog and our oldest "child". I will send you an email about symptoms, but you have hopefully many years before you need worry.


                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                  Good luck OM...


                  Slo's eagle made me think of this quote
                  "Too often I would hear men boast of miles covered that day, rarely of what thet had seen" Louis L'Amore  


                  Nice Tet,  glad you enjoyed the run   

                  Have a wonderful trail run tomorrow tw


                  Mary glad to hear Huntley's heart is still strong 


                  8 slow miles w/DW  but it was all good!  

                  Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


                    Good luck OM - hope the weather is IRC, certainly was here.  A thoroughly enjoyable 9 mile run on heartbreak hill partially with Henrun, then ran into my cousin around mile 4 and helped him get to the furthest he's been in awhile.  He runs for 57 minutes 30 seconds and then turns around and runs back.


                    Boston training has started, both regular and charity runners.  No more peace on commonwealth until May1!


                    Tet - enjoying the run is what running is all about!



                      Have a greta time tomorrow, OM!


                      Lookin' up, Mary!  {{{hugs for Huntley}}}


                      I look forward to 26.2 being "fun", Tet.  Nice running.


                      Hi Marj!


                      Not been posting much recently, so need to get back into it. 

                      10 icy but glorious trail miles starting at dawn.  Stayed upright courtesy of the sheet metal screws in my shoes.

                      Lovin' it!

                      .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!

                        Great to see Heme back regularly....with a cool new avatar.

                        Have fun, OM!

                        Slo--I saw an awesome adult male bald eagle today--white head and all.  He swooped in and landed on a tree branch up ahead and just saw there watching me as I trotted on by.


                        Beautiful day, awful run.  Crazy Spring-like 68F right now for what I think is the last day of deer hunting season.  Yay! I can get my trail runs back.  Today's 16.4 mile run though was just a struggle from start to finish.  My head wasn't in it, the 10 MP miles felt more like tempo effort, and I even walked a bit, doing the later miles at recovery pace rather than easy pace. 


                        Oh well, they can't all be great.  It was wonderful just to get some sun and, now, open all the windows to air out the house. (Sorry Erika!)

                        Be safe. Be kind.

                          ..hi'ya sarge and heme.........



                          ..........OM//..........{{{{{{.Mind the Foot}}}}}}}}}




                           knew I was

                          gonna say that.

                          ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....



                            Boston training has started, both regular and charity runners.  No more peace on commonwealth until May1!


                             Big grin


                            Ohh,  look at that taperboy reporting another marathon in Japan! Enjoy the post-marathon sushi!

                            OrangeMat, we need the fashion report for tomorrow. Remember, you must coordinate your outfit or Spareribs will have a fit!

                            Tramps, sorry your LR was a struggle. The beauty of training and being a runner for life is that we encounter those thrilling runs as well as those hard runs, just like real life, I guess.

                            Hemerocallus, great to see you posting regularly again! Are starting to look at seed and flowers catalogs like I am? I know tamster is a huge fans of the veggies/flowers catalog, too.


                            I am waiting for the warmest part of the day to run. Today is puttering around the house day for my wings. A day of simple abundance, a day of just  doing what I want to do, just because, no scheduled event, well, except taking down the Christmas decorations and going to the funeral of my 89 year old girlfriend who passed away this week.


                            Off to make sure that all of the miles are entered in the OrangeMat thread.

                            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                            Mike E

                            MM #5615

                              Good morning!  I feel bad that I never got a chance to post, yesterday and wish everybody good luck in their races, today.  I'm sure Ribs is already done with his 1/2 marathon--I hope it went well--and if it didn't, I hope he checked in all of his guns.  I'm sure Tim is still out on his run.  I suer hope he checks in with us with a report.  Good luck--OM!  Good luck C-R!  Good luck Coastwalker!  Good luck to SisterRosa and Lil Miss RS!


                              I drove down to Sioux Falls, yesterday, and picked up Ryan and a friend for the big Frosty Frolic 5k!  So, I didn't get home until 11:00, last night.  I kept up with everybody--I just never had the chance to check in.  Listening to Ryan's account of that accident, though, was really scary.  All 4 of those kids are so dang lucky to be alive.  Everything had to happen exactly the way it did for the situation to have not been worse.  Anyway--I'm done thinking about it.


                              The Frosy Frolic is just a local race put on by the high school student council.  They receive a ton of donations from local businesses and there are a ton of door prizes.  All of the proceeds go to the local food shelf.  They do a pretty good job, but every year, there are screw-ups.  The problem is, there's such a high turn-over that nobody really knows how to put on a good race.  But, we all take it in stride.


                              Today, Ryan won it in 15:23.  His friend was right behind him in 15:24.  And then the rest came in a little ways after that.  The roads were perfect for the first time that I've done this race.  Which helped with me getting a 17:58.  Yeah--I went into it hoping to get under 19 and I went just under 18!  I'm pretty happy with that.  I think, for the first time in my life, I ran a smart race.  I let everybody go out fast from the start and I made no attempt to go with them--including a couple of guys that I wanted to beat.  Oh, especially, this one guy.  He is all talk.  He talks constantly!  He drives everybody crazy.  When he saw me , before the race, he said, "Uh oh.  I thought I was going be able to take it easy, today, but now I see the race is on."  I thought, "If I don't beat this guy, I'm going to take my running shoes, throw them in the dumpster, and never run again!"  But, right from the start, he took off and I just went at a comfortable pace.  We were only about a 1/2 mile into it when I passed him--which was earlier than I wanted to--but he really slowed down.  It was never even close.  So, anyway--I won the 50-59 age group and I won a free haircut in the door prizes.


                              Okay--that's about it--Oh--congtratulations Tet!  Great job!


                                Good luck OM! Take it easy on that foot today. What's your weather forecast? The year I ran Disney it was 33° with freezing rain for the entire half. Makes me cold still thinking about it. Good luck to all our other racers this weekend.


                                Sounds like a lot of folks are having unheard of weather conditions these days. DH and I just went out and took down all of our Christmas lights and decorations. The ground is still not frozen! Unbelievable for January 7 in Wisconsin.


                                The Cellcom started their training runs this morning. Halfers were only scheduled for 3 miles, so I tried to run it like it was a 5k. Lots of small hills on the first 2 miles so I was pleased with my time of 28:11. There must have been 200+ runners there this morning. Almost like it's own little mini-race. Pretty cool.


                                Will and Ben are coming over this afternoon while mom and dad run errands. Grandma got some Playdough. Wish me luck!


                                MTA: Nice job today Mike! Ryan is pretty damn fast Shocked
