Masters Running


Thursday April 10th Master/Boomer Runs (Read 595 times)


    Wild Child... hi! I did only 5.43 miles yesterday on the hotel treadmill because that was all I had time for before I had to split and run to get ready for meetings, etc. I was so tired, I'm amazed I got that far. Meetings and tours of the mail order Rx facility were very good.... we are definitely not taking advantage of all this company has to offer and my boss and I have been talking about how to expand our programs--or move things from other companies to this one--to make our benefit offerings even more valuable. The key is to do this without increasing costs, and possibly even reducing costs! Ah... my work is before me. I did have my flight out of San Antonio canceled... so was rebooked on a flight that left later (i.e., yeah I could run in the morning!), and went thru LA. So, now I'm sitting in the Alaska Airlines boardroom, waiting for my flight to Seattle, and I even got a first class upgrade on the Seattle to Fbks leg. Only downside is I get in at 12:25 a.m. Friday instead of 6:30 p.m. Thursday. Oh well. DS2 is very sick... sounds like the horrible whatever-it-was that DH had last weekend. I can't get sick. I can't get sick. ( Shocked ) Sounds like a flu-like virus... groan... PDR... repeat after me... the training is in the bag... take it easy.... you will be fine.... This was not good to see, but I hope it's just sore from the effort and will be fine in a couple days. Aamos... I'm really looking forward to meeting you at Boston, I hope you'll be coming to some of the events... Somerville with the beers? Tammy, I was going to say what Perch said... hope you listen. (but I bet you'll be fine, just ice and take it easy) Byll... wow, can't wait to see how Eugene shapes up for you. I can't remember all the things I wanted to comment on... gotta check e-mail and see what work-related fires I can put out from here. Oh... running... yes I had a really good but sweaty hot 7 mile treadmill run this morning. Felt good to crank out some miles, feels like days since I've done that...
      Aamos is flipping! As for the sucking up.....Yeah, that's right and don't you forget it! Evil grin. Please continue. You are the one in corral nine and and I am in corral 11----Ms. Speedy Aamos I would say. Quit looking at the weather too!! to reread my running log for the 567th time and iron my singlet...did I count out my gel packets today? CNY

        Interesting discussions on eating/hydration before big races today. I appreciate the input of all you veterans. Seems like not changing things is the way to go, and not to eat at Spareribs' house the night before a big race! Big grin For all you people in grad school, tell me about the GRE exam. I bought the Kaplan prep book and I'm freaking out! I'm not sure I can get through the math/science portion of the exam (my BA is in history, and I wanted to get a master's in public history - really interesting stuff, huh?). How bad was it exactly? PDR - take care of that hamstring! After all of this hard work, you want to be feeling great for Boston. Henrun, I ha the opportunity to run over the Charles (that lovely park near MIT) a couple of years ago. It was one of my fondest memories of our Boston trip. DH is hunkered down watching the Masters. Looks like he won't be expecting too much for dinner tonight! Enjoy your evenings, everyone. Jeanne
          Jlynne - I took the GRE last spring. My "preparation" was limited to power-cramming over the course of one weekend. Aced the verbal; survived the math. Given that middle age and almost 8 years of teaching middle school has reduced my concentration to about that of a flea, I'm not sure that more studying would have helped me that much, but if I had to do it over again, I'd definitely study over a longer period of time. I'd guess that your field of study will have an impact on how high your scores need to be. I'm in music education, so a high math score wasn't really necessary. (Already have all of the statistics courses I'll need from before middle school induced brain rot; whew!) Besides, all of the running should help your brain function, right? Wink Good luck! Eliz

            Happy running, resting, and just hanging out to everyone! Good running Bruce! Yeah, I am a bit concerned about the hotter weather this weekend here in the South Bay too because it'll make it harder for me to breathe. We're looking at very early AM runs! Hi JJJ, glad you weren't totally technekkid today but based on the upcoming weather report for L.A. some of us might be running nearly nekkid Evil grin. Where (or how) did you score a $6 watch? btb, I liked your thoughts about racing and wholeheartedly agree with you. Smile. Running 5 miles after work possibly technekkid.

              Mr. Ribs: you are funny. The button is not red!!! JLynne: I did not have to take the GRE. If the school indicates a particular score is a cut off for entry, hire a math tutor. If the test is just required for entry, score not important...wing it. My particular graduating class consists of all youngsters (20-25 with one 30ish y.o.) and me. It has been interesting to say the least. But, I think the biggest difference is my displeasure with the 7-10 p.m. class. I don't care how much sleep I have had, I want to be home and in my pj's no later than 9. My young classmates look at me weird. I told just wait. Big grin Foot felt much better than expected today after last nights meltdown....I am encouraged by this. No standing for long periods of time tho, but I did walk home from the conference. I am very close to information overload and feel like my head will explode. I wish I could run..... Good runs and good night all

              Trails Rock!

                Thursday’s run - Bright Sun 70 Degrees & Windy 2.25 mile warm up to the high school track 17:25 - (7:44) - Avg HR 132 Max HR 147 3 x 1 mile repeats w/2:00 recovery jogs between - 6:51 - 2:00 - 6:37 - 2:00 - 6:34 - 2:00 - Total 3.68 miles - 27:23 - (7:26) - The wind was a real Bit** on the repeats at the track Angry - made for slower repeats than I had planned, plus I did mile repeats instead of just 1600's which doesn't really make much of a difference, I just find it easier to program into the Garmin that way. 2.25 mile cool down – back home - 18:43 - (8:19) - Avg HR 138 Max HR 147 Total - 8.18 miles - 1:03:31 - (7:45)
                  6 miles in 57:00 a 9:30 pace in the rain. Dressed better for the conditions tonight so a lot more comfy. I got home to a message from work to go back in for the night shift (yuk) 3 nights in a row I am ready for an evening off. wanted to lay on the couch and watch the Tigers and Red Soxs with a few adult beverages but I guess not. Here I am at work trying to watch the game with gameday minute by minute updates. Not quite the same. Lots of good baseball stories here today. Thats whats so great about baseball unlimited stories past and present. Better look like I am doing something, Wink Good runs everyone

                  Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down


                    Early date night, since DW and I have busy weekends. DW is occupied with her social work pals Fri,Sat, Sun. I'm gonna high tail it to the mountains. So we walked 4 miles this PM and had dinner at the Old Mill in DAM. I ate like a condemmed man. then said to DW "are gonna eat that", Godzilla is hilarious. Banana split on the way home. Weather is looking yerchie for the weekend, I may just car camp and eat pizza between runs I need about 35 miles total on Sat-Sun Wal-Mart, home of the $6 stop watch. jjj
                    Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.

                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Eek! The weather! It might be "above average temps" in Boston on the 21st!
                      Yeah baby! Bring it on! I LOVE it hot! Big grin

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                        Evening all, I went out for a lap around the lake in a BRUTAL WIND. The sky was red from all of the dust in the air. I checked the weatherunderground when I got in, 30-40mph sustained wind while I was out!! At least it was a nice 70 degrees. 8 miles @ avg pace of 9:14/mile Paul

                        Renee the dog

                          We finally got sun here at the southern tip of NJ around 2 pm...went for a walk with kids and dog and whole world was out. Ran tonight with my babysitter, and Renee, the dog, who set a nice slow pace and we ended up doing 4 mi in 41:39. We had the whole town to ourselves. Everyone who was out in the sun must have called it an early night. Truly lovely out tonight. Good runs to all tomorrow!

                          GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                          GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                            If anyone is out there...Sox up 12-6! Jlynne--I took the GREs--not nearly as bad as the SATs or LSATs (yes, for a while, my friends were worried I would be a professional student. Happy to report last grad date was in '85--see, I basically covered the Boston course--undergrad--Framingham State, '75, Masters and Ed.d--Boston U '79 and '82, J.D.--Northeastern in '85). CNY--you are in such prime shape, I'm guessing you will pass me before mile 5. I run Boston to reconnect with my past and to support the --"I have 2 favorite teams--the Red Sox and whoever is playing the Yankees" crowd. I know you are a Yankee$ fan, even so, I think we might like each other. I really want to meet you! Holly, thanks for your exuberance! Yea, me too--I love the heat! I should say that, given how I've been complaining about the snow (yes, it is STILL snowing here). OK, I am not one to shun fun prior to the marathon--but I'm Italian, I'm a wine (not beer) person. So, what's up with Sommerville again? I will wear my tiara so you know it's me! grins, A ps ONe down in the 9th! C'mon Jonathon!!! Big grin Big grin Big grin
                            Masters 2000 miles
                              6 miles in 57:00 a 9:30 pace in the rain. Dressed better for the conditions tonight so a lot more comfy. I got home to a message from work to go back in for the night shift (yuk) 3 nights in a row I am ready for an evening off. wanted to lay on the couch and watch the Tigers and Red Soxs with a few adult beverages but I guess not. Here I am at work trying to watch the game with gameday minute by minute updates. Not quite the same. Lots of good baseball stories here today. Thats whats so great about baseball unlimited stories past and present. Better look like I am doing something, Wink Good runs everyone
                              GO WATCH THE GAME!!!!
                              Masters 2000 miles


                                Yeah baby! Bring it on! I LOVE it hot! Big grin
                                Be careful what you wish for! Last week I wished my vacation in Japan didn't have to end, and then United cancelled my flight home. I hope it's not 90 degrees at Boston.

                                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.
