Masters Running


Saturday November 2 Runs and Mischief (Read 48 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning!


    Race day forecast looks great - 36 at the start and high of 66, plenty of sun.  Wish us luck and good luck to the other racers today!

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      good luck!!!

        ...mornin' holly//////...............Good Racing to ya.......




        tomwhite and The Three Little Steps-----



        I did my poolrun, this will be my 5th year as of December,


        the impact has hurt so much,

        I have only been able to run in the deep water



        TODAY something told me to take 3-steps on the shallow end of the pool before I turned for the each lap


        don't know

        if I'll regret this later,

        hopefully I'm on to something here


        that said,




        ..............................good running guys..................Celebrate the Small Victories in your life.......Purple Dancing Banana emoticon (Banana Emoticons) "Nanner Time

        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....



          Good luck racers!  And for the rest of you slackers  non-racers, have a fun weekend!  Holly, see you soon!  I was just out walking the dogs, and it's a beautiful morning.


          We got into Moab too late to meet up with Holly and her friends - there was a jackknifed tractor trailer on I-70 coming over a snowy pass, and we sat for an hour till they got it cleared.  Got in just in time for the end of packet  pickup, and I cooked spaghetti on our camp stove in the hotel parking lot. Smile   Cindy and her DH were also caught in traffic - we talked on the phone while we waited.

          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


            Good morning.  I ran a longish, slow run this morning.  My goal is just to be out there moving for at least 90 minutes.  I used the 7/2, run/walk method and made it to 8.6 miles.  I felt fine.  I was just bored, wet and cold.  A few snow flakes in the air at first and then it changed to drizzle.


            So I made all my general fitness goals for the week:

            - twice to the gym

            - at least 20 miles of running

            - one run with some speed work

            - one run of at least 90 minutes


            First time I made it since coming up with the idea a couple weeks ago.  Now if I could string a dozen weeks of those in a row I would be in pretty good shape.  (For me anyway.)


            48,000 runners at NYC tomorrow?  The rivers will run yellow for days.


            Have fun at Moab ladies.  If any trouble comes up I can bail you out if needed.  Just give me a call and I'll wire the needed funds.


            tomwhite - Good job in the pool.



              Now that travel troubles are over for Holly and Carolyn, enjoy Moab!  Good luck to you and all the racers.

              Tom--yes, celebrate those small victories.

              Nice work this week, Dave.


              Beautiful autumn morning here too.  The sun was just rising over a glassy Potomac River and the little waterside park I run through was absolutely loaded with migratory birds.  Geese, ducks, and birds of all stripes; there must have been a few thousand of them in a three-quarter mile stretch along the river.  Pretty awesome sight.  I had the place to myself at that hour and the birds were just ignoring me.


              13-miler with some MP-ish miles thrown in late in the run.

              Be safe. Be kind.


                Mischief...I like mischief. Count me in!


                Work day. Have a great time in Moab Holly.

                  Good Luck Holly and wildchild! Can't wait to read your reports about Moab---hope to do that one some day. Good luck as well to all the other racers---make it a great weekend and I hope your goals include having fun!


                  I ran 5 miles with two at MP and recited my desired splits in my head and then kicked it into the finish----a final visualization run before tomorrow's marathon. Tomorrow's race is a wee bit smaller than NYC with 531 registered as of last night.  Smile I'll miss Kathrine Switzer at the expo since I am going up later this afternoon after all the festivities have concluded. I am fortunate to have met her before and even had dinner with her and her husband before the 2010 Boston Marathon. I hope to see lamerunner and deez4boys of course! And we may be greeted with a little  snow tomorrow morning. roar!


                  But first, I am heading to the kiddo's xc country race this afternoon---the very last one he'll run for his high school team. This is the league championships and he is so excited. I am so proud of him and will be cheering with gusto. The kiddo was diagnosed with a neuromuscular degenerative disease in the fall of 2012 (Charcot Marie-Tooth syndrome or CMT). So far the disease hasn't held him back too much, he just has to run with a brace on his right foot as he has foot drop. That he can be athletic and fully participate helps balance the anxiety we have about his future as the disease progresses.  I can't say more or I'll get something in my eyes, but I am just grateful for every step he takes now. Lamerunner generously and wonderfully agreed to pick up my bib number for tomorrow, since my priority today is being there for my kiddo as he runs his heart out.


                  Have a great weekend friends and I'll see you Monday!


                    Good luck racers!


                    That is awesome about your son Karin. Good luck to him in his last XC race.


                    Writing it down always helped me Dave. Now your on track.


                    Same here too. Sunny and 44. Dropped boys off for young astronomers (comets were the topic today) and got a quick 8 under my belt. Will run later with my boy. His first race is next week. Not sure who's more nervous.


                    Cheers all.

                    "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                    "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                      Good luck Holly & Carolyn.


                      Race with the Stars 5K (OKC University Nursing School - It's All About The Nurses) race this morning. 24:37, 2AG, 11OA. Perfect racing weather.


                      Have a great weekend.



                        HAve fun Holly and Wildchild!!


                        I ran 2 miles to the post office, then ran 1.5 miles without my garmin turned on Sad  total on Garmin 7.1 but mapped the part I was missing to know it was really an 8.6 mile run  Smile  watched bits and pieces of the parade now heading up to Manchester, NH to pick up my relay team race packet for tomorrow!!


                        Wishing all the racers this weekend HAPPY STEPS!!  Enjoy the gift my friends!!



                          Good plan, dave!

                          Erika, your menu last night sounded soooo yummie.

                          Karin, how cool that you have met and had dinner with Kathrine Switzer. Good luck tomorrow and please give lamerunner and deez4boy a big hug for me. I am sorry to hear that your son was diagnosed with CMT. Your Kiddo is awesome!

                          I hope the Moab reunion is a blast. I am jealous!

                          Tramps, that must have been an awesome run! I would have been tempted to forget the run, sit quietly and enjoy the birds for hours.

                          C_R enjoy your run with your son today.


                          I was up early to run, but it has been running hard here, so I just decided to start a new XT video program for an hour. I will run a few miles later, if the rain stops.


                          My plan for the day is to hit my craft room for a few hours to get my "creative juice" working for a little bit, then do some home-caring.


                          Enjoy your weekend, folks.

                          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                            Good luck to the Moab and other racers this weekend.  Steve, about your picture - I am at a loss for words.  dive, that BP situation sounds scary.  Take care.  Dave, good luck to your daughter in her job interview.  CNY, good luck to your son in his last HS XC meet.  pfriese, congrats on a nice 5K with 2nd in AG.


                            This morning, it was in the low 40s and there was a light wind.  I did 8 miles at an 11:15 pace.


                            A good day and good runs for all.



                            Maniac 505

                              Good luck to the Moab folks  NYC runners and all other racers this week.


                              Good news on the medical front,  I'm finally getting some answers.  It seems the dizzyness and light headedness was caused by an inner ear thing that should run it's course in a few days.  The dizzyness is what spiked my  blood pressure.  dizzy spells seem to be getting better,  BP is still high but my Dr and I have a plan,  I next seem him Thursday.  Between now and then, As necessary, I will increase my meds in pre-arranged steps.   If it is still high when I see him he says he already knows what the next step will be.


                              The only bad news is that today dispatch demanded a note from the doctor to take the rest of the week (the next 3 nights) off.  I had one from the ER that says unfit for duty as of 10/31/13.  I hadn't planned on using it.  now I can't go back to work until I get an offsetting fit for duty.  Oh well, it's what they wanted.

                                {{{{ dive }}}......manly hug


                                ............just saw this, what meds will he use??

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
