Masters Running


Sunday, August 17 - Runs and what not (Read 447 times)

    Lots of good run this morning. Tramps, that was very fast. I tried a progression long run, but after 13 realized I wouldn't be able to finish if I kept up that pace -- I am having a bit of a stamina problem at faster paces with the longer runs these days. So I ended up with 20 miles at a relatively comfortable pace -- however, that took everything I had out of me. The finishing temp was 77°F but only 45% humidity so I can't whine about that. 20.1 miles, 3:02, 9:04/mi, AHR 152 Welcome back, Tim! Steve - so sad about Ace -- you gave him a happy day.

    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

    i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

      Very nice runs today!.. lots better than Deena's, Lagat's, Tyson's... Tramps!! That's one fast 19 milerconsidering it's sub MP! Being still August, I think you may want to readjust your goal time (downwards of course) or just break your goal with a comfortable run Smile Are you training for Richmond? No Tory today, he didn't want to go. But after I left DW says he then wanted to go so she took him for a walk. I caught up with them zooming towards home with a quater mile to go. As I ran past, she handed off the leash in perfect relay fashion and we ran it home. Closest I'll come to a relay race Smile EZPZ 6 miles at 8:35 pace, AHR 154. Smooth run feeling no effects of yesterday's long run. Have great runs!

      Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

        I was supposed to do a long run today,but I never felt I called it quits after 11 miles...maybe a nice bike ride with DW later...
        Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip
          Holly, you're right, full moon was beautiful. (Say, DH wants me to do the Air Force marathon, maybe in 09? He loves planes and wants to go to the museum, see the sights). Early morning run down Spearfish Canyon with a lovely bunch of women. The 4th Leading Ladies Marathon(Kathryn Switzer, a supporter of RD Elaine Doll-Dunn, was here, so you didn't get her color commentary on the Beijing Marathon.) Anyone know what's wrong with Deena's foot? 26.2 in 3:25:03. Haven't gotten all the stats yet, but it was a negative split. Think I was 3rd, but not sure--course closes in a half hour, I think. Heartboy was tired and Frank wanted a snack so we came home (and the Red Sox are playing, about Now.) Peaceful (or raucous, if that's what you prefer!) Sundays, all. A
          Masters 2000 miles
            Well, it seems I overdid it today. While sitting in Church I could feel my right ankle tightening up. Now I'm limping around like the old man I am. I've had millions of sprained ankles over the years and this feels like that - a slight one though. Hopefully a few days will help it. Stupid Bill

            "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

              Hello, everyone. 100 pushups 100 situps 30 barbell curls 2 miles on the elliptical Dark Horse
              I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
                mainerunnah hope the 16 miler went well. It is always a lot of fun to meet the people from the forum in real life at a race. Holly S. ok, how do you get things like that dancing banana in your post? I cannot, and really do mean cannot(!) believe you managed to get in a double digit run today! Shocked Wow! Congratulations! I hope all feels good tomorrow too! Also, this coming Saturday is my last race at an odd distance until next summer when the local race series starts up again. But maybe I should just randomly add and subtract a few tenths of a mile from the rest of my races? Cool biketm I always think it is funny we all toss around things like an "easy 7" when you consider the typical person would consider that a killer distance at any speed. breger1 nice 20K run. Maybe not as smart as Holly but you seem like a reasonably bright guy nevertheless. Big grin P.S. The ankle will recover quickly. You will see. fjordrunner good luck getting to the HM, it sounds like you are on you way. Also, best wishes at catching the pink hopper! DickyG I am wondering if the Olympics are good for you blood pressure? Big grin I never feel too, too bad about getting passed at the end. It seems to be fairly universal advice that your best times come from even splits. So I figure those passing me could probably have finished even further ahead had they paced more evenly. Smile Hey, you gotta look for the silver lining wherever you can find it! Tramps congrats on the 19 miler. Nice long run to kick off international long run day! stumpy77 be nice to the knee! At least it got you through 6 miles today. Jlynne good to hear you are running long again whatever the pace. Yea, poor Deena. Tough break. I hope she is ok, her description of the injury while on the course sounded pretty serious. Dave59 lol what a way to get in a run and work at the same time! I have done things like that when a program just needs occasional baby sitting. Not run running I must admit, but errand running. SteveP I only got around to reading yesterday's posts in any detail today. Your story was so sad. FWIW I think you are a remarkably responsible pet owner. I cannot imagine how tough it must have been for you. I asked my SIL, who trains race horses and is one of the top armature dog trainers (agility and the like), about your dog and she basically told me what you heard. The dog would have always been a ticking bomb and you would never know when it would go off. Sad but not much to be done about it. dg. 5 by a river sounds like a very attractive loop. WRFB great long run progression or not! perchcreek after 18 hilly miles a 6 miler today is pretty good. lyndenrunner even cut short you made it to double digits. Aamos wow! 26.2 on a trail in only 3:25:03! Wow! Dark Horse welcome back! Do we let people back to the forum? I never knew that. Big grin enkephalin intervals on a TM! Shoot me! Boy you should really get a medal from the Olympic comittee for managing that! I am impressed! tetsujin209 I got to admit I am totally baffled by your post yesterday other than I think you hope to get a triathlon AG first place in the near future? Confused If that is true I hope you make it. If it is that you got one then congratulations. wildchild no I would vote for too hot! Running in the rain is never really that much fun but I think worse if the temperatures are under 70° or so. But I figure you get to live in Colorado (one of my favorite places) so there has to be some downside. Smile Twocat that would be me! Went of for 8 miles with my DW. As I had come to finally expect she bailed on yesterday's race. I had hoped she would run the New Haven 20K race on Labor Day but with her not running the 8.4 mile race I gave up on that and signed her up for the 5K. In non-running news I managed to give a mini-surprise BD yesterday. I told her relatives to tell her they were busy and not coming and then try to show up together. It was close as I had to stop her from going to get her hair done right about when everybody was scheduled to show up! To finish things off we came back and had the first strawberry shortcake I have ever made. All I can say is boy was it good! Rave reviews all around! Bad news though on the scale this morning. Sad It means today is a eat very little day. Sigh. . . there is no free shortcake in this world is there . . . BTW wildchild mentioned how I always have fun at my races. I think the key for loving this, or nearly any sport is to always remember it is in the end just a hobby. Instead I see so many people at races wrapped up in their performance to the point that they seem miserable half the time. Most, I bet, eventually end up quitting the sport. So sad and for what? At the end of the day it will not matter one bit to my life or anybody else's how fast or slow I run a race. If I am not running it for fun then just what am I doing it for? So I run to have fun and I do! Plus, I then get to come here and gripe about how my times are not keeping up with last year! What more could I ask for? Big grin

                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                King of PhotoShop

                  Well, it seems I overdid it today. While sitting in Church I could feel my right ankle tightening up. Now I'm limping around like the old man I am. I've had millions of sprained ankles over the years and this feels like that - a slight one though. Hopefully a few days will help it. Stupid Bill
                  SB, let's see if this acknowledgement translates to a different approach next time you race. Watch people like Perch. He would have gone out for a slow 4 miles the day after a big day. Racing is hard. Yes Dicky, that Marty. He and I are still close. If you still have the book, go look in the Acknowledgements and you will see my name. Bob, 6:19 pace in H&H is very good. No whining. (Hate it when my enemies whine.) Tramps no longer surprises me. I love to see people go out and do a long run and just experiment with what they can do. Susan's LR today based on time is a good example. If you feel yourself getting stale, that's a good way to do it. I told CNYrunner I was going to make up a pack of lies about her, like having to stop every 1/4 mile and turn around and yell, "C'mon! Hurry up!" But I can't do it. Truth is, we had a great time. I picked her up this morning at 6 and our club run at the lake started at 7. I put her with some of my friends who took her out for an 8-miler, while I walked 4 in about the same time. They did just sub-8's, while I did just under 16 m/m. I think she had fun. The Saint came out to the club to run 5 on her own, so they also got to meet and afterwards we both drove Karin home and got to gab some more. A great day to meet another top runner and gracious person from this site. You know how when you meet someone you learn some aspect of them you would never pick up on-line? For CNY I have to tell you I was blown away by her beautiful voice. You know those female disc jockeys that play soft jazz in the middle of the night on FM radio? They have those wonderful pipes. If her career doesn't pan out she could always go into radio. Soon as I got home I took a nap, now to an open house at Riblet's school. Spareribs


                    I hear Deena has a broken bone in her foot. Sad


                    Runners run

                      {{{nono}}} {{{steve}}}, btw, you cracked me up, again! {{{dark horse}}} just cuz! I did 9 miles on the TM. Still warm and muggy out with thunderstorms possible. 8 miles slowly @ 5.6mph 1 mile @ 7.0mph I've got to get a 16 miler in sometime before labor day's HM race. But next weekend is out of the question. So does that mean I have to get up at 3:30 am?? Guess so.

                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                        Well, like Byll, I ran a race yesterday and have a 20 on my schedule for today. Just finished breakfast though (yeah, late on a Sunday) and I'm looking at leaving within the next hour. Just going to take it easy today, and I've already decided that if I don't feel "it" today, I'm gonna whip out the trusty cell phone and call for a ride. It's frustrating when everything says "go" but my stoopid foot says "hold on..." I must say seeing Deena grab her foot and go down yesterday really hit me... Gotta remember that the schedule is just a schedule and can be fiddled with. Better to get to the start slightly undertrained but healthy, yadda, yadda, yaddy... Yes I've heard it all and can recite it all... But will I do it? Remains to be seen, I guess. Tramps, that was an awesome run. Same for you, Lou... progression or no, very nicely done. Spareribs, good to hear you had a good visit with CNYrunner. From what I hear, anything less would've been hard to imagine. Nice comment on the voice though, your description of the jazz dj's was perfect. Hi Dark Horse! Susan, how long are you in Sweden? Is that a family connection that keeps taking you back there? Or business? Sounds wonderful, my dad's family is from southern Sweden. Holly, well... how'd it go?? Congrats on the run, hope you can build up gently for a nice half-marathon in September...
                          Great news Holly Big grin Welcome back Dark Horse I started out for a 19 miler but after struggling through the first 10 I bagged it. I have never had to stop a long run before unless I was injured. This one just got to me. I ended up sick to my stomach and was taking walking breaks the last 2 miles just to get home. I had plenty of water and fuel so it wasn't that but it was just a carpy run from the start. The temps were 80ish but that usually is not a issue for me if I hydrate well. Rest day tomorrow . I have a 10 mile race next Saturday I hope this is just a one day thing. Better runs for everyone Larry

                          Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            (Say, DH wants me to do the Air Force marathon, maybe in 09? He loves planes and wants to go to the museum, see the sights).
                            Hey, that would be awesome! You are welcome to crash here at my house if you like, or at the very least come over the night before the race for dinner. The Air Force Museum is, btw, fabulous, and that from someone who's not even into air planes much - very impressive. Your DH could easily entertain himself there for the whole race, although it doesn't open until 9am and the race starts at 7:30. Barring unforseen circumstances, I'll be there in 2009. Erika - I'm okay, just a bit tired, unaccustomed to the distance after so long. Twocat – just hit “quote” on my post and cut and paste the dancing banana in another file for future use. I stole it from Dg…. {{{Bill’s kankle}}} Tramps – nice run! Dg - duct tape loaded, I'll be there in a few hours. Big grin Hide any ice cream you have in the house... Great brilliantly sunny day at the reunion picnic family outing. The kids are giant slided, miniature golfed, batting caged, and driving ranged out. I had a pretty good time, too. Smile

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                              thanks m-runnah. just finished our own PNW version of humidity and the consensus is about 10% off normal conditions. Gorgeous goddess send-off from Franc59 and dove for early 7:00 am start in Light-at-the-end-of-the-Tunnel Marathon through two mile long Snoqualmie Tunnel and then nearly 20 miles down grade to last couple of flat miles on the rich farming valley floor. Both finished an hour ahead but my 5:23 was almost an hour faster than the out-and-back (read: up-and-down) Rattlesnake Marathon on the same rails-to-trails in July. Franci and Dove got their own hour ahead of me but Franci's 8:00 am start gave the rare treat of getting to run together from miles 23-25 before I persuaded her to go ahead and meet me at the finish ala mariposai, arfie, and the goddesses. thank you boomer guys and goddesses for making mary's so much fun after so many years of just bein' 26.2 miles to run.

                              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                                Hi everyone, 7.5 run in some of the best weather in a long time, still got tired.