Masters Running


Middle Wednesday, 7.11.12 (Read 381 times)



    Happy Anniversary, Jeanne!

    Dave, sanity is over-rated anyway. Good luck with those manager meetings.

    Tet, training seems like a good idea before a marathon, but deciding to train with less than a week to go is unusual!  You're supposed to be tapering by now!  But I guess you can't taper down from nothing...  hmmm... so I guess you have to taper up?  Have fun, anyway!  And hug Mariposai and Dove for me!

    PBJ - welcome back!  Good to see you posting yesterday.

    Enke and Craneium - nice to see you both running pain-free!


    I saw elk on my trail run again last night - probably two dozen.   We don't see elk nearly as often as mule deer so they're fun to watch.  6 steep, slow miles. The wildflowers are awesome.

    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

      Nothing for me so far today, but I am planning a swim after work.  It took me a good long while after my crash, but I'm finally beginning to feel "in shape" again.  Here's a picture taken during my Sprint Tri last week.




      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


      MM #6177

        Nice photo Byll! Happy anniversary jlynne! I enjoyed reading your manifesto, Tet, even though I wasn't sure I understood most of it.... Regardless, enjoy those training runs and your marathon this weekend.... Here's to a sub-6!! 4 easy miles late this morning on dead legs. Just couldn't catch my breath today, don't know what's up with that. Wore my heart rate monitor for a change, and while it showed a 45 for me as I was just standing at the counter reading my iPad, my "easy" run brought me to the upper 150s, if not a few numbers higher. Just plain tired today, I guess. Not surprising, given yesterday's track work AND the evening's extra 2 miles. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Yoga class this evening, looking forward to the savasana already. Wink Enjoy the rest your Wednesdays, all!

        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

          Just wanted to pop in and post this picture for Mariposia .... she mentioned that water lillies were one of her favorite flowers.   Here are almost all of mine in full bloom ....


          Happy Anniversary JLynne - a dinner out sounds great.


          Nice photo Byll!


          That's all I got .... speaking of which, how is MikeE doing with his new job?


          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



            Since we are asking questions...  Big grin  ....tomwhite, how is Pickles doing these days? 


            Runners run

            shadow runner

            The Shirtless Wonder

              Nice photo Bill.  Enjoy your swim tonight. 

              Mary:  Great photo...I need a pond, the bird baths are just not cutting it...Wink

              Tom - sometimes being a slug is good thing. Especially in the mornings, though I am supposed to be a predawn runner...Wink

              Everyone else before and after, great runstraining today.


              Like Tom, I was a slug this morning.  But made up for it this afternoon.  I hit the fitness center at work for core and UB work-out with the free-weights for about 45 mins [late lunch @ 2 PM].  First time back after vacation last week, so a good work-out despite the AC being off due to maintenance.


              After work, ran 8 easy  mile loop along/over the Delaware on PA and NJ towpaths/bridges.  Temps a balmy 86F with lower humidity today.  Lots of people either enjoying a swim or just coasting down the river in rafts/tubes.  Even the deer were lounging along the towpath watching the human [me] run by [twice]...I suspect she had a fawn nearby but all in all a really nice summer run.  Also a good training run for R2C17.


              Night all.

              Joe Suder

              Nulla camisia et nulla problematum 


              Mike E

              MM #5615

                Hello everybody!


                Just popping in quick to let you all know I'm still alive...just really busy!  I have been checking in here from time to time, just haven't had time to post.  I won't even try to comment on all the stuff I would love to comment on.  As far as the new job--it's challenging.  It's really going to make me get out of my comfort zone.  I've been behind a desk for the last 30 years and, while I have a desk, I haven't been behind it much.  But--I'm happy to have a job and this company is top notch.


                My running is going well.  Keeping the 40 mile a week thing going, anyway.  I have a race on Saturday--just a small local thing that benefits the high school cross country team--then it's time to get ready for Ragnar in August.


                Okay--that's it for now.  See ya! 

                  Since we are asking questions...  Big grin  ....tomwhite, how is Pickles doing these days? 


                  ...thanks for asking  ilene//..........she went to doc last week, still Stable which is a GOOD thing......



                  of Questions,

                  What is The Tet-meister Training For???


                  I'm sure

                  Beautiful Women, Alcohol and Oysters are involved.

                  ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                  Avenger Doggie

                  protector of my dad

                    Dogs help every one go run run run Jlynne! I hope you have fun tonight. 


                    Dad's slow and fast pace is the same too.


                    TomW..Have some one throw a stick in the water. That helps me a lot.





                    I saw elk on my trail run again last night - probably two dozen.   We don't see elk nearly as often as mule deer so they're fun to watch.  6 steep, slow miles. The wildflowers are awesome.


                     Did you get 'em get 'em???!!!


                    Me and Dad were getting ready to go run run run and the thing he takes pictures with made noise and he started talking to it. When he was done he said some bad words. He go me and Noah and Uncle Tony and we went for a bye bye ride over to Aunt Sue's house. 






                    Then I started to sniff them and it was bad kitties that don't go run run run but make doggies cry.

                    Dad and Uncle Tony took a big big board and put it in the hole so they can climb out. Then we went for ice cream. Noah wants one for his house but Dad said he can not have it.


                    When we got back, the kitties were still there so I went back in the truck and waited. I don't ever want to play with them again! Dad took a big stick with a rope on it and picked the kitties up. They did not like it a lot so Dad let them go fast and both two of them went to hide under Aunt Sue's porch. 


                    After Noah went home, me and Dad went run run run for a little while. It was about time!!!

                    Sniffing Butts, Tag

                    Bushrat Runner

                      Got talked into a run late last night, so took today off.


                      Tet, I loved the letter. Well done. 

                      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                        hey troy - do you have night up there yet?

                        hummm, how does this get the day off if you run deal work?

                        I could start liking this training business more and more, after all..


                        Dr. Tom -
                        thanks for the stifle pills.
                        They worked! 
                        The urges to run were starting to overwhelm me again  
                        when the express delivery arrived.  Whew. 
                        Incidentally, the marathon generating the rare desire to train is the Light-at-the-end-of-the-Tunnel Marathon this weekend. If you check Ilene's INtrepid, I guess you might think it's because of mariposai and dove but, not so fast, there's also the possibility of a francesca sighting on a final warm-down for her upcoming 100-mile race or in Vermont to say nothing of my goddess-nemesis of 22 years Judy and Marathon Maniac goddesses Madame May, ViViaN, MPH Mary, Coconut Princess, Little Leslie,  DivaDarling, Cupcake, sLuGie, just to name a few.  And to prove it’s not just goddesses either, several of my guy heros too, e.g. Stevie Ray, IronMel and maybe divechief.

                        Wish you were too.  We could do it, you know. You know I would with you.

                        Otherwise, Avenger would have fun too.

                        no kitties, . . . except for the cougar variety.

                        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                        Marathon Maniac #957


                          I'm sure

                          Beautiful Women, Alcohol and Oysters are involved.

                           Big grin


                          Tom - glad to hear Pickles is doing well. 


                          Byll - love the picture!


                          Mary - your pond is so beautiful!


                          Tag - don't play with the kitties!


                          MikeE - I was wondering how you were doing in your new job.  I really hate the first few weeks at a new place - very out of my comfort zone.  I hope you settle into your groove there quickly.


                          Tet - that sounds like such an awesome meet-up - have a wonderful time!  And take pictures.....

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                             I guess you might think it's because of mariposai and dove but, not so fast, there's also the possibility of a francesca sighting



                            no kitties, . . . except for the cougar variety.



                            Runners run
