Masters Running


April 22 Boomer Runs and whatever .... (Read 523 times)

    yikes craney, you are fast! Here's me: I just did a brick! It was pouring rain at 0500 so we didn't meet for our 0520 run. I decided to go to the rec. center before work. All the treadmills will taken so I got on a bike. I kept it at above 90 rpm and got 10.17 miles in 30 minutes. I quickly wiped down the bike with disinfectant and ran to the board and signed up for TM #9 (my favorite, as it is on the end so I only sweat on one other client...not bilaterally). T1 was well under 2 minutes, close to 1 minute I bet. Started modestly at 6 mph and then leveled off at 6.4 and 6.5 mph. (at .5% incline) 3.37 miles in 32 minutes. Then I felt pretty dizzy, saw a few stars, but managed to guzzle some orange gatorade and wipe down the machine before heading to the track above the basketball courts to walk it out. Just think, if I was a swimmer...
      And, by the way, I am so jealous of the Michigan meeting! I want to eat dinner with that group! ROCHESTER! Will you meet me for dinner in October? We are going to run Grand Rapids on 19 October. How about after the run, Sunday evening? We drive home on Monday. puhleeeze...

        Rose. get rowing!!! you've got plenty of time. I'll pick you up on the dock. whoo hoo a brick Big grin

        One day at a time

          All you Boston runners inspired me! My running partner and I headed out for a run from her house. She made it 8 miles, and I ran 9.6 miles without stopping, another PR for me. I went very slowly (11:21 pace), but I did it! Then I walked another two miles. I obviously have a ways to go before I'm ready for my September HM, but at least I'm improving. DH was very proud of me, and DS 13 gave me a hip hip hooray cheer! Happy Spring!!
            Hip Hip Hooray Teresa! Bill

            "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


              very nice Teresa! And really, you don't have that far to go til you are ready for a HM! You are much closer than you think!



                Nothing for me today. (Disclaimer - it's not my cat. I just liked the photo.)



                  Did the cat eat your mouse?

                    After our NY trip and standing up yesterday for about 4 hours on the GMA set, I decided maybe today was not the day to walk. My back is aching quite a bit. Will walk tomorrow.
                      Yes I agree our runs seem so boring when compared to the great times & the good times at The Boston Marathon. I'm really trying to turn it into inspiration but I'm finding it kind of depressing that I only get to read about it. Confused Maybe it's something else cause I never had this problem before. Hopefully I can have time to read some great race reports later & then I'll feel better Big grin Used a vacation day to do some painting, cut the grass & get some work done DD car. Yes the fun never ends Big grin 5 mile GA run for me today, 5 mile tempo run with 1.5 mile warm up & cool down scheduled tomorrow as it will then be taper time, half on May 4th. Teresa you're doing great, you have plenty of time to be ready in Sept., don't rush it peak at the right time & don't burn out. Boomers Run the Country!!!

                      Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

                        Breger, I copied you today. Did a recovery pace 5.22 miles @ 11:20 pace because I have my last speed workout tomorrow and I want to make the most of it. Near the end of my run I came upon the same cat from weeks ago that wanted some petting, and I was more than happy to stop and oblige her. My cold is gone, my chills are gone, my daughter is finally better after being off school 4 days last week, so I am optimistic the sproink is soon to return. Nice Brick LaVita, you are always so funny.

                        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                          happy Tuesday runs and what if the big guns did Boston yesterday, we mortals still have our trials and tribulations to share Tongue Ran 2 easy miles yesterday, today is a long tough XT workout with the personal trainer. JJJ, I liked your poem from yesterday Smile vista, thanks for all the updates on the Boston folks - like JJJ, my work got in the way of watching the marathon.

                            Sitting in the Boston airport getting ready to board the loooong flight back to home, starting with 5+ hours to Seattle. Do I know how to spend a rest day or what? Twocat, how right you are on the heat for the second wave of runners, and the comments on the T. I am sporting quite a sunburn on my shoulders and right arm, and had to stop at almost every water stop (which I usually don't do). I saw lots of people near the end suffering obvious dehydration... one guy was sort of staggering along, and I don't think there were any medical crew until the finish. I wonder what happened to him... My DH got stuck on the D train trying to get to the finish... I waited for him for what seemed an eternity, in dire need of a shower! It was all ok in the end though, because if he'd been right there and we'd gone back to the hotel, we would've missed the Rock Bottom gathering of a large group of masters runners, it was great! Ok, time to shut 'er down and get ready to board. See you all tomorrow... I'll be back at work in the afternoon. Dead (probably just long enough to go thru the in-box of e-mail)

                              I had a late afternoon run which is unusual for me...I am definately a morning runner. I met up with one of my newest LunaChix for an afternoon run of 5 miles. It was 75 degrees here this afternoon with a fierce wind that sucked any moisture that I had in my skin right out! This gal is really fun to run with. I enjoyed it. She thought she would run about an 11 minute mile - but she kept her miles around 10:00! She is doing great! I have told her to come check us out at maybe we'll get a new member soon. She's still a young one though - only in her 30's. Yesterday sure was fun - keeping up with everyone who ran Boston. I feel a bit of an emptiness today! I am enjoying the race reports! Still waiting for some of them!!!! Hi Rosie LaVita!! You doing good??? What is a brick?
                                Evening all, Good running and workouts today and even a brick! Cool. Also some good resting---good decision Two Cat---I know you'll be back. I walked the dog this morning for my exercise and was doing okay until he decided to behave like a beagle puppy and go after some a weeble that wobbles but won't fall down, I got hauled down the street. Thank goodness he remembered that he is 13 and has no business doing the puppy thing. Yeesh! Two mile walk and felt okay---stiff quads, but not horrible (wait until tomorrow though and that 48 hour delay!) Shout out to Teresa---knocking down those mileage PRs. Fabulous! Thank you all again for the support and good cheer. I had a half-day staff meeting at our office in Albany (Latham), NY today and haven't had a chance to let it all sink in. I did watch the televised version of the Boston marathon last night---amazing women's finish. The photo galleries in the on-line version of the Boston Globe ( are pretty cool as well. Will there be a way to track all the Eugene folks? That would be fun and coming soon! The guys are at little league practice and if they don't get home soon, I am going to eat ice cream for dinner. Okay not really. Over and out Karin