Masters Running


Happy July 8th - Tuesday Dailies (Read 33 times)


    I'll kick things off with a brief, "Good Morning"


    6.54 miles for me with the Tuesday hill gang.  Its only my 4th week doing hills but I am feeling stronger from it already.  I held back on the 2-mile run to our "hill" because I got to talking with a first timer and showed her the way.  That left me with some spring in my step for the hills and return run.  Another fun morning.




      Good morning, Dave, and everyone following.


      Coincidentally, I did some hills today, too.  Nothing major, just 3x a nearby hill as part of a 5-miler.  First hill repeats in ages.

      Be safe. Be kind.

        Morning everyone!


        Still half asleep after last nights thunder and lightening show around 1AM that seemed to last forever.. dog still in hiding, post more later..Have a great day!


          Half asleep also, and can't blame the weather for my trouble sleeping last night- always get this way before setting out on a trip. Took advantage of my sleepiness  to get out for a Jay o'clock walk/jog after 3 days in a row of running.

          Sayhey! MM#130

            Good Morning!

            Slept greta, got up early and hit the streets; it was a drizzly day yesterday, never got too hot, so we knew this am would be a good one (i.e., a bit cooler) and it was--staying in the 70s.  Got in 13 miles at an 8:49 pace and saw the blue heron in his accustomed spot at Lakes Park.  Seeing that guy is always a good omen in my book.  Stayed away from the mango tree today to be prudent.


            Have fun today!  (Picking up on Dave's theme .)



    (for a piece or two of my mind)


              Mornin' everyone.


              We, like Irishguy, had thunder and heavy rains in the middle of the night, but I was aware of that only because I wasn't sleeping well anyway - too much on my mind. After lots of T&T, I woke at 3:59, but was dragging, so I fed the cat and went back for a little more sleep.


              Have a greta (yawn) Tuesday!



              Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


                I did some hill repeats too. First I ran 5 miles with the Easy Pacer, then I decided to hit Ash hill for some reps. I did the same hill two weeks ago and it took me 1' to get to the top. Today I got to the top 6 seconds faster. I am getting stronger, I think.


                Another 100f weather here today. Just gorgeous. Just the way Iike it.



                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Good Morning!  (for a little bit longer)


                  I set out this morning with the intent of fartleks or intervals, but yesterday's squats and dead lifts had me pretty stiff, so I stuck with easy running.


                  5 miles total


                  At one point on my run, I was charged by a large, snarling pit bull.  The beast came running across the street after me, snarling all the while.  I carry a folded towel to wipe the sweat off my face and I quickly grabbed it by the corner and began helicoptering it in the face of the dog to distract it, all the while backing up (TomWhite - this technique works well for charging geese, too).  I am quite sure this dog would have gone for a full blown attack if the owner had not come around the house at that moment and called the dog off.  Scared the crap out of me, I will tell you.  There was a woman killed by a pit bull around here recently, right in her own front yard.  People who own dogs like that have no business letting them hang out in a residential neighborhood off-leash.  I don't even let my small terriers roam free in our front yard.

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  King of PhotoShop

                    What is it, hill day today?  It's a conspiracy!


                    Nice towel maneuver Holly!


                    Surgery for my son tomorrow and I've convinced him to stay over night at our house immediately after, so we can watch him as he will be completely out with the anesthesia and I don't want him to be in his home alone that first night.  We were going to keep him a few days but he wants to be in his home, so this is a compromise.


                    6 miles, fairly slow and no hills after yesterday's day off.  Funny how that works. Spareribs


                      Best wishes to your son and a full recovery, Ribs. (btw: when did you deactivate your FB account? i just noticed that yesterday).


                      Holly, sorry for the bad dog experience. I have a soft spot for pits and their often misunderstood nature, but regardless of breed, a dog that shows aggression like that should never be left unattended or outside of a contained area. That's a careless owner right there. 

                      I haven't been around much lately and am too far out of the loop to even attempt to catch up with what is going on with everyone, but I've found the longer one stays out of the loop, the easier it seems to be to just fade away, and I don't want that to happen, so even though I have nothing to contribute, I wanted to pop in and say hello. 


                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        Ribs - add my best wishes to your son as well.


                        Just popped in to post this link - I kept laughing out loud at my desk, reading it.



                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                          While Dave59Tramps, and Mariposai were doing hills I was banned from running by my every-other-day (involuntary) running schedule.  So it was an hour on the elliptical instead and some gym work.  Better this than when I could not run at all for two years!


                          Holly S. if dogs in the area are a problem, you might consider getting a can of pepper spray.  There is a good reason postmen carry them along on their routes.  That link you posted is hysterical!


                          Spareribs best wishes to your DS for a quick and full post operation recovery.  After he gets home and gets up the next morning you may yet have a house guest for a couple of days.  He may want to be home now, but post operation it may be a whole different story.


                          In news nobody here will care about but Mariposai after yesterday's run I discovered how to repair the defense tower in my Zombies Run! app township!  Yes, it is stupid.  Yes, I am nevertheless pretty psyched about it!  That plus the app now works with Pandora.  I tell you life just does not get any better than this!  Next, I suppose I should go buy Season 3 since I have run out my stock of the ones they handed out as a teaser for free.

                          Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                          Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                            Thanks for the link. Holly

                            This was my favourite line:

                            Runners who hear any of these may respond forcefully. Meaning, they will go on to Facebook and post a rant that their running friends will then “Like.”


                            So true....

                            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                              Holly - thought they were going to through me out of starbucks for lol - thx!


                              no running today, some cross-training of walking, hacking, sneezing, packing

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                Hills - now just a wistful memory down ages dim,
                                “the hillier and harder the better” used to be my mantra.
                                Bike - I worried about it everY time and went over my aging bike with a fine tooth comb and lots of oil and grease beforehand but MS and Steve made me realize how lucky I’ve been in up to five triathlons a year since 1978 to have only had one, easily-fixed, IM flat tire and only a single Olympic mechanical resulting in running with Mr. Bike for the last three miles to T-2.  As if my slow, sidestroking swim in those days wasn’t enough, passing even more runners in the final leg made it worth it.


                                Mangos - go get those mangos amy.  Pretty soon mikemp'll be having mikans that accidentally fall into his hands too as he gets settled into joyful running in Japan.

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
