Masters Running


Wed Nov 12 Runs and Workouts (Read 521 times)


    Holly and Enke, my son complains about girls like that. He is 9, in 4th grade, but every now and then he mentions these three girls who "hit on him." I guess they follow him around, try to get attention; one stole his guitar pick the last day of school last year... he is tall, blond....the teenage years could be interesting indeed, A non -running day for me. Sciatic nerve is getting very bad. 60 minutes on elliptical.


      Erika, you're pretty hard core - non-running in a hotel gym at 5:30 am. Shocked DickyG, do you really think it was short-sighted of the auto industry to make big SUVs when that's what the public wanted to buy, and they could make money with them? Yes, they should have been developing the next-generation fuel efficient vehicles at the same time, which would have lined them up better for high gas prices. But now that gas prices are lower again, the problem isn't SUV vs. fuel efficient, it's lack of credit to buy anything, and a sucky economy. Tramps, I hope the weather this Saturday isn't as bad as predicted - I looked at the Richmond forecast, and Sunday looks like IRC, so maybe the IRC will arrive a little earlier than predicted. But just in case, maybe you should look into one of those hats with the umbrellas, like Amy mentioned! Big grin Amy, I hope your DH enjoys his jogging this weekend! So glad his recovery is going so well! Teresa, hope you have a greta trip! 6 hours to yourself would normally be nice, but in this case it will be spent with lots of strangers in a small enclosed space with recirculated air, 30,000 ft over the Atlantic - not such a prize after all, I think! I like running in the rain if it's fairly warm and just raining lightly. I live in a dry part of the country so I don't have to deal with rain much. In the summer our rain mostly comes in the form of strong afternoon thunderstorms, which aren't so good for running in. And the rest of the year, our rain comes in the form of snow Clowning around, which is fun to run in as long as it's not sub-zero. And even more fun to ski in. I did a 5.6 mile run at lunchtime, avg pace 10:18. I originally planned a tempo run, but after a warmup mile and a tempo mile 2, the trail turned and I hit a strong headwind, so I turned it into a wave run. Partway through tempo mile 4 I also hit a strong headwind and was having trouble keeping pace, so I kind of cheated and turned around and finished the mile with a tailwind. Splits: 10:28 - 9:19 - 10:50 - 9:34 - 10:54 - 10:59 last 0.6 mi. Except for the wind it was IRC - 54 degrees and sunny.

      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


        I just got my Ipod Shuffle a few weeks ago, so it's still a novelty to me. I definitely got a "boost" on my long run listening to good music, so I'm thinking I might use it in the last half of the race. Plastic wrap sounds like a great idea. Thanks.
        maybe you should look into one of those hats with the umbrellas, like Amy mentioned! Big grin
        Everybody's a comedian. Roll eyes

        Be safe. Be kind.



          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

            You know, I run in the rain a lot (always love it, except when it gets close to freezing). And always wear my iPOD nano, it is underneath my rainjacket or partly protected by a short sleeve T and I've never had a problem. It will be quite wet/damp with sweat when I take it out of the silicon sleeve after a gym workout and still it keeps on ticking... Is your shuffle encased in a silicon sleeve?

            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

            Marathon Maniac #3309

              I use plastic wrap, too. You might be able to wrap it so any opening is on the bottom (depending on where the earphone plugs in). Just don't use that sticky glad plastic wrap, I forget what it's called. It was pretty hard to get the adhesive off the unit afterwards. But do you really want to use an ipod during the race? I run all my training runs with an mp3 player but I haven't yet raced with one. But that's just me...
              For the record, I have never raced with one either...the race is fun enough in it's self to me. But yes, to each their own... Tim

              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

              Renee the dog

                Got out this afternoon for a 7 miler. Plan was a nice and easy run, trying to keep a 9:30 pace. Got it done in 1:06:32, which averages out to a 9:31 pace, so I think I did ok there. I felt like I was running alongside a pastel coming back – the ocean a hazy purple, with a pale pink sky on the horizon that blended into a blue gray cloudy sky. Such subtle colors, yet so breathtaking. Then as we were did our U turn at the end of the run, what a surprise! The moon had snuck out behind us while we were running the back 3.5 miles. It was a good run.

                GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                Renee the dog

                  I was trying to say.... RAIN -- love it in the summer. Less so in the winter. Big grin

                  GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                  GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


                    Okay, now you're just being mean. Enke--no sleeve.

                    Be safe. Be kind.


                    One day at a time

                      What is it about leaving for a trip that makes everything happen?? I picked DS16 up at XC practice, and he was LAUGHING because he got bit on the butt by a dog! And of course he didn't get the owner's name or ask if the dog had been vaccinated. I was envisioning spending 3 hours in the ER tonight, but the pediatrician said that we just have to put a dressing on it with antibiotic cream and keep an eye on it. Whew!! Maybe I will actually get to pack now! Carolyn, I guess it's because I don't fly much, but I still enjoy it. Well, I don't like the missed connections and lost luggage, but the actual flight is OK. I'll bring along some good books and watch movies. My 13-year-old son is the one bugging girls! A friend of mine asked if I knew he had called her daughter close to 10 pm last week. Uh, no. We have a new rule about that now! OK, I have to FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS now. Shy

                        Got out this afternoon for a 7 miler. Plan was a nice and easy run, trying to keep a 9:30 pace. Got it done in 1:06:32, which averages out to a 9:31 pace, so I think I did ok there. I felt like I was running alongside a pastel coming back – the ocean a hazy purple, with a pale pink sky on the horizon that blended into a blue gray cloudy sky. Such subtle colors, yet so breathtaking. Then as we were did our U turn at the end of the run, what a surprise! The moon had snuck out behind us while we were running the back 3.5 miles. It was a good run.
                        thanks! that made my night. a plug for zappos. my favorite running shorts might be going away, depending on what the 09 models are like. (i never thought about them changing like shoes, mine are from 2007 & getting a little worn)... anyway, I ordered 2 pairs from Zappos yesterday, the '08 version, & they are here today. free shipping. both ways, if need be. imagine that! Carolyn, Big grin mta, Teresa, have a great time!
                          6 miles for me this evening along the Lake Olverholser shore. I mention that because Pfriese runs along that route frequently. I saw another runner, but alas, it was not the friese one. Enjoy the beauty!
                          Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                            Finally got to walk today....5 miles and it was great!! Teresa -- MrMunch had to program a timer to put on DD2's phone when she was a teenager. It automatically turned off her phone at 10 on school nights and 11 on Fri. & Sat. Turned on at 7. Worked really well. Was kinda funny when she just got cut off in mid-sentence....this was before she believed we really had set up the timer. I think we still have it for the grandkids if we need it!
                              3 miles on the treadmill at 8:08 mile pace, 30 pushups. Dark Horse
                              I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

                              Half Fanatic #36

                                ..still on the rain topic, as long as I wear a visor shielding the rain drops from my face I honestly don't even feel the rain coming down, of course I'm not talking of torrential downpours....I don't wear double layers...saving on the laundry...since I'm always too hot when running in any case , even in our "mild" winters. I do try to avoid puddles though.. I also carry my Ipod shuffle in the palm of my hand...I can never leave it alone , I tend to skip some songs and repeat some others that get my legs moving fasters, ..probably it not so good for the Ipod, but if it is not rain it is sweat, so I hope those little devices are made with us runners as well in mind.. It looks like it is going to be another rainy run tomorrow as well.. Francesca