Masters Running


Tue May 12 Runs and Workouts (Read 521 times)

    Gee, I missed the whole thread yesterday. I need to find more free time to do what I want to do rather than go to that place I go to Monday through Friday Tongue . Ah, a quick check tells me I missed the gu / no go wars. No comment. Cool Up early for an 8 miler, including 10x20sec striders. I realized this weekend that I should already be 3 weeks into the 24 week Pfitz plan, so I guess the reverse taper is over. Roll eyes 8.2 miles, 1:05:24, 7:58/mi, AHR 152 (78% MHR)

    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

      Nice run Lou. I wanted to say WTG to dg for another first in AG in the recent 5k
      Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
        It must be the morning for 8 mile runs. I took no GUs with me ... Cool Speedwork day today had me doing 5 repeats of 1000m with 400m RI between. The plan target was 4:22 per repeat, but I never reach the speedwork targets anyway - and especially in H&H that's not likely. Not bad though: 4:39 4:36 4:27 4:28 4:26 I'm ready to shut it down. The combination of the last couple of weeks of training plus the hawt weather has me dragging. It's time to recharge. The household moratorium I placed on Chips a couple of months ago seems to be working. I'm almost down to fighting weight ... Smile Bill

        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

          Morning all-- Tempo Tuesday with Tri-guy for me. The plan was 8, but we ended up with 9.6 and 1x30 minutes at 7:23 pace and an overall run time of 1:24 and change. My Tri-friend has a duathlon on Saturday and what was going to be 2x18 at 7:15 pace turned out differently, but I was relieved. I am still building base and just beginning to think about paces. His tempo speed is faster, so my goal was to keep him in sight as much as possible. Thank goodness it's now light out at 5:15 am. As we were into the cool down miles he said that his pace readings were off from our last tempo workout. I was wondering since he said we were running at 7:10 pace. Turns out it was more like 7:16 pace two weeks ago---Black eye better to have a true picture of where I am. Tired but happy now. (blaming the tiredness on Ovechkin and Crosby though) Thanks for sending the chips Bill. You said you want them back on May 25? Is that right? WAY TO GO dg!!!! That cat picture had me spit out the wine I was drinking while reading the thread last night. Turns out drinking and reading RA is dangerous. Nono---gorgeous photo and that smile of yours is incredible. I know what you mean about losing yourself. The photo of Maraposai and her boys is a keeper too. Enjoy the day

          Marathon Maniac #3309

            Good morning Lou, I missed most of yesterday also....silly job Smile 4 un-timed recovery miles last night - My legs felt great and wanted to run more, but I am setting myself up for my track work Weds night. This really hit me last night on my run, and I think I am making some - maybe most - people uncomfortable with my running right now. I really didn't think about till I had this friendly exchange yesterday with a great runner and person (I will leave this person anonymous ) this was said: No one runs 18 miles at MP during training. Almost no one runs a 23 mile LR at any pace. And no one turns around and runs 7 miles the day after an LR (of any distance). But you can do all three and feel good today?!?!. You are going to sooo rock Seattle. A BQ for you is a given if you get to the starting line uninjured. You're ready right now, truth be known. When I posted my runs Sat and Sun I imagine that a lot of people were Tim nuts. I am not and I am still doing the same training plan Ribs coached me with with last year. But I am adding more miles to my long runs - and speed work now - as it is time preparing for Seattle. But I just don't necessarily agree with 20 miles being a persons long run when then there is a 10K left. I now not only have the physical ability to run 23 miles comfortably - with quality speed work within - but more importantly I have conquered the fear most have that at the 20 mile mark running a Marathon, there seems to be this invisible wall where a person starts the crash and burn process. If Ribs was serious - I know he was - he told me to keep doing what I have been doing because I have a huge base I am drawing from. I want EVERYONE to know that I am being smarter about my training than ever, and I am running a lot more recovery runs than I ever have before also. Nothing is hurting on me and I am being extremely cautious, and this will continue. Please accept me - for me, and realize I may do things a little different. But I think my longer runs will be beneficial when I do toe up at Seattle and try and BQ. But will admit the hills do worry me because I really am not doing any real hill work, but my my long runs and 30 mile weekends should give me the endurance and stamina to conquer the hills and finish strong. Speaking of stamina, I am trying to work on that as I think that would have been a weakness for me last year running Marathons. So that's why I ran 18 miles at Marathon pace Sat, and that makes perfect sense to me trying to build stamina. I felt great after that run and could have ran more miles at that pace, but I may be nuts....but not that nuts Smile And now the hydration and fueling issues - I agree with less or none is better on most our runs, but don't really agree with running 20 or more miles using this thought process (could be dangerous the way I think about it) I will admit my last 2 - 23 milers I nailed my fuel and hydration needs and felt great at the end. But with some of the theories I am hearing is - it is better to crash and burn and barely making it home, then feeling good after the long run....I have a hard time with that thinking myself. But hey...I am not saying I am right Smile Speaking of work....I need to get some done... Hope everyone has a great day... happy running...and hugs to our injured folk! TimBo Speaking of the hills at Seattle, this looks like a 5 mile climb between miles 15 and 20...yikes. Click on the 26.2 button on the right hand side to make the graph bigger

            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

              Tim, you certainly aren't making me uncomfortable with your runs lately. I'm sure whomever wrote that quote to you meant it in a positive manner reflecting on your recent training results. "No one runs 18 MP miles during training" - not because they shouldn't do it - but because most can't do it during training. Race day adrenaline and taper time makes MP possible for the whole distance. Don't worry about the hills. They have a saying that "Hillwork is speedwork in disquise". So conversely, any true speedwork you do is hillwork in disquise. You're going to eat up those hills with your determination. Bill

              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                Plan is to do 8X1k at 3:45 per k pace along the canal at lunch today. Looks like a gorgeous day..and sunny. 12 Days to go till M day.... Get your motor running Head out on the highway Lookin' for adventure In whatever comes our way (that's really what a marathon is all about..whatever comes our way and can we overcome it) Enjoy Tall

                Recent Best times: None recently

                  Morning, gang! Nice kickoff, Lou! Karin - I agree - love the early morning sunrise - my favorite time of year for running. dg - first in your age group!!! Yeahhh!!! Tim - only you can know what's best for your body - sounds like you are listening to it, so don't worry about what anyone else thinks. Your running is pretty awesome right now. Working home today, so I got to sleep in a bit. Jesse and I did 6 hilly miles - 40 degrees and a light breeze - perfect running weather. Now Jesse is napping, and I have to get back to work. Good runs everybody!

                  Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                    Tired but happy now. (blaming the tiredness on Ovechkin and Crosby though)
                    And the happiness on Steckel? Tongue Condolences to all Canadians this morning. You know why. Henrun—glad to hear you don’t have a stress fracture. PF should be more manageable. Leslie—nice job on that tough 30K Eliz—I’m with your doc; no need for speedwork for a first marathon. (And glad your shoulder’s better.) Weighed in for the first time in about six weeks. Up 4 pounds; I had no idea I had developed that much muscle. Cooler today so a sproinkier run with hills. 8.6 miles.

                    Be safe. Be kind.

                      "No one runs 18 miles at MP during training." Interesting since I do this during training (not every week, but still---and at least one 20 miler at MP). I think Bill is right in that very few CAN do this, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. Don't worry so much about what other people are thinking Tim. Like Sue said, only you can know. P.S. Tramps! Happiness on Steckel?! Tongue No, happy because the run is over and I have my coffee cup by my side. The mood gauge after tonight's games may be intense....stay tuned.

                        good morning Smile thanks evryday, Karin, Sue, Nancy.... (Karin.. red or white?) You are just what I needed this morning... I was a bit bummed (hee) because I tripped again this morning. Angry Tight lipped. After just about a half mile. This is getting ridiculous. I tried one more lap, it hurt, so I stopped & did 45 min. on the elliptical, 6.15 miles I think. side planks & reverse crunches w/the stability ball, and that was it! Time to develop a new plan... well, I just did. But I need to change it. Late as always for that same stupid thing Lou has to do. Later to catch up I hope.

                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          Dg! Sneaking in another race report at the end of the daily, eh? And so calmly mentioning that you won 1st in your AG in BOTH of your first 2 5K’s – yowza! Congratulations! ETA - sorry for the trip today. Hope the aftereffects are minimal. 10 miles for me today in 45°, including 9 x ¼ mile intervals, with ¼ mile recoveries. Another “no looking at the Garmin” run, just hitting “lap” every time I passed a certain point. I actually meant to do 8 intervals, but I lost count along the way. Roll eyes Intervals were thus, with paces based on the assumption of a 440 yard track. 1:39 (6:36) 1:41 (6:44) 1:37 (6:28) 1:40 (6:40) 1:43 (6:52) 1:42 (6:48) 1:42 (6:48) 1:41 (6:44) 1:41 (6:44) I just love seeing that 6:XX, even if it’s only for a ¼ mile. I didn’t need to walk during any of the recoveries, and at the end I was tired, but could have done another. Maybe more. Right now I know I had a good workout but feel fairly energetic still. It’s taken me 6 months to get to this level of fitness and I am loving the feeling. Hope I can stay here a while. Tongue

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                          Trails are hard!

                            Timbo--your running makes me uncomfortable only if envious is counted as uncomfortable Wink As for me, another complete lake loop and at an improved pace!! 3.1 Mi in 32:05.94, Avg pace 10:22 Here's a question for everyone. I can now do my 5K loop at a comfortable pace. Should I start working on doing the loop faster or add distance, even if it means slowing down again? I know the distance will have to start going up eventually, but I'm wondering if I should be down into my old training pace (under 9M/M) before I start on that. Thanks

                            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                            Marathon Maniac #3309

                              Tim, you certainly aren't making me uncomfortable with your runs lately. I'm sure whomever wrote that quote to you meant it in a positive manner reflecting on your recent training results.
                              I most certainly knew who said this was saying it in a positive way....wanted to share that and say thanks Smile It's just that some - through personal Emails - kinda let me have it about my 23 miler with 18 at MP (so I guessed more people than I thought may have be thinking the same thing...maybe I was wrong) stumpy, to give my 2 cents worth....for now, adding more miles would be much better then speed right now for you (but you could add a little speed work in there a time or two a week) Tim

                              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                                Tim, I doubt anyone is shaking thier head at your runs in any negative light. Frankly, I'm quite jealous of your mileage and I'm sure many others are. Here's a quote I like to use. It's from one of my favorite IronBabes.....I'm quite sure you can relate to this. "If you over trained, it means that you didn't train hard enough to handle that level of training...So you weren't over trained; you were actually under trained to begin with..." (Hillary Biscay) Ironman Freak- Now we could talk about some potentially flawed logic in your thinking about a 23 miler with 18 at MP. While there are certainly some gains there it's the timing on this training that will have more positive or negative result. In your case I think the timing was spot on........3 weeks ago probably not so good. And of course.......maybe your MP is too high. Like Bill said......most can't.