Masters Running


Tuesday runs and such (Read 506 times)


    that is funny about the wedding mishaps. . . although I'm wondering if it was noticeable that the FIL had his pants unzipped ALL through the wedding and reception, why did no one discreetly say something to him. . . hmm, derrick??? Wink


    Mariposai, I love hearing your updates of your DH and his running. That is just fabulous!  I really envy all of you who have spouses that either run with you, or support you in such ways like driving you somewhere and drop you off to run back home, meet you at a certain spot with hydration, etc. 


    up at 5:30 a.m. so by about 6:00 I went out for a run in the coolness of the morning. 3.7 miles today. While the rest of the nation seems to be in terrible heat and humidity, we have an overcast day, chance of a few scattered showers later today and only around mid 70's. I'm enjoying the break from the heat we've had though.



    Marathon Iowa 2014

      Oh there's some good stuff here today.


      Derrick - that wedding sounded like some that I've been to.  I remember one outdoor wedding where the cake collapsed (it was a beautiful 4 tier job).


      Tom White - you devil you.


      Leslie - DH used the manual drip method?  Harsh.


      Jeanne - do you really want another John Doe?   When I was a kid, that was my only pet.  We had 3 goldfish - they eventually turned white because of the municipal water (chlorine, florine, and probably a few other ines).  One of the goldfish (Priscilla) actually lived for almost 10 years.  She developed an air bubble on  her underside, and floated upside down for the last 2 years.  If she had come along a generation later, she would have been a youtube star.


      Anyways - 80 degrees at 5:30 am. It was a slow 10 miler.  Nature count - saw many birds, 10 bunnies (a record), 1 hunting cat, several barking dogs, one chipmunk, and two flies (accidentally swallowed).  A number of deer flies feasted on me as well.  Consider it a hobby hazard.

        Enough people asked me to post my Wave run thoughts that I've decided to go ahead and do so.  I have donned my Flame Retardant Suit so Flame away as you wish!


        But I am going to veer only slightly off topic and talk mostly about Tempo runs - in my opinion a Wave run is just a variation on a Tempo run anyway.  Sorry for being so wordy and getting a little off track with the following.  But a background is needed to understand how Wave runs and other Tempo runs fit into the overall training plan.


        Most training program are structured as follows, with some variations both in length of time and individual needs/desires/weaknesses/preferences:

        Phase 1 - Base Building/Endurance:  Usually a 8 to 12 week period of time where the focus is on building up the daily/weekly/monthly mileage and adding to the runner's endurance.  Pace is sorta irrelevant here.  Just get the miles in.  Some runners stay in this phase for many months (i.e. when just starting out or resuming after an extended layoff or just because you want to maximize your aerobic development)  If one were looking at HR, they might want to keep their HR down to 70% of max. HR, if not lower.  Conversational/Easy pace runs.


        Phase 2 - Strength Building/Stamina:  Usually a 4 to 8 week period of time where faster/harder paces are added to a number of the weekly workouts.  Often Hill work and/or Tempo runs are added here to build up the strength and stamina - the ability to hold a strong pace for many miles and when tired.  This is the phase where Tempo runs (and Wave runs) come into play.  When running the harder workouts during this phase, one might shoot for their HR being up in the 75% to 85% range while doing the harder bits.  Comfortably Hard runs.


        Phase 3 - Race Readiness/Sharpening/Speed:  Usually no more than 4 weeks, situated right before Taper begins.  This is where you (might) add some anaerobic (aka VO2 max) workouts - in the form of shorter races and/or speed work on the track, MP runs, repeats/intervals, to peak for your Goal race.  One has to be careful here as there is a limit to how much anaerobic work one can handle, and injuries are more likely now, due both to the long training you've done to get to this point and due to the speed workouts themselves.  Anaerobic workouts will tear you down if done too hard or too often.  Remember, you want to Peak for your Goal Race, not Peak too early and go downhill from there.  During speedwork and/or races, the HR could go up into the 90% to 95% range.  Hard runs.


        Phase 4 - Taper:  Easing off the mileage, while keeping the quality, allowing the body, mind, and legs to get stronger (and healed up if necessary) by resting more and more up till race day.


        Tempo runs have become a staple of the strength/stamina building for many Coaches mainly and simply because they Work!  Want to run a good Marathon?  Run a bunch of Tempos and Fast Finish LR's!  Tempo miles (and hill work) build Strength/Stamina and help push out the Lactate Threshold - all of which lead to stronger efforts in races when the legs (and everything else!) get tired.


        Most people define Tempo pace as being anywhere from 10K pace (aka Short Tempo pace) and Half Marathon pace (aka Long Tempo pace).   Comfortably Hard.  And most people limit Tempo runs to a max. of 4 or 5 or 6 miles; typically up to about 40 minutes total or so.  But if one was to go out and run a 5 mile Tempo run at, say, 10K pace after having done nothing but easy runs for weeks/months, they are asking for trouble; soreness, aches and pains at least and injuries at worst.  Like anything else, you need to ease into them.


        And that's where Fartleks and Wave runs come in.  Tinman prescribed weeks and weeks of ever increasing Fartleks to my Columbus 2009 training plan.  I had no idea what they were for, but I just kept doing them.  He started me out with 400 meter repeats with 2 minute recoveries and over time pushed them out to 800, then 1000, then 1200, then mile repeats - all at 10K pace, no faster.  The 10K pace makes this a Tempo Interval workout (Fartleks, Mass, or CV in Tinman-speak) as opposed to the harder and faster repeats you might do at these distances and intervals during the Race Readiness/Sharpening phase.  Eventually I noticed that the total number of minutes that I ran at Tempo pace was the generally the same (though they did increase somewhat) while increasing my Tempo repeat distance and reducing the number of those repeats.  They always seemed to add up to about 40 minutes total.


        A Wave run, in my opinion, is nothing more than another  Tempo run variation where you run at 10K or HM pace during the "On" miles and you run EZ pace during the "Off" miles; alternating them after a suitable warm up distance.  The beauty of a Wave run is that you get a great Tempo workout within a medium long run (MLR ) or long run (LR) because the "Off" miles give you a sufficient recovery period to be able to both finish all the "On" miles and finish off the overall total miles of the run.


        A Fast Finish LR is similar, but here you run a long ways then try to finish off the last 4 to 6 miles at a faster pace, where you're already very tired from the overall number of miles you've run to get to that point - great preparation and practice for that tough, last 10K miles of a Marathon.


        Last but not least, do no more than 2 harder workouts each week.  3 perhaps if you're younger or in really, really great shape.  All other days are run at no more than Easy or recovery pace.


        Okay.  I'm ready.  Bring on the Flame Throwers!



        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

          Just beautiful Byll, really.


          Mariposai - champagne!, ok, you got it (if I show up!)  What else would you desire?  Smoked salmon on cream cheese bagels?  Smoothies?

          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

          King of PhotoShop

            You'll get no flames from me.  That was beautifully done and i have nothing to add, except to put a big exclamation point about how the wave has all these recovery miles within it so you get the advantage of lots of quality miles and lots of total miles in one workout, and that since you do just 2 workouts a week with a lot of miles and quality within them, you also get more recovery time. I love the darned workout!  Thanks Bill.  Spareribs


              That was interesting Bill. Thanks for taking the time to write that all out. Maybe I just don't know enough about the nuances of training methods, because I don't see anything in there that is controversial really. it all makes good sense to me and seems to fall in line with various training articles and methods that I've read about.  



                I've tried the wave run a couple times with minimal success. Not only do I need to work on my pacing (as in: control it), but I need a flatter terrain to really put it into use. Seems like when I'm supposed to do the slow or easy miles, it's flat or downhill. When it's time for the faster miles, I've got uphill or lots of traffic breaks. I know... just change my route, right? Easier said than done, and going back and forth drives me nuts. I guess I could do it if I put more effort into it. Just don't want to. (yes, I've been called uncoachable before!)


                Funny wedding story, MD. I'm sure the bride wasn't laughing (yet). But yeah, in a few years, it'll be a good story to bring out and dust off.


                Good for you, tw. I love it.


                {{Leslie}} that's as much for the coffee situation as the foot. I'm a coffee addict too. We usually drink Starbucks Verona, but there's a local coffee shop that does a good job with the Ethiopian Yrgacheffe (I'm sure I didn't spell that right....).


                Lamerunner, I meant to comment on your tri the other day. I'm so proud of you for doing that, and even though it wasn't the best experience, you didn't rule out doing it again! All of you who do these just impress the hell out of me.


                Missed a perfect running day yesterday but I really needed the day off. 2 miles on the Elliptical and 20 minutes of U/B weights at lunch was good enough. Today we went to the gym early, but just to shower before work. I can go two days without washing my hair, but that's about it unless I'm camping. It's raining off and on today, so if it's nice at lunch I'll go for a run. If it's not I'll go later. If my legs feel good I might hit the hilly trails. If they feel tired I'll just run easy. One of these days I need to start running serious hills (up and down). My training plan is so sophisticated. Roll eyes

                  DrRobin, neat pictures of your speedy son.  Congrats to him on his win and you on your race.  mari, congrats to your husband on his 10 mile week and plans to increase his long run.  OM, good going on your 10 mile walk.  jlynne, belated happy anniversary.  lame, way to go in your tri.  craneium, I liked your vacation pictures.  derrick, that was quite the wedding.  There will be more stories and memories than from most weddings.  lame, happy birthday to your daughter.  Mike, I think people have a good idea in suggesting you see a doctor.  That said, I doubt I would and it would drive my wife nuts.


                  Nice long runs for holly, evan, breger, dive, and PBJ.  Good job on the speedwork for hermosa and Ilene.


                  This morning, it was about 70°, almost calm, and humid.  I got in 8 miles in about 1:22:30 for a 10:19 pace.


                  A good day and good runs for all.



                    I've tried the wave run a couple times with minimal success. Not only do I need to work on my pacing (as in: control it), but I need a flatter terrain to really put it into use. Seems like when I'm supposed to do the slow or easy miles, it's flat or downhill. When it's time for the faster miles, I've got uphill or lots of traffic breaks. I know... just change my route, right? Easier said than done, and going back and forth drives me nuts. I guess I could do it if I put more effort into it. Just don't want to. (yes, I've been called uncoachable before!)


                    Erika, with respect to the bolded text in yuor quote, it sounds to me like your Hills are giving you exactly what I'm talking about!


                    I may have written almost exclusively about "10K Pace", but "10K Effort" works equally well.  For those of us in flat terrains, the only way to get 10K effort is to run 10K pace!  You, with the hills, have effort built right in.  If it feels like a really easy running effort while running downhill, you're doing Easy.  If it feels Comfortably Hard when you're running uphill, you're doing Tempos.  Even if you never change your pace an iota!


                    Uncoachable?  Nah.  Your Coach (you) is doing fine.



                    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                      I'm not really here.  I was on vacation last week (ran a total of 2 miles), and am continuing to enjoy a two-week rest and relaxation period during which I will run a total of about 15 - 20 miles. I got in 4.5 today.


                      When I got back from vacation, my doctor's office called with the results from my annual physical, including the blood work.   My total cholesterol skyrocketed to 121.  But my HDL dropped from 41 to 39, just below the Mendoza line.  Seriously, with the total being so low and the ratio of total to HDL at about 3:1, he's ok with the low HDL number.  I wish it would go up, though.  I did 3 40+ mile weeks in a row and that was as high as it got. Meh.



                        Hey All,


                        Managed 8.26 miles at an easy pace.  Still a lot of DOMs from Sunday's race, especially quads.  The long fast downhill mile in the middle of the race beat them up a bit I guess.  Soaked in some epsom salts afterwards - that usually helps me.  I'd say it was HH today but I don't want to get Ribs worked up - besides any day with no snow is a good day in CNY.


                        Byll - thanks for taking the time to write that out.  I will try a few wave runs - the canal towpath is ideally suited for it.  As you may recall, I am a big believer in fast finish mLR & LRs. Waves should be a nice variation on the same theme.


                        TW - smooth, very smooth


                        Dive - chuckled at your car dealing story.  And at Derrick's wedding story.


                        Got my notice my entry has been accepted for the JFK 50 in Nov.  Need to put together a serious training plan and follow it.  Given the time I can now devote to real training, I could really have a breakthrough on this race.




                          4 miles aroud the neighbourhood.  It was cool, overcast, but muggy.  It felt really hard.  The construction flagger at the end of my street asked me how my "walk" was - as I was doing a cool down walk up to the house, with sweat dripping all over me.  Roll eyes

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                            4 miles aroud the neighbourhood.  It was cool, overcast, but muggy.  It felt really hard.  The construction flagger at the end of my street asked me how my "walk" was - as I was doing a cool down walk up to the house, with sweat dripping all over me.  Roll eyes


                            you should have responded "this cool down walk feels great after the 15 miles i just ran"


                              From Monday evening:


                              enkephalin well my "racing" is not really racing because I am so slow.  Also, the local race series starts very short and we are still under four miles.  Last but not least, my PT thinks I am good to go so long as I keep my speed down.  About your SRD, how do you do a garden if you are blind?


                              divechief if you are willing to factory order a car you can get the price down to a hundred or so over invoice.  I just ask each dealer for a quote of $X over invoice and tell them I will let them know later what I plan to order. After a few rounds of bidding you are good to go.  Heck, I do not even go to the showroom anymore.  I just get the bids via the internet, over it over internet, and finally meet the guy who sold me the car the day I pick it up!  As to you needing motivation for your training it seems to me anybody with "Maniac 505" under his avatar really, really does not need motivation to go run!


                              Opie sounds like it was a great run.  Who shorted your PC?  Do you have a long one too?  Big grin




                              marathon derrick that wedding mishap list sounds pretty funny!  But, I bet the "victims" did not think so at the time!


                              Jlynne ok a moment of silence for the fish . . . Now about those mosquitoes, I would hate to spray bug repellent on myself pre-run but the trail seems like a shame to cut out because of the nasty little critters.


                              tomwhite now you just need her phone number!  Clown


                              Mariposai I know what a big deal it has been to get your DH to run, so great news on his going out yet again.


                              Ileneforward man I have to figure out how to get healed up to the point where I can do intervals.  I am actually jealous and I HATE intervals!


                              lamerunner just keep telling yourself 6.5 miles in H&H beats 6.5 in ice and snow.  Happy 18 to your DD!


                              fatozzig hang on and let the foot heal.  It will happen and you will be glad you waited it out.  Well then you will be.  Now you will pretty miserable about it.  Alas, such is life.  Sad


                              PBJ funny whenever I tell people that running on the road is way better than the TM, the dedicated TM newbies ask why?  They say they can watch TV what can you see outside.  I tell them things like you look for rabbits, birds, whatnot.  It passes fast.  They look at me like I have gone over the edge!  I think you have to run to know how entertaining trivia like animal searching can be!


                              evanflein maybe, but it seems to work quite well!  Most runners would envy your times.


                              BTY since you are not here I am not writing this.  Clown


                              SkipAZ yea a serious training plan with the JFK 50 on tap is likely a good idea!  Wink


                              enkephalin you should have gone over and given him a hug and told him "Nice and cool!"  Big grin


                              Today was 9 miles.  I have to either get in better shape or get up earlier.  In my running past HH were never a problem.  Sun, clouds, whatnot no matter.  Apparently not so now!  I got up well after sunrise and by mid-run the sun was beaming down on me through long stretches of my run.  I wilted.  Well so long as I was in the sun.  The second I got back on a shaded street I was good to go again.  I think this means on Thursday it is a 5am wake up for me!  Oh DW will be so happy about that.  Roll eyes  Tomorrow it is back to my PT and the elliptical.

                              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                              an amazing likeness

                                Enough people asked me to post my Wave run thoughts that I've decided to go ahead and do so...



                                I usually don't post in the daily messages, so excuse me for jumping in.  Thank you for posting that. I've been reading folks commenting on "wave" runs here for a while and haven't been able to figure out how to decode that.

                                Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.
