Masters Running


Friday, November 18 Runs and Giggles (Read 589 times)

    Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!  Can't wait to see how Karin does in Philly - she is going to rock. 


    Windy here today as well, though that is somewhat par for the course around here.  Out for five easy miles in the sunshine and low 40s, though certainly felt much colder.  I think I underdressed in shorts and a t-shirt and was going kind of numb by the time I got back.  Wind chill was decidedly in the 30s. 

    Once a runner . . .

      I went the opposite way from jdmom. The thermometer was reading about 30 at 8AM, but when I went out for my run an hour later I didn't realize how much it had gone up. So I was definitely overdressed and got back from my 4-miler pretty well soaked beneath my running jacket (which I didn't need in the first place).


      On my run along the Clinton River Trail, I reflected on how different it is after the change of seasons. In the summer, the trail is lined with trees and foliage, which is nice in its way, but come winter with the leaves down you can see much farther into the woods. Today I enjoyed seeing the river itself where it's usually hidden, meandering around its many curves on its way downstream. 


      Have a good weekend, everyone!

      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

        Ribs, all I could come up with is two.  One right here, Oklahoma City, and the other is Carson City, NV.

        "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

          I went the opposite way from jdmom. The thermometer was reading about 30 at 8AM, but when I went out for my run an hour later I didn't realize how much it had gone up. So I was definitely overdressed and got back from my 4-miler pretty well soaked beneath my running jacket (which I didn't need in the first place).


          You could have just tied it around your waist Doug!   Wink


          Holly - I liked The Lincoln Lawyer too.


          I am thinking Ribs ..... Oklahoma City and Kansas City pop into my head ..... thinking, thinking.....(cannot google)....


          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



            Kansas is Topeka


            Salt Lake City  UT...easy one


            Jefferson City MO...not so easy but I'm a neighboring State.


            Come to think of it though...There is Kansas City Kansas and Kansas City Missouri.

            Marathon Maniac #3309


              Timbo - isn't that Jodi the same one who's been sort of giving you mixed messages for years?




               Yeah it is....she is a self proclaimed man hater. She thinks all of life's problems can be traced back to men - LOL, maybe they can Smile. She goes totally from one extreme, to the next - these highs and lows which are very scary to be around actually. So, I need to just let her be. She complains about everyone and everything, when it's herself that is so mistrusting and cynical about life. Not is too short, as most believe. Petty and snobby people.........I hate that.


              Just so ya know...I don't call women the names I mentioned yesterday. I am not a stupid guy, but rather just being goofy. I treat all woman with the utmost respect. Just ask Holly....I have been with her  3 different occasions meeting up at races (and all the gals at the Seattle marathon 2009) Then there was Ribs runner friend Kelly, that I took very good care of in Indianapolis as we even shared a room together. And I took care of everything from A to Z, as she was getting Indiana off her list of all 50 States to run a marathon in.


              I say things sometimes, just being my goofy self - feel guilty even tho I mean no harm - then feel like I need to explain myself....just me  Blush 


              Brrrr, 7 easy miles last night...and it was cold and windy -  wind chill in the 20's I guess. I wore my really good gloves, but my hands still got cold.


              So....I hear Jlynne knows how to throw a party  Smile


              TGIF....have a great day


              T-Bo..............speaking of which, he is doing awesome in Denver - 4 &1 as a starter 

              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!



                I stopped in to read about male models, and all I get is state capitals...   Roll eyes

                I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                  I stopped in to read about male models, and all I get is state capitals...   Roll eyes


                  Big grin


                  Ok, that's two good laughs from the daily for me today.


                    I was thinking, "Detroit Rock City"



                      Moscato is adorable! Thanks for the daily picture Mary!


                      Barbara - that's a cute joke! 


                      Steve - I enjoyed the pic you posted last night also. I fired up my computer at home and and DS saw that picture also - he let out a big "awwww!" Very adorable. 


                      I haven't taken any pics of B&B in over a month now. Need to do that. I'll get some this weekend - maybe when we got out running on our trail.  They don't appear to have grown much to me in the last couple months now though. Still right around that 57-60 lb mark. They seem so small to me, but then I'm used to my other 100 lb beasts.


                      I haven't been able to run even once yet this week. Well, I did run down the driveway and back with the dogs last night, but that's only about 4/10th of a mile. They needed to get rid of some of their energy. the fall/winter time is tough on these two energy-bursting dogs because they are indoors more. After a long night of heavy rain though, I'm seeing some blue sky out there so maybe it'll clear up a bit today and I can get in a RAL. Might only be a few miles, but I guess something is better than nothing.


                      Good luck to all our racers this weekend!!!  Looking forward to the day when I can put in the time to start training again and enter a few races.


                      Mike E

                      MM #5615

                        Hey guys-- Sure is a lot going on this morning. We are passing through bismarck, nd. The gps says my next turn is in 952 miles. Just had my daughter read me all the posts today. Its fun to hear her put her own inflextions on each word. And plus for dd, dh, dw she says "dearest". thanks Wild for including Ryan in the weekend races. Kind of got it ita late start today. I looked at my watch and thought the 7 was a 5 and went back to sleep. So got up at 7:30 and went out for a 3.1 mile run with my dearest daughter. Even though I ran 6.2 miles yestetday before we left. My dearest daughter has now ran 165 days in a row. I just thought I would check in before I have to turn in 930 miles.

                        King of PhotoShop

                          Good job; you got them all.  Oklahoma, Carson, Salt Lake and Jefferson.  Well done.


                          I don't always post the Dallas Morning News running blog links here unless I think there was something that would have some appeal, but today I will because it's the story of Neal Bascomb, author of "The Perfect Mile" running the Marine Corps Marathon, and worth reading I think.





                          Mike E

                          MM #5615

                            Speaking of male models....when I was in high school I posed in front of the art classes in bikini underwear for them to draw me. I remember being able to watch one kid who was right in front of me, he was almost done and must not of liked it and turned the paper over and redrew me. When he was done he turned the paper back over to his original drawing and started doodling on it. When I saw him draw antennaes on my head I busted out laughing. That was the end of the session for the day.

                              I stopped in to read about male models, and all I get is state capitals...   Roll eyes




                                and therein lies the reason you will see far more conversation in yesterdays thread about models. . . . Joking


                                {wondering if I should go into my photobucket . . . I think I have a few photos still in there from days long gone . . .}

