Masters Running


Friday's Daily, 9.6.13 (Read 50 times)



    Tramps, you have really unusual taste in music!  First it was Morphine, and now this?  (I think the video is funny, too.)

    DollarBill, your kids are fast, and smart!  Good luck to them.  (Penn is my alma mater.)  You forgot to tell us if you have any dogs or cats.


    I went for a fun 9 mile trail run in Golden Gate Canyon State park this morning. I figured I should switch to morning running because I have a morning race a week from tomorrow.  But I went at a civilized time after the sun came up, unlike Jay.   It's nice to work part time so I can have a more flexible running schedule.  I had the trails mostly to myself this morning, which was good because I was running shirtless, and didn't want to offend anybody.  There was one couple hiking, though, who were both wearing headphones, and I had to say "excuse me" three times -- progressively louder each time -- before they heard me and let me pass.


    Hey, just in case you were wondering (I know Mike E was!)  the forecast for Pine, Colorado for next Saturday is a low of 48, high of 66, with 20% chance of afternoon showers.  I found an elevation profile for the race - it's two 13.3 mile laps in Staunton State Park, all on trails:


    This is very similar to what I've been running all summer (look at my log to see today's run, for example) so I'm feeling good about the race.

    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

      I saw that today was "Fight Procrastination Day" and I was thinking (really!), I wonder how to create one of those weird "days".  In honor of Ribs, the forum guru, i would like to create "Tie Your Jacket Around Your Waist Day".

      "Tie Your Jacket Around Your Waist while wearing orange race-day t-shirt with green shoes and fanny pack containing with cell phone and gels to eat at the start and every mile thereafter Day"


      Got a haircut for special visitor this weekend.

      Whycan't they put warm water in spray bottle

      for the back of your neck.   brrrrr.

      What would PBJ do?

      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

      Marathon Maniac #957

        Evening, folks.  Just to clarify: Jlynne, It is my mom, not stepmom, and Tammy, she does not have Alzheimer's, but rather Lou Gehrig's.  Her mind is still intact, but her body is failing.  I'm not sure that is a blessing, though.  Regardless, your thoughts and support are greatly appreciated.  You people are so wonderful, and really lift my spirits -thank you.


        Dollarbill - you are NOT boring us.  I love to hear about people.


        Ribs - that sounds like fun!


        Enke - hang in there.


        No run for me today, no workout, nada.  I went into work early so I could get off early, and visited my mom for the afternoon.


        I am tapering anyway, with the Erie Marathon next weekend, but if my mom passes before then I may not go.  We will see.


        Picked up Oblivion from the Red Box for family movie night, off to watch.


        Enjoy the gift!

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


          An update on my condition. We just returned from an appointment at the Spine Center where we went over my MRI. The good news is that my upper spine is that of a 30 year old. The bad news is that my lower spine is that of a 2,000 year old man (with apologies to Mel Brooks). A combination of arthritis and a  herniated disc has resulted in moderately severe sciatica making even walking difficult. I'm continuing in PT, medication, and have an appointment to evaluate the effect of a cortisone injection.

          I guess that the lesson learned is that even though I'm 6 months from my 80th birthday, all those years of continuous exercise have kept most of my body in excellent shape regardless of my genetics.

            "Tie Your Jacket Around Your Waist while wearing orange race-day t-shirt with green shoes and fanny pack containing with cell phone and gels to eat at the start and every mile thereafter Day"




            I wondered when that was//..................


            (((henrun)))...........Wishing you Soft Surfaces and New Shoes........




            worked out in almost 2-weeks//.............the Scary Part is I'M ENJOYING IT !!!!!!!




            ..................good running guys.............Welcome to DollarBill

            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

              Holly – I hope that you are feeling the love and that is helps


              Enke – I can teach you how to knit – would that help?


              This morning started with an early morning run to work. It is my Friday morning commute for a weekly 7:00am meeting. I would resent this BUT as a cancer nurse, I appreciate the opportunity to meet with the other nurses, the docs, and social worker to figure out how best to take care of patients. Unlike lazy-pants I woke up early to get an extra mile in.


              Dave 59 is just trouble today


              Little Walter loved the video Tramps!



              Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.

              Groucho Marx

              Maniac 505

                Henry: sorry,  I hope PT can take at least a millinia or so off your lower back.


                It's great to be typing on a real keyboard again,  I hate trying to post from my phone.


                I had a fun 4 days cycling in and around Victoria BC,  I rode about 100 miles,  more than 1/2 on dirt trails.  15 miles on a dirt trail in the rain turned the 6 speed bike into a 3 speed for a while. It was easy enough to fix when I found a drinking fountain so I could fill my water bottle a few times and hose off the drive train.


                The ferry has a $25 bike surcharge since they need extra handling.  The brompton when folded should be treated like any other luggage.  I had it inside a $5.00 Ikea bag.  The ferry to BC was flawless,  standing in line for baggage check on the way back, an employe of the ferry company was taking luggage from people in line if they already had a boarding pass.  I fell in that catagory, but he looked at the package and said I would need to fill out a bike form.  I didn't argue with him,  just decided to wait till I got to the luggage check.  When she asked what was in the bag I told her it was a "Mobility assistance device" (I have read the Brompton forum so I was ready)  She said Oh,  I thought it was a french horn.  she put a luggage tag on it and that was it.


                I'm off to Portland for the weekend tomorrow to see one of my best friends from college.  Thanks to the Internet, we just re-connected.  The last time I saw him, he visited my house in Montana and we got burried in ash from Mt ST. Helens.


                I'm looking forward to the little get together at the Ave next spring.  I guess I should start training.

                  Just quickly....Tet! I ran with one of the Running Rs this morning at 5:30 (easy 6.5) and there's a blog post that might bring a smile to your face---others who know Francesca will grin too




                  ((((Holly))))) not easy to bear witness to such a disease


                  Big ((((( henrun)))) as well.


                  More this weekend....intense week and I need ZZZZZZZZZZs

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    I guess that the lesson learned is that even though I'm 6 months from my 80th birthday, all those years of continuous exercise have kept most of my body in excellent shape regardless of my genetics.


                    That's the best takeaway here.  I hope that the PT and treatments help for your lower back.

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
