Masters Running


Intrepid Racers - August 25th & ahead! (Read 202 times)


    And the racing continues! Good luck and fleet feet to all racers - have fun!


    ************This week and weekend*******************

    08/24 SteveP - North Country Trail Run 13.1, Manistee, MI

    08/24-25 Dove - Hood to Coast Relay, Seaside, OR

    08/25 Dave59 - Crim 10-mile, Flint, MI

    08/25 evanflein - Golden Heart Trail Run 5k

    08/25 pfriese - 5K to Monet, Edmond OK

    08/26 Ileneforward - USATF-SC Road Mile, El Toro CA


    ****** next week and ahead *********


    09/01 tetsujin - Imperial Palace Marathon (Tokyo - waraji)
    09/02 OrangeMat - Run the Reservoir HM, Westwood NJ

    09/03 Dave59 - Labor Day 5k, Midland, MI

    09/03 Ileneforward - Conquer the Bridge, San Pedro CA

    09/03 wildchild - American Discovery Trail Marathon, Colorado Springs, CO

    09/03 MilkTruck - Applecrest Half Marathon, Hampton Falls, NH

    09/03 SteveP & Avenger Doggie - Pure Michigan 5k, Thompsonville, MI

    09/08 Mariposai - Lake Chelan Marathon, Chelan, WA

    09/08 SLOjim - Heartbreak Ridge Half Marathon, Camp Pendleton, CA

    09/08 Coastwalker - Fox Point Sunset 5 Miler, Newington, NH

    09/08 deez4boyz - Pumpkinman Sprint Triathlon

    09/08 pfriese - Dash for Dad Half Marathon, Oklahoma City OK

    09/15 wildchild - Autumn Color Run marathon, Buena Vista, CO

    09/15 HollyS - Equinox Marathon, Fairbanks, AK

    09/15 evanflein - Equinox Marathon, Fairbanks AK

    09/15 StarrRuns - Turkey Day 10K, Worthington, MN

    09/16 MilkTruck - Portland Trails to Ale 10K, Portland, ME

    09/22 deez4boyz -  Lobster Dash, Ogunquit, Maine

    09/22 pfriese - Rock & Roll Denver Half Marathon, Denver CO (7:15 am)

    09/22 pfriese - Oktoberfest 5K, Highlands Ranch CO (12:30)

    09/22 SLOjim - Anaheim's Fest of Ales and Beer Run 5K, Anaheim, CA

    09/23 TammyinGP - The Rogue Run HM, Medford OR

    09/29 TammyinGP - Enchanted Forest Wine Run HM, Applegate OR

    09/30 henrun -  Smuttynose Half Marathon, Hampton, NH

    09/30 Marj -   Smuttynose Half Marathon, Hampton, NH

    09/30 MilkTruck - Maine Marathon, Portland, ME

    09/30 StarrRuns - Run Crazy Horse Half Marathon, Hill City, SD




    10/06 Opie - St. George Marathon, St. George, UT

    10/07 shadowrunner -Steamtown Marathon, Scranton, PA

    10/06 Ileneforward - Chapman Univ 5k, Orange CA

    10/07 Ileneforward - Long Beach Marathon, LB CA

    10/13 OrangeMat - NY Rock & Roll 10k, Prospect Park, NY

    10/14 Dave59 - Inaugural Lighthouse Half Marathon, Traverse City, MI

    10/21 Twocat - Amsterdam Marathon, Amsterdam, Netherlands

    10/21 Ileneforward - Huntington Beach Derby 10 miler, HB CA

    10/27 TammyinGP - Grants Pass HM, GP OR

    10/28 Coastwalker - White Mountain Miler's Half Marathon, N. Conway, NH

    10/28 Ileneforward - LA Cancer Challenge 10k, LA CA




    11/03 wildchild - Moab Trail Marathon, Moab, UT

    11/04 OrangeMat - New York City Marathon, NY NY

    11/04 Ileneforward - Santa Clarita half marathon, Santa Clarita CA

    11/18 HollyS - Flying Monkey Marathon, Nashville TN

    11/18 Ileneforward - Flying Monkey Marathon, Nashville TN 

    11/18 Orange Mat - Flying Monkey Mrathon, Nashville TN

    11/18 pfriese - Flying Monkey Marathon, Nashville TN 

    11/18 wildchild - Flying Monkey Marathon, Nashville TN




    12/02 Fortunate One - California International Marathon, Sacramento, CA

    12/09 Ileneforward - Holiday half marathon, Pomona CA

    12/29-1/1 Dove - Across the Years 72-hour, Glendale, AZ


    Runners run


      Please add:


      09/03 SteveP & Avenger Doggie - Pure Michigan 5k, Thompsonville, MI




      08/24 SteveP - North Country Trail Run 13.1, Manistee, MI


      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

        Dearlene -
        Hoping to make up for all the eating and onsens instead of running this month, I’ll be done with Saturday’s marathon over here on September 1 while it’s still August over there.  Hmmm, I wonder if wildchild will let me count it for August too?

        9/1 tetsujin - Imperial Palace Marathon (Tokyo - waraji)
        ps - what’s all that USATF- SC PDQ ASAP stuff.

        After all your PR’s this year, do you still have to qualify for the Olympics? 


        pps - how many PR’s this year so far?

        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


          I raced the USA Ttrack & Field Southern California Road Mile championships, tetsujin.  That was the first time I ever raced a mile so it was a PR!  Smile


          Runners run


            My apologies Ilene. The half marathon is in August, 2013. 



              Ah!  Big grin


              Runners run