Masters Running


Weds 4/8 Mastery Runs - Rest - and Healing (Read 592 times)

Marathon Maniac #3309

    My come back and good runs have finally caught up with me....BIG TIME. My legs are soooo very sore and tired I barely made 7 miles last night (they are toast). So I packed my gym bag and I am hitting the pool to pool run and swim some laps tonight (Thanks Erika and Bill). I have a 16 plus miler planned this Saturday, and I must stay on track for Seattle...would have pressed through last year. I need to pay closer attention to my diet too, as I think I need more protein as I have increased my carbs...I am at goal weight and prolly need more calories Marathon training right now. 7.3 miles - 1:07:34 - 9:16 recovery pace that felt super hard - 2 bad runs in a row mean a cut back...NOW You all at RA absolutely Rock..and hope everyone has a greta Hump Day Smile What a great day to be alive, and to make a positive difference with the people we will make contact with's all about attitude! evryday, it shrinks?...sounds like a Seinfeld episode (Re: Kat inveigling me out of the shower with my smoke detector) Big grin is sooo funny...well, they all are actually. TimmiBo

    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

      Good Morning Tim and all who follow! 5:15 AM dial-in-the pace run with Tri-guy--32º and overcast. The forecasted snow wasn't falling and the sun breaking on the horizon illuminated the snow cloud from below---it looked like the tie-dye shirt I made in (suburban) 4-H when I was a kid---purple, pink and orange streaks. I was tired after getting home late last night from Atlanta and watching the UConn women win their 6th National championship. We decided to pick a pace that was slower than tempo but not "easy" and then try and hold it steady over hills. All good and moving tempo day to Thursday was a good choice. I am glad you are listening to your body Tim. Rest, fuel, cross-training---everything in a combination that gets you to the starting line and ready to go. Great puppy photos Mary! Congrats to all and especially the Mommy. Whew---serious work!

        Good morning Tim and Karin. Where is everyone else this morning? Must be catching some extra zzz's. Tim - you're getting smart in your old age! Way to listen to your body and back off a notch. You don't want to go through a repeat of last year. Karin - that UConn team is amazing! What a great group of players. They just kind of coasted through the entire game. A season like that will be hard to repeat. Cross training for me today. 5 miles on the eliptical, then I set the resistance as high as it would go for the last 5 minutes. Wow - broke a good sweat doing that! Finished with some core work and free weights. It's a beautiful day here and I wish I had more time to get outside this morning to enjoy the sunshine. But duty calls. Off to earn another paycheck (and I thank God every day that I am able to do that!) Have a great day everyone.
          Good morning everyone. Thanks for the Anniversary wishes yesterday. That was very nice of you! 4.25 miles at recovery pace this morning. Avg HR 125. We're having a couple of days of IRC - probably the last IRC days we'll see till about November. So I wanted to get in a few while it is cool outside. It'll be back up by the weekend. Bill

          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

          Marathon Maniac #957

            Good morning Tim and CNY and Jlynne and Byll and everyone! Timbo – maybe it wouldn’t hurt just to take a rest day? Funny video. Rest day for me, although I did do 20 minutes of core work this morning. I’ve been paining our large family room for weeks now (there’s 3 colors involved and it’s the biggest room in the house, and hey, I’m BUSY okay?, so it’s taking me a while). Anyway, DH, still home from knee surgery, decided to help me finish the project. He called me at work yesterday afternoon to tell me that he had spilled a FULL GALLON of white paint on the carpet - my fault, of course, because there was too much clutter lying about Roll eyes. But to give him credit, he did an amazing job of clean-up, and you can barely tell where the spill was (luckily on the little-used side of the room). Happy Wednesday!

            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


              Good Morning / Day Masters ! Excellent interval workout for me last night. 2 mile warm up followed by 800 repeats. Officially I did 6 at 6:56 pace with 200 m recoveries at 9:30 pace. (70 - 72 seconds recovery time). I say officially because I had machine trouble with the 1st interval set. Anyway, 1st few felt "easy" and had plenty of energy left for the last. I could have done more. Last weeks interval session was at 7:10 pace approx. This morning I hit the pool and opened with a rock solid 1250 yds. Finished that with 750 yds of drills and a couple of maintainence laps for a total of 2000 yds. By a true swimmers standard thats barely a warm up Tongue For me thats a pretty good workout. A bike commute to work today and an easy 6 miler planned for is good.
                Good morning! Tim - smart move to head for the pool - your legs will appreciate it! Mary - keep those puppy pictures coming!! Karin - Yeah UCONN Lady Huskies!!! Wish I had made a tie-dye shirt in 4-H! I made a hideous drawstring skirt with an equally hideous matching top which I can proudly say I never had to wear. I thought 4-H was all about farm animals when I joined - boy was I disappointed to learn that my particular club was all about cooking and sewing. Ewww - not much fun for a tomboy. Bill - enjoy the cool weather while it lasts! Non-running day for me - slept in till 6:30 - whoo hooo!! Core and weights date at noon. Good runs, all!

                Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                  I hear you Sue! I had notions of keeping goats and ducks at our house after learning how to tend to them in 4-H. Our focus was also mostly sewing and domestic arts related activities. I can sew really well, but I clearly snoozed during the other sessions since my husband does ALL the cooking and shopping! We did learn to change the oil and the tires. Come to think of it, Tie dye shirt day was arranged by the same group leader who helped us with car maintenance (never mind that we were all 10 and 11 years old!) Happy (belated) anniversary Bill. Twenty-five years is fabulous. Mr. CNYrunner and I are renewing our vows soon and hope to reach many more milestones too.

                    Good morning! Cool and blustery in NH, feels more like November than April. Got in a reasonably sproinky 6.5. I wanted to do a little more but ran out of time, had to get DD off to school. Legs are feeling more like their old selves, back/butt still sore on occasion but manageable. Last shot next Monday. I have no idea what to expect at Boston, will try to stay comfortable and enjoy it. Not much training to rely on!! Have a great day!
                      (My only saving grace is that nobody reads these late evening posts) Big grin
                      Oh, really? Mariposi must be a really cool mom if teenage kids are not embarrassed to be seen with her. I thought parental embarrassment was a requirement for teenagers?
                      5 miles on the eliptical, then I set the resistance as high as it would go for the last 5 minutes.
                      Max burn, baby! 4-H is about sewing and cooking??? Who knew? My DW’s mother was a girl scout troop leader so she went on countless hikes and camping trips and did all sorts of crafts, which still come up in conversations from time to time. Sounds like maybe that’s what you should have joined.
                      I have no idea what to expect at Boston, will try to stay comfortable and enjoy it.
                      I understand the key is to bank time by running the early downhills as fast as you possibly can. Evil grin Nothing for me today. Went to bed way, way too late and was dragging myself awake this morning. I’ll try to get some core work in tonight but I’m not even guaranteeing that.

                      Be safe. Be kind.

                        Trying to read before posting, but I keep getting interrupted, so I will just post and read later (sorry). Plan had 3x1mi interval repeats, but I didn't feel up to it. Decided that wasn't necessary this close to the race, so ran at a bit better than MP without any problems. 8.1 miles, 1:03:36, 7:49/mi, AHR 159 (82% MHR)

                        Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


                          "4-H is about sewing and cooking??? Who knew? My DW’s mother was a girl scout troop leader so she went on countless hikes and camping trips and did all sorts of crafts, which still come up in conversations from time to time. Sounds like maybe that’s what you should have joined." 4-H Head, Heart, Hands and Health Far from cooking and sewing. I was in 4-H from as young as I can remember until I graduated high school. I showed Livestock at the county fair thru 4-H......Herferd Steers, Rabbits a couple of times, and Hampshire Hogs. Great program.
                            Far from cooking and sewing. I was in 4-H from as young as I can remember until I graduated high school. I showed Livestock at the county fair thru 4-H......Herferd Steers, Rabbits a couple of times, and Hampshire Hogs. Great program.
                            Now we're talking! I don't know what SueT was involved in. Confused

                            Be safe. Be kind.

                              Plan had 3x1mi interval repeats, but I didn't feel up to it. Decided that wasn't necessary this close to the race, so ran at a bit better than MP without any problems. 8.1 miles, 1:03:36, 7:49/mi, AHR 159 (82% MHR)
                              Nice run Beer...I have a similar run scheduled for tomorrow with an easy 5 on for later today. I'm curious as to what your goal is for Boston?

                                thanks tramps, Yesterday's track w/o will always be tacked away in my memory treasure chest. It was so neat to hear the kids say, hey, that it Daniel's mom (yeah we live in a small community where people actually know each other), or better yet...I wish my mom could run like that. When I thanked DS last night for the neat experience he said...hey...thanks for being a role model for me and for the chance to brag about you...after all how many old mamitas are marathon runners Roll eyes Recovery run is to come this afternoon. Holly, isn't it crappy that in most homes it is the woman's job to clean the clutter...had the same issue the other day, but no paint thank goodness, but on the other hand DH does the laundry 1oo% of the time and does the grocery shopping. slo-hand, great intervals last night. Are we going tri??? with the bike commute and swimming...just wondering. sue, sleeping is good BRFB, good call there. Look at your HR with those MP pacesShocked

                                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
