Masters Running


Monday Post Holiday Runs and Stuff (Read 511 times)

    Mike - yikes!!  so glad they are all ok!!

    Karin - thanks for the explanation - I was wondering why the change too.  Sounds great and I'm sure it will work for you!

    Leslie - that soup does sound YUMMY!!  I made 2 pots of chilli today - one with hamburg in it for the men and the other vegetarian for me Big grin

    OM - you are going to be awesome - both in Disney and with your recovery!

    Avenger Doggie - looks like you had tons of fun in that snow .... hope you keep it tho - for now I am enjoying our NE winter without any of it!!


    Today - 20 minutes arc trainor, 20 minutes step-mill, upper body, core, abs 

    looking for -5 by March as well!!

    my cats were hissing at each other a lot today - wonder if they are missing Casey tooCry



      I should come clean and say that the "Me Minus 10" is originally from a columnist at the Washington Post. I can't recall who now, and I'm too lazy to look it up. But I thought the "Me Minus 5" was good for most of us, and if you need to do it over again, that's great. It keeps working in multiples of 5. Big grin


      Karin, I'd probably have to be in a 12 step program to not count miles, but I've heard of others going just for time and it's a good approach. On the treadmill, I frequently do that, actually. I usually say I'll run for at least 45 minutes, but then see how many miles I get in that amount of time. I don't like to get on the thing for less than 45 minutes usually, which is usually good for 5.3 miles (see, I can't help it!), but then a long run is usually at least 2 hours (about 14 miles...). It will be interesting seeing how this works for you this year.


      Wow, Mike. That looks similar to what my GF and I did on the way back to school from my grandma's after a weekend visiting her in La Crescent, MN. Hit black ice, spun around and rolled the car, landing on a barbed wire fence. We weren't hurt, but were pretty sore the next couple of days. 


      Denise, I bet they do miss Casey. After we put Cheyenne down, Midnight yowled around the house for a few days. It was heartbreaking; they were so close. Now we have a new kitteh and he thinks of her much like Tag thinks of Honey. Hey, I found a gal here who cut my hair very much like Faith did! 


      Hey Larry! Good to see you here again! Hope things settle down for you; your work life is crazy like Steve P's can be. Speaking of Steve P, I hope you get what you wished for for New Year's. 


      It's still damn cold here. My dad reminded me that it could be worse... but that's little comfort when it's -30 and colder every night, barely warming up to -22 in the day. Geez... give me a break! While treadmills may not be the ideal running experience, it's certainly better than heading out into that every day. So... 4.1 miles today in 35 minutes, then headed to the gym with DH and the DSs for some elliptical and weights. You'd think with so many double workouts I wouldn't be needing this "MM5" thing... but... oh well, it is what it is. 
