Masters Running


Monday Runs - Or Sleeping In??? (Read 562 times)


    Happy anniversary, Mary. Tom, a wonderful picture-and don't worry about 'old'-may you age like a fine wine (and with fine wine). I wore my Mets hat (my son lives in Brooklyn) and received several supportive comments (exceptional in Boston where anyone wearing an NY logo is not appreciated). Too bad about them Sleepy. Marj is cooking up a storm for Rosh Hashanah (brisket and eggplant plus other stuff) for our hungry guests and ourselves. And we also had time for a 'rapid' 4 miler. Marj pushed me and I responded with a faster than usual pace Smile.
      . DD proudly told me, “My teacher said I must be PRET-TY BRAVE to talk to her that way.” She thought this was a compliment. Roll eyes
      LOL That's hilarious!!! (when it is not your own child...)

      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


        I was wondering about Ribs and Karin myself. I would be so disappointed if they won't post on this site any more. Any ideas on how to get them back???
          Very handsome family, the selbs! and enke and Holly....I used to get As and Bs in elementary school, and Cs in "Citizenship," which was the then-going word for Deportment or Behavior. I think it was a double standard that discriminated against girls who were tomboys Wink. For example, once, on a Friday when I was in line to get a gold star sticker for having finally been good all week, we were all sitting at our tables waiting to be called up to the front. I was bored, so I offered to teach the kid next to me, Tommy, how to arm-wrestle, something my brother had taught me not long before. We thereupon engaged in a quiet set of arm-wrestling, which seemed perfectly fine to me, and a good way to amuse outselves while waiting. The teacher didn't agree. Black eye grins, A
          Masters 2000 miles
            Congratulations, Tom, on your son's wedding! And congratulations to Mary on your 24th anniversary. You should have run two extra miles this weekend to make it 24 & 24 within 24 hours! Rest day spent mostly in the car on a long drive today. Maybe a run tomorrow morning...

            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

              I was wondering about Ribs and Karin myself. I would be so disappointed if they won't post on this site any more. Any ideas on how to get them back???
              I think they must be busy. I don't think they'd punish all of us for the insensitivity of another. It IS hard to post on 2 boards, I know I can't. The overall tone of this forum is quite special and the vast majority of posters try very hard to be respectful of each of other, while still being honest. I've always thought that bit of wisdom that seems to come with some degree of age is what sets this group apart from most online fora (forums?) There are often people who stop posting from time to time for various reasons. Unless we are prepared to go after each and every one, coming up with a plan to get some certain folks back may hurt some feelings of others "we" as a group don't pursue. Of course, what we do as individuals is our own business. Just my $0.02. Amy
              Masters 2000 miles
                Monday - 9.03 miles - 1:11:58 (7:58) Avg HR 135 Max HR 151 mostly sunny and 72 degrees today. Smile 2 miles warmup - 4 miles @ mp - 5 x 1 min @5K w/5 x 1 min recovery - 2 miles cool down. 8:59 - 118/126 9:00 - 122/127 7:40 - 136/141 7:30 - 142/147 7:30 - 142/146 7:28 - 142/144 7:20 - 147/151 8:01 - 138/146 8:14 - 136/139 0:10 - 136/137 This is a workout that I have seen mentioned several times, the latest in this past months Runners World Magazine. It is one that some use 6 days prior to running a marathon, so I figured what the heck and gave it a whirl! That's it now, some pretty easy runs all week with a few strides thrown in here and there and maybe one or two mp miles at the most. Frisday will be a rest day and Saturday will be 3 very easy miles just to keep the legs feeling good. By the way thanks dg, and this ones for you Erika Dead I'll whine if I want to so there! Wink

                  By the way thanks dg, and this ones for you Erika Dead I'll whine if I want to so there! Wink
                  Nanny nanny boo boo. Wink May your treadmill always be at your beck and call and never come to a grinding halt in the middle of a sprint! Ribs is traveling to Chicago today for work. First a 5k race, now back to business. He is doing so well! Holly, my youngest is sort of like that. He gets detention for talking too much. And he got suspended for the last day of school last year (last day in middle school, too!) for "sagging," which drives us nuts. But we thought it was funny that to "punish" the kid, they basically give him an excused absence on the last day of school... a school he wasn't going to go back to anyway! Roll eyes Certainly not one of the vice principal's better ideas.
                    4 miles on the treadmill at 9:17 mile pace. Later, 4 more miles on the treadmill at 9:00 pace. Knees now humming with inflammation. Must drink water and gobble ibuprofen. Debbie, great 10 mile (PR) run yesterday. Ribs, if you are reading this, congratulations on your comeback 5K. You are a model of patient and self-disciplined training. I hope no one leaves, but people will do what they want. I've been handled more roughly than anyone, and I'm not crying about it. Dark Horse
                    I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.
                      6 progression-9:00>8:31>8:19>8:01>7:36>7:09 ---------------------------------------------------- Econo rocks with speed Rosie rocks with distance vent/whine --on heavy burden of illness surrounding several of my sick patients lately... eased suffering a couple of days ago as one long time friend/patient passed on but today's challenge was to ward off the grim reaper with someone else-which has been done for the moment, but for how long? vent/whine-- off As Arnold says, "I'll be back..." Tomorrow, I'll be stronger.
                        Congrats on the 5k Ribs!!!!! Aamos-your "fora" comment is funny. Progression this evening, from 8:44-7:37, 10.12 miles, 1:23:13, 142/ 160. I'm liking the cooler weather but the shorter days......meh.
                          Progression this evening, from 8:44-7:37, 10.12 miles, 1:23:13, 142/ 160. I'm liking the cooler weather but the shorter days......meh.
                          Walt - nice run, but mostly posting to let you know that recipe sounds great and I saved it for later. Thanks!

                          Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            Erika - what is "sagging?" Aamos - words of wisdom, for sure. Dtoce - your job must take a heavy emotional toll sometimes. Other times, though, there is probably the counterbalance of joy when you are able to bring someone back from the brink of death. Dark Horse - did you ever get a definitive diagnosis on what is up with your knees?

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              Nice 3 mile walk with mrsday. A scheduled non-run day, but is good to get out and about....I never look so good than when she's with me. Hello, Hello, back atcha Holly. dickyg, thanks for splainin' that for me. You know it brings up more questions, but I'll let it go for now. I truly admire musicians who can perform for a living. Music may be my greatest passion. Definately above running which I really kinda enjoy. Enke, I'm gonna be trying out some new saying such as "I'm here to tell ya" and "that's what I'm talkin' 'bout". I did see someone use the ever popular, "I tell you what" in one of today's posts. I can't remember who it was. I picked that phrase up from the T.V. animated sitcom "King of the Hill" I think I'm watching way too much t.v....I'm here to tell ya.
                              Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                                Erika - what is "sagging?"
                                Ahhhh, you obviously don't have a teenage boy in the house. "Sagging" is when they wear their pants down so low their underwear shows. The "Underwear de rigueur" is boxers, preferably patterned. DS2 also wears shorts like soccer shorts under his pants so he's ready for gym or soccer at any time... and his pants are frequently under his butt. Drives his dad nuts. I just roll my eyes. It's stupid, but the more attention given the behavior, the more pervasive it gets. And "rewarding" the kid by suspending him from the last day of school was just so patently stoopid. They should've made him stay later on the last day if they really wanted to make a point!