Masters Running


Thursday - July 3rd Daily dating/running (Read 508 times)

    Good morning. Well......we certainly got plenty of dating advice for Biketm yesterday. That actually was neat to see how everyone around here rallied around. At this stage in life these matters are not easy. A lot is said about people having "baggage" and this is certainly true at this age. Of course, if someone does not have baggage it means they have not been anywhere. Baggage is both good AND bad, depending upon the person. I had a great aunt who was the one to check with in our family for finding out how to date later in life. She outlived FOUR husbands. We always suspected it was something about her cooking, but that was never confirmed since we were not allowed to eat at her place. She was so funny, she would always pose SIDEWAYS for photos which proved to be very strange looking in the pictures. Here would be a group of people with a woman sitting "side profile" in the background. After the 3rd or 4th picture, you realized she was a part of the group. I just tried to find her picture to post, but can't get my hands on one right now. Anyway, she married a young banker first and he died after 10 years. Next was an aspiring concert pianist who sadly died soon after they married. Third on the list was a fine young minister whom she met at church. This was the longest of her marriages but after a good solid marriage, he died in an accident. Her final marriage was to the local undertaker who himself died, making her a widow for the fouth time. Sooooooo.......basically she married one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and four to go. Here we are at the last day of the work week since tomorrow is the 4th of July. This has changed my plans for running to lighter runs for the first of the week and a couple of longer runs planned for the weekend. I hope this works out. Have a great day Joey

    Marathon Maniac #957

      Good Morning! Thanks Vista for another wonderful start. My boss, out of town today, gave me the okay to take a vacation day, so YIPPEE, no work for me. Time to shop for the party on Saturday and clean house. Deez4boyz – great job on your 5K yesterday! I continue to be plagued with this mysterious butt/thigh pain, in spite of no running. Dg, bless her heart, has been e-mailing me questions and links for days, trying to help me figure out exactly what is hurt, but all the normal tests don't seem to hit the hot spot. I don't hurt much in the morning, but as the day progresses I get a deep ache in my hip/pelvis that is enough to make me limp the rest of the day. Oddly, though, when I do run, or bike, it doesn’t hurt much while I am actually warmed up and active, but pain sets in hours later. I finally made an appointment for this afternoon with a different sports doc. To be honest, I don’t have a lot of confidence in the first sports doc I saw about this. He said, “the pain you describe doesn’t correspond with my knowledge of musculature,” or something like that, as if I was making it up or something. His advice to “do PT, take Motrin, don’t run for a month, x-train if you like,” was just some generic crap he threw out because he didn’t know what was wrong. I want a definitive diagnosis because I need to know if I really need to stop running completely, if so, for how long, and what types of x-training are safe to do. Plus, I need to know if I have to give up my fall marathon plans, or if I can keep running but just limit to 3-4 days/week. 6 slow and gentle miles on the treadmill this morning. (After all, I have to be able to pinpoint the pain for the doc this afternoon.) Happy Thursday!

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Marathon Maniac #3309

        Good morning Smile That's a sorta Confused funny story about the 4 marriages, especially the last one. Yeah Joey, yesterday was interesting to say the least, and appreciate all the responses whether funny or serious.. I have been out with a few gals who have never been married before and don't have any children. After spending some time with these women it becomes apparent to me as to why this is for numerous reasons. Some people think being single is such a great thing...usually married folk because they think us single folk have it so good. Which to some degree is true, but also lonely sometimes too. I think the most frustrating thing being single and looking is...there is the right woman out there for me, and there is a woman who would find me the right man, but finding each other by fate is what seems impossible. deez4boyz...sounds like you had a very fun 5K race and fun afterwards Smile Hey Tall, do women grow on trees up there? If so, why don't you shake the branches a little, and let a few fall down my way Big grin Had a good mid-week long run last night that didn't really go as planned by Mr Ribs. Goal was easy running then 6 1000's repeats in 4:30 - 7:15 pace. Instead of typing out what happened, I will show what I sent Ribs last night after my run Ribs, I have good news and bad news. I am so into doing this right, and want to follow your training plan to a tee. I got to the track tonight and they had re-done it and there were no lines what so ever. So I switched my Garmin over to metric and thought I would run a few 1000's and mark where 1000 meters was, and run by feel. Problem was, after each 1000 I finished in a different spot and kept doing this till my 6 repeats were finished. I am consumed with accuracy and doing things right, that I want to know "exactly" where 1000 meters was on the track. With my watch on metric, I couldn't read what my pace was as I was running, as I can when it's on miles. Before I give you my splits, I want to tell you how I will do this differently next Weds. I will simply run 4:30 and keep a 7:15 pace going by miles instead of metric....that will nail what you want for the way, is Garmin as accurate on a track as just plan running, I assume so. Stats: 12.7 miles - 1:43 - 8:09 ave pace (good for a general training day, and didn't feel too hard) 8:46 8:25 8:59 8:43 1000's 4:02 - 6:19 pace 4:13 - 6:45 pace 4:19 - 6:56 pace 4:14 - 6:48 pace 4:15 - 6:50 pace 4:14 - 6:48 pace 8:39 8:24 8:28 8:25 8:24 I ran the 1000's as the same perceive effort as last week when I came close to the planned goal. But I can't seem to find the right pace when running fast. I know what 10 - 9 - 8 minute pace feels like, but below that I seem to be lost. Ok, new plan next week and I will get it right....but a good workout regardless. And to make things worse, it was super windy out, and running on the back stretch was very difficult. Hope you are doing well, and find out about what ever is causing you problems. Thank you sooo much for your help...I can tell a HUGE difference compared to what I was doing on my own And...10 cat lady is history. Tim Well, very soggy here this morning, but look forward to a 3 day weekend Smile Hope all have a great day with runs and such! Tim

        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

          vista - too funny!! i can't even imagine being married 4 times!! holly -- thanks -- my regular doc wouldn't send me for an MRI until i tried PT for awhile -- the PT has helped but when i still had pain she finally consented to an MRI and i have a slight bulging disc at L5 which presses on the nerve root ........sometimes the way you describe your pain it sounds similar........just a thought anyway - not sure how your insurance works, but maybe trying to push for an MRI would give you better answers. tim - glad you decided to RUN away from 10 cat lady -- she definitely sounds like she has issues!! the right woman is out there for you......i hear what you're saying tho -- and as much as there are times when i'd like to be single for a bit, i dont think i'd want to face the dating scene again and am glad to be going on 26 years of marriage this month..............i'll send "right woman" thoughts your way!! ;o)


            Anyway, she married a young banker first and he died after 10 years. Next was an aspiring concert pianist who sadly died soon after they married. Third on the list was a fine young minister whom she met at church. This was the longest of her marriages but after a good solid marriage, he died in an accident. Her final marriage was to the local undertaker who himself died, making her a widow for the fouth time. Sooooooo.......basically she married one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and four to go. Joey
            < rimshot="" /> Vista will be here all week! Big grin Big grin
            Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

            King of PhotoShop

              As Simon Crowell often helpfully says, "That was bloody awful." Slept late. Headed over to the dirt track to see how I feel. Later. Spareribs

              i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                Vista Big grin Tim.. I don't think the Garmin is very good for intervals. If it is off just a little the pace is way off. I use mapmyrun or google earth to measure road sections for 800m, 1000m etc. Curves throw off the garmin so there would be more error on a track. I've never run on a track because I don't understand all those markings(where to start, where to finish for 800m or 1000m... Confused ) 4 Magcal Healing Miles with 4 x 100m strides with Tory in 37:43 (9:26 pace AHR 141) Have great runs! Steve

                Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                  Rest day for me. 10k tomorrow and there will be at least 4 other RA people there from the Michiganders group. How about you tselbs? You gonna run Frankenmuth tomorrow and keep your 1 race per month streak alive? My doctor did the same thing with my back. PT first and if it doesn't get better they would do an MRI. He said that the treatment would be the same for just about anything the MRI found anyway and in my case I agreed with him. Holly, your situation is different since you don't know what the problem is, so it would be nice to get a better diagnosis.




                    Good morning from Atlanta, everyone... The drive down yesterday was not fun...groin muscle stiffened up pretty bad. Nothing much planned for today...Queen Pam plans on doing some major damage to the checkbook and some of my Atlanta buddies want me to play golf this afternoon...think I'll just go out with them and practice for a few minutes. All of yesterday's posts regarding Tim's date were hilarious..I think I was the only one who commented that she didn't seem all that bad...shows what a dork I am. I think Ribs cursed the Rangers...they lost by almost 2 touchdowns to the Yanks... I'll try to post something (probably a rant on how lousy I did) after the Peachtree tomorrow. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday, running or non-running. DickyG
                      Holly, be sure to post the diagnosis if you get one. What you describe sounds very, very similar to what I've been fighting the last 6 months. That said, I ran a very easy 2 miles this morning, partly because I wanted to run over the bridge and take a look at how swollen the Clinton River is this morning after yet another deluge last night. It was running really high and fast! But my hamstring started bothering me again -- maybe from the short run on Monday -- so it looks like I'll be back to resting it again for a while. Angry Obviously no running over the weekend, but my DW and I are taking our bikes to check out the new riverfront paths in Detroit tomorrow, and I've got a long road ride planned for Saturday. Can't waste the good weather when it comes. Better running luck to everyone else today!

                      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                        Morning all! Vista, that was funny (evryday!...Please tip your waitresses and try the veal too). Tim---on the pacing bit you have to practice, practice, practice....I know you want to do this exactly right, but it takes time to feel pace. Trust me, I know this. It may serve you better not to use the Garmin while you are getting into this. Two runs to report---last night's second half of the double run day went well. 5 miles at a very easy and mellow pace at 5:15 PM. At the base of the hill that leads to my house (1/2 mile) a young black bear sprinted across my path. Yowsa! I looked carefully for Mama bear and there was no sign, so I kept on trotting homeward. From a distance I thought the bear was my neighbor's Bernaise Mountain Dog Rosie and I was actually yelling for her until I got closer and the bear streaked across the road. I usually sees bunnies and chipmunks and the like in the morning....the serious dudes come out at dusk! This morning I hit the road at 7 AM for 8 easy paced miles---shake out run and enjoyed the scenery. Everyone's gardens are looking good. John Coltrane and Earth, Wind, and Fire on the iPOD. Off to get a mammogram and plow through the rest of my work so I can PLAY tomorrow. Until soon friends, Karin
                          Good morning, all! Vista - I'm still chuckling - thanks for starting my day off with a smile. Holly - a couple of years ago I had pain somewhat similar to what you describ - the deep ache that seemed to get worse as the day wore on. The ache during the middle of the night was the worst. Nothing showed up on X-rays, bone scan, etc., and I had various (mis)diagnoses of stress fracture and tendonitis. It turned out to be a nerve problem and took a couple of months to resolve. It comes back periodically but never as bad as the initial problem. Tom - enjoy that new Garmin!! I actually like the Garmin for running intervals, but I am a snail even at my fastest pace compared to the rest of the speedsters on this list. The thing I really like is that I can program the warmup, repeats and rest segments on my computer and then download the workout to the Garmin. DickyG - good luck with the Peachtree. Best of luck to all of our holiday runners! We have a stalled "cold front" over CT today and hopefully for the holiday weekend. 65 degrees with a good wind this morning for my hilly 7.16 miler @ 10:05 pace. Wishing safe travels to all of you who are venturing beyond home for the holiday weekend!

                          Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous


                            Good morning Boomers. Ran my 10K this morning. The pace was awful - around a 10:00 mile (forgot my watch at home). Lately, it takes me a mile to *unkink" everything. Then, I can run another two before my right hip starts to hurt. Today it was so bad I had to stop and walk a few blocks. I tried stretching out but no help. Now, because of my hip, I'm changing my form and my whole right leg hurts. Sad It's hell to get old, people... Lots of nice runs this morning by CNY Runner, Holly (gently done), Perch and Rochrunner. Dicky G - good luck with your race. How's the weather in Atlanta? Spareribs - hopeful that your run is okay. Let us know how it goes. Vista - 4 husbands??? What a woman! Thanks for the great start again today. Tim - how old are you? I have an absolutely beautiful 30 year old daughter. Single (never married), only 1 cat, and is just getting into running. She did her first 5K last month. Big news here - Bret Favre wants to come back. Just when we thought everything was settled, it's the same old stuff all over again. If I was Aaron Rogers, I'd be frustrated. That poor kid! Just when he thinks the job is his... Looking forward to a nice holiday weekend with decent weather. Enjoy your 4th, everyone. Jeanne

                              My schedule is messed up for the week, so today is my rest day. I belong to the Fredericksburg Area Running Club—or FARC. Unfortunately, FARC is also the acronym of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia—a decades-old group of insurgents--or terrorists, depending upon your political orientation. The Columbian FARC is no laughing matter, of course, but when I see “FARC,” I think “running club” not “leftist rebels.” So it’s always startling for me to see headlines that say things like “FARC Leader Killed in Attack” or, as in the paper this morning, “FARC Hostages Rescued.” My favorite headlines from the past though went something like this: “FARC: Aging Rebel Group Struggles to Survive.” I had to read the piece to figure out whether or not it was about our club. And this: “Cocaine Sales Fund FARC’s Efforts.” For a moment, I wondered if our group’s T-shirt sales just weren’t cutting it anymore.

                              Be safe. Be kind.

                       =============== ...oddly, I never knew my Entire Body could hurt at the Same Time shoulders/eyes/nose/knees/hair/eyebrows.... ...apparently a Plague Carrier was eating the Cheese Squares at the Wedding..... couldn't have been The Free Beer... ......30min not-fun run.... ................WALKED to the bottom of the Hill oh, never Start at the Bottom of a Hill either.... ,,,,,,,,trailrun tomorrow,,,,,at least it's flat ........good Plague Free running guys.......

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
