Masters Running


Monday, June 23rd, Daily (Read 575 times)

    Good morning. June is in its' final week and that marks the half year level for 2008. Interestingly enough, while June is a slightly shorter month than some (30 days), the way the calendar falls this year means that there are five Sundays in this month. I mention this to point out that this may be good for adding mileage to your month. This is going to be a busy week of work for me and fairly key to how the last half of the year will work out. The wheels of progress sometimes moves slowly and it is important for me to remember that what I do NOW, only receives the benefit much later. This is a good lesson for other areas of life too huh? My thoughts have recently focussed on the excellent work ethic for running that SO many of you have. That being said, it is an indication of just how seriously you take this running experience. Everyone is interested in building a solid foundation for being able to safely run well. That being said, it will be interesting to see the information that will be forthcoming from Spareribs in regards to some of the less mentioned aspects of running fitness that is SO important for preventing injuries and for building a strong base to work from. Enjoy your running experience today and throughout the week. Be sure to let us know how you are doing. Also be reminded that there are some good race reports that have been posted from over the weekend. Have a great day.

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Thanks Vista! Scheduled rest day for me. 9 miles yesterday. 5K race Saturday in which I beat my PR by a whopping 3 seconds! I knew I didn't have it in me right at the beginning - not to mention going out too fast. I'm still happy with a 27:03 though - but really wanted a 26 - even if it was 26:59. Wink I am having some foot pain. The bottom of the left foot where the joint is for the big toe. I know I need new shoes and hope that helps. Have a good Monday.


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


        Vista, you keep talking about how everyone else is running so well. Include yourself in that club too pal. Mary, you "didn't have it" but still ran a PR? I can't wait till you DO have it. 9.3 solid GA miles with 2 hard hill repeats. 8:55 pace overall. A strong run on Saturday and another solid one today. Kewl. Bill

        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

          WTG Mary! Sounds like Breeger is getting re-charged.. great! Very muggy morning for 4 Magical Healing Miles with Tory in 40:29 (10:07 pace, AHR 136) Lots of trees down in the neighborhood from yesterday's thunderstorm... and they are all Bradford Pear trees.... not their day. Have great runs! Steve

          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

          Marathon Maniac #3309

            Good morning everyone Smile Thanks Joey for another excellent start off...and food for thought. Nice PR Mary, when you felt like you didn't have it that day...can't wait to see how much more you can improve speedy girl Smile Bill, sounds like you may be finding your groove again....good job and great running there Steve....what an awesome weekend of running for you... you are a running machine. Nice recovery run this morning also....I need to start doing more of those, but have a hard time only running 3 or 4 miles once I am out there Roll eyes I had a mixed bag of runs over the weekend. Sat I had a long run planned with 3 miles at M pace, and 3 at 1/2 M pace. It was super H&H and I just didn't have it that day, but did get 15 miles in with 4 at M pace and 2 at 1/2 M and really struggled to just make it home. I drank plenty before and during my run, but still lost 8 pounds of fluid wieght....I just can't figure out how to drink enough when it's hot and humid out...and my HR was super high, I imagine because of the heat and or dehydration. Then Sunday I had an 8 mile run (8:28 ave pace) where my legs felt super... like I was running on air and my legs felt feather light, and HR super low but running faster....hard to figure this running stuff out sometimes Confused Hope all have a great day today Smile Tim

            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


              Good morning Boomers. Back to work today, so up at 4:30 to get in 6.5 miles in 1:00:30. IRC here - 59F no wind and blue skies. We've had a streak of decent weather here, and my heart goes out to all of you dealing with heat and humidity. Don't know how you produce such good runs in conditions like that. Nice 5K, Mary - a PR is a PR, even if it is only 3 seconds! And 9 miles yesterday - sounds like you're getting serious about that upcoming marathon. Another nice start to the morning by Vista - I always look forward to your posts and positive thoughts. Thank you! Nice runs Perch and Breger. Bill - sounds like you've worked your way out of your running "slump." Feeling better these days? Tim, you're a machine! I don't know how you manage runs in H&H like you have. Are you training for anything right now? The newlyweds get back from their honeymoon this evening. It will be good to see them and hear about their trip to Mexico. Good Monday runs, everyone. Jeanne

                Physical therapy session this morning, followed by some time in the traction machine to stretch my back, followed by dropping my car off for repairs, followed by a run home from the mechanic. Only 2.3 miles but I did 3x3 minutes at a hard pace. Depending on when I get the call that my car is ready, I may run back to pick it up. And



                Hill Runner

                  Good morning all, Nice running everyone. A rest day for me. Steve, nice prepping this past weekend for GrandFather Mtn...I'll be looking forward to the report. That's going to be fun... Wink Good runs to all today.

                  Upcoming Races:

                  Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                  Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                  Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                    Vista another great start as usual. I am coming off a low mileage week, my legs are feeling pretty fresh althought the rest of me... DW and I rode some singletrack on our mountain bikes on saturday. I took on a log that I thought I was capable of riding over, yada yada yada the log won. Hit my hip hard against a tree but I am not too sore today. Yesterday while working on our kitchen remodel I tried to move an outlet. I have discovered the previous owners have been very creative in previous home improvement projects. The outlet was not wired correctly and instead of taking the time to fix it I tried to replicate their wiring myself. Dumb dumb dumb! When the power was turned back on we got a nice spark and smoke show. DW said the power was off and I started to take apart the outlet again. Much to my surprise the breaker was on and I got a nice 110v handshake. Luckily all I got out of it was a slight headache. Hope everyone has a safe and productive week. Call me if you need any wiring done.

                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Good Morning! CNYrunner – excellent job on that mile race yesterday. A 6:20 mile on the day after a 20-miler – wow! I’m curious to know what you could do if you had been completely rested. Mary – nice 5K PR! Doesn’t matter how much time you shave off your previous PR, improvement is still improvement. Cranium – ouch! That’s scary! I think I’d be worrying about what other creative wiring projects the previous owners left smoldering in the walls, too. Shocked 5.10 recovery-paced miles for me today in a lovely 54 degrees (ave 10:25). Busy Monday, crabby boss, better go..... Happy Monday!

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                        good morning! Mary, I hope your foot's ok. And to join in harmony with everybody else... WTG!. Smile. Craneium, I think you should sit quietly in a padded room until the planets shift. Dave59, I'm sorry about the problems with your back but it's great to see how well you're doing in spite of it. TW, i think you said it well. like watching ourselves run. nice. Thanks Holly, Smile. I was happy. And thanks for the very nice nagging. i haven't been posting much of my cross-training, but i'm still doing it. This morning was yoga & callanetics. Last night some ab work. Saturday morning was about 40 minutes of Mark Verstegen's 'prehab', and 20 min. of yoga. Tall, I was glad to read you're using his Core Performance book. I haven't seen that version, but I wonder if it's similar to what I have... it's a dvd with 3 of his Running Training routines. movement prep, prehab, & rehab. I've only been doing it for a couple of weeks. This brings up a question. SR posted this a few days ago : "He also brings up another point about cross-training and otherwise "mixing it up" a bit, to give those repetitive running muscles, tendons and ligaments a break and yet still stay strong and flexible." I've been wondering if things like prehab, which are specifically targeted at least in my video to running movements, or especially if Michael Yessis' "Explosive Running Exercises".... which duplicate running movements with added resistance... knee drives, pull backs, things like that.... fit the description of "give those repetitive running muscles, tendons and ligaments a break".

                        King of PhotoShop

                          CNY, that is a pretty good time for a kid, a 7 minute mile. Is he running much? Nice work by you too btw. Congrats on the PR Mary, now ice and massage that foot. Perch, those Bradford pear trees when they get big, are like a giant sail. So when you get some wind, as we often do in TX, they are first to go. Craneium: Ouch! I knew I needed a recovery run today so didn't bring my watch. Four very comfortable miles in some very slow time that I don't care about. I was very surprised at how good I felt. Planned day off tomorrow. I start a week long trip today working all week in Sioux City, Iowa. Spareribs

                            Absolutely blown away by all the impressive long runs yesterday....Peter, Holly, Tramps, Perchcreek, Tallrunner, Ribs, Halllar, Lyndenrunner, Lamerunner,! Very impressive! Teresadfp: "One step at a time" is the only way to recover...I'm sure you've done the R.I.C.E. thing and taken all the necessary precautions...running through an injury is no fun. Didn't run yesterday...decided to rest the ruptured groin muscle. Hoever, like a real doofus, played 4 softball games, although I only DH'd in 2. Didn't try to run hard and didn't even attempt to pivot on any double play balls. Did 4 miles this morning, although walked part of the last my time below 39 minutes but I'm still disappointed that I'm getting tired so fast. I guess my goal of a sub-50 minute Peachtree is pretty much down the tubes.

                              Is it my imagination or is there more running than usual for a Monday? "Sparky" Craneium--I don't remember Norm Abrams ever doing that. Tongue Interesting recovery story from Enke yesterday. Low-key 5.2 for me today @ 9:22.

                              Be safe. Be kind.

                                Morning all-- It does seem like a busy running and cross training Monday---good stuff. I ran 8.6 miles in 1:16 (8:52 pace). The time doesn't matter much, this was just a run as you feel like run. It was pouring rain at the start (woke up to thunderstorms at 5 AM) and then just drizzle at the end. Humid but only 62F---- all good. It's clearing now with another line of storms on the way. This means that little league baseball playoffs are likely delayed and then they'll be crammed into the end of the week. Oh well. Thanks for the props about the mile race. Holly, not sure what I could do on fresh legs. This wasn't a focus race, but some day it will be good to race outside of a marathon training cycle with proper rest. I am thinking there is a 5:50 still in there, who knows! When they shouted out 3:15 at the half mile mark, I thought to myself----30 years ago I could do that in 2:15---I guess one minute slower in 30 years isn't so bad! Ribs, my son doesn't run much as ice hockey and baseball are his first loves. He has taken more of an interest lately and wants to race a 5k with me at the end of the summer. We go to a nearby track and run twice a week as he builds it up. He has grown 5 inches this year (his big thing is to call me Little Mama and pick me up....oy) and has gotten a lot stronger. It was fun to watch him yesterday---especially the last kick to the finish. The official results are screwy and list him at 8:02. He doesn't plan to delete the 7:02 real time on the watch though! There were lots of speedy mother/daughter pairs at the race yesterday. My favorite was a 53 year-old mom in 6:03 and her daughter in 6:02. Craneium! be careful......take dg's advice! Yikes. Nice racing Mary and be good to that foot. Nice running Breger, Perch and Peter. Safe travels Ribs. I only have one airplane day this week (to Plymouth, Michigan for just the day) and am very grateful. I had jetlag induced naps over the weekend. Time to refill the coffee cup and get back to work! Until soon Karin/CNYrunner