Masters Running


Saturday March 29 Runs (Read 482 times)

    Got the 6 miles in @10:19 was a very nice morning as Paul has eluded to .....but no mist....I like mist. Went and help Mom fill out the 1040A so she can get the tax stimulus money....she can use it. Now I'm gonna settling in and watch OSU girls in the sweet 16! Go pokes (pokettes) Tim...."Hold on loosely and don't let go...if you squeeze to tightly to it, you're gonna lose control," btb...cake is good. Later, my firiends.
    Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM have done well with the brackets there. Mine are so messed up now that I won't even comment. I have the NCAA Women's guide here, but not the men's to look up your trivia question. I venture to say that if you put the equation as same two schools in both men's and women's play ON THE SAME DAY, you are likely to find this is a first. Even without the same day dimension, this may be a first for this late into the two tournaments ie......sweet sixteen and on. Joey
        Good to hear Spareribs happy about his progress. Holly, take along a 1-iron on your race tomorrow. Even God can't hit a 1-iron. Some of our friends, DW and I went out last night and saw "Wicked" at the Performing Arts Center. What a great show! I love going to plays and musicals. Never get enough of them... 4 miles easy on the treadmill. Just loosening things up for tomorrow's 20 mile LR. Bill

        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Holly, good luck tomorrow. Is this the race you did last year that was measured short after flooding made them re-route? Have they verified that it's really 26.2 this year? I'd think a lot of people would be asking about that. Take it easy and remember the big goal is Boston, not this one.... (btw... how'd the house inspection thing go? How was it having DD at work? I hope she surprised you with her good behavior!)
          Erika - yes, this is the same race, but they moved it back to Xenia instead of Dayton, and it has a new course this year, mostly bike paths and country roads. With only 120 registered for the full marathon, there will be little or no crowd support, but it's got to be way better than running loops around my neighborhood of identical brick ranch homes, and maybe I'll find someone running my pace and make a friend. Smile Still haven't heard anything back on the house inspection on our house. Today we had the inspection on the house we want to buy. We didn't really learn anything new (that's good I think), but confirmed that we need to start out by sinking a large chunk of money ($6,000-7,000) into replacing their 17 y/o heat pump and 30 y/o air handler. Avoiding that expenditure might even be why this young couple is selling the house, but even with that, it still falls within what we budgeted for. DD was pretty good at work, until about noon.... Big grin.......So I took the afternoon off..... Oh yeah, and I shaved my legs today, too, just in case I decide on a skirt tomorrow, instead of running pants....

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            ... maybe I'll find someone running my pace and make a friend. Smile
            Pick someone tall Holly. With those abs of steel and your iron will, you will be be an inviting target for Mother Nature. Have fun tomorrow.

            One day at a time

              I had a great time running today. It was in the 20s and very windy, so I headed to the Y with my 9-year-old daughter. She's too young to use the treadmills, so she and I ran on the tiny indoor track that goes around the fitness area. 19 laps equals one mile!! I was dreading it, but it turned out to be the highlight of my week. She's already faster than I am, but she went at my pace since was trying for a PR - 4 miles straight. It was pretty cute, because she's tiny for her age. Coincidentally, we were each wearing navy shorts and bright pink T-shirts. 76 laps is a lot but we did it! I actually went a couple of more but didn't want her to have to wait any longer for me. Go, Texas!! My parents went to Houston to see them play. They're also going to the Final Four in San Antonio, whether the Horns get there or not. My dad is a college sports nut (major understatement). He's the Chair of the Men's Athletic Council at Texas, so I don't think he will ever retire!
                Mr. congrats on a Great week.....things are comin together....
                  Teresa - sounds dizzy going round like that, but probably more enjoyable that bouncing up and down and going nowhere. Well, my 5K was cancelled! Cry I found out after I had driven one hour north through all varieties of weather, sun, rainbows, black clouds, pelting rain the size of quarters on my windshield. No snow falling but there it was already on the ground, sticking tenaciously to the bike path where the race was planned for. I guess the RD though it was just too dangerous, and he was probably right given that a lot of the participants today would have been differently abled people. Anyhow, I called my DH on the way back, and he said, "Oh yeah, I know it is cancelled, they called here right after you left, but I didn't hear the phone ring because I slept until almost 10:00 and by the time I got out of bed and saw the message....and I didn't think you carried your cell phone with you anyway..." So, two hours of needless highway driving this morning and someone is losing points with the wife rather rapidly today... 6 miles on the TM, 2 of them at 8:20 pace. Woa, felt like puking after that session. Probably a good thing I didn't race today. btb- I got fat just reading that recipe.

                  "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                    6 recovery miles after my son's soccer game. I am glad I fit in the LR yesterday. Weather is not a bit pleasant today.

                    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                      Five miles on a perfect spring afternoon. (Sorry that so many of you are still dealing with wintry weather.) Pushed the HR a little to end up slightly-below-slug pace, but felt good the whole way. Almost skipped running today (exhausted from a crazy week, feet hurt from kid-wrangling in dress shoes yesterday, stomach off from too much gluten all week), but experience said I'd feel worse if I didn't run, and I was right. Sometimes listening to the voices in my head is a good thing. Wink Holly - I hope the only lightning for you tomorrow is related to your fleet feet, not the weather. Nono - have a great time at Ocean Drive. My thoughts will be "down the shore" with you, even though my body will be stuck in PA. btb - the kids-wrangling did not require spurs or lasso. These were orchestra kids. Their idea of being wild is reading while listening to classical music on their ipods. When they get really wild, they play trivia games with one another. Jylnne - definitely indulge in some pampering with DH away golfing Liz - so sorry you're still hurting in both body and spirit; hope both heal quickly Teresa - 76 laps! I'm about as OCD as they come, but I'm not sure I could focus to count that many! Too cute that you and DD were dressed alike. Sounds like both of your kids got awesome running genes. Vista - even though I'm slower than a glacier before global warming, I figure that if I'm airborne for even a nanosecond, I'm not jogging, I'm running, darn it! That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Earth Hour sounds like a cool idea. I have electric candles in every window that go on at dusk and stay on all night. Think I'm going to start turning them off when I go to bed, which may be very, very early this evening. Eliz


                      i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                        Sounds like IRC Holly! Teresa.. I'd never be able to keep count. The Boston info came in the mail yesterday. They have Blue bibs foir the first wave and red bibs for the second wave. Just reminds me of "Red Fish Blue Fish": One fish two fish Red fish Blue fish. Black fish Blue fish Old fish New fish This one has a little star. This one has a little car. Say! What a lot of fish there are. Yes. Some are red. And some are blue. Some are old. And some are new. Some are sad. And some are glad. And some are very, very bad. Why are they sad and glad and bad? I do not know. Go ask your dad Some are thin. And some are fat. The fat one has a yellow hat. From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere. Here are some who like to run. They run for fun in the hot, hot sun. Oh me! Oh my! Oh me! Oh my! What a lot of funny things go by. Some have two feet and some have four. Some have six feet and some have more. Where do they come from? I can't say. But I bet they have come a long, long way. We see them come. We see them go. Some are fast. And some are slow. Some are high. And some are low. Not one of them is like another. Don't ask us why. Go ask your mother. ........ and much, much more:

                        Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                          Holly, good luck tomorrow. Sounds like a very small crowd though. Might be like a regular lonely long run anyway. Hope you find someone to share the road with. BtB, Great news that you are back running. hope this week goes as well for you. I ran the Flushing 1/2 marathon today. I posted a short RR . I still have not figured out who Marathon Derick is and now we have been at 3 events at the same time. Kinda like "where's Waldo" though at a race start up. and then I don't even know what he looks like other that he runs clydsdale division and lifts weights a lot. No picture in his profile so I just go around looking at allthe race numbers of all the big guys, Might not look to cool though escpecially where some guys pin on their numbers. Blush Good runs everyone

                          Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                            One fish two fish
                            This is funny. There was a week, several years ago while the girls were still in the house, that we talked like Dr. Seuss all week. Ok, we're weird. Cool

                            Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                              One fish two fish Red fish Blue fish.
                              So is this what they call taper madness?

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                                Good Afternoon Masters. I had to move my long run planned for today to tomorrow. MIL was going to watch DS while I headed to the gym, but she was feeling ill and DH had things he needed to do today, so I told him I'd switch my running days. But the sun broke out about noon and I got in a 3 mile walk. And then tomorrow after church I'll get in my 13 mile run. And tomorrow's weather is supposed to be nice, so it all worked out. I'd rather run outdoors in the sun, albeit a bit chilly, then on a TM anyday. That recipe sounds good BTB. Too bad I just made up a batch of yummy oatmeal coconut cookies. These are fattening enough. Ribs - nice to see you returning to your running form. And of course, your curmudgeonliness is nice to see as well.

